Astroturfing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2018-08-12
Organizations can hire fake advocates who create the illusion of real support for their message. It’s a shady practice called astroturfing that can warp the public perception of anything...even astroturfing.

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All Comments (21)
  • @sleekotter1109
    I had never heard of this and wholeheartedly thought this was about artificial grass ruining the environment or something.
  • @Cbiz210
    "Save Our Tips" sounds like an anti circumcision group... 🤣
  • @natew.3657
    Feeding your family with soda? Interesting priorities mom.
  • @lordfangar5671
    Hearing john back down because "he legally cant say" is weird after seeing the whole "Eat shit bob" saga
  • John Oliver may look like a toucan, but he has the sage advice and wisdom of an ancient British turtle. Keep up the good work!
  • @Matthew_Murray
    The fact that there isn’t a law that says “It’s illegal for a person or company to pay, or provided financial benefit that can be easily converted to payment, a person/group for the purpose of political demonstration” is surprisingly shocking.
  • @enderz1341
    I can't spend 2 cents more on soda!! What am I going to drink? Water?
  • @jdvr3891
    I do think the Prince-guy deserves real credit. He felt remorse for what he had let himself be temted into, and immediately came clean about it. Sir, you have courage.
  • @SamMasghati
    Recent episodes have been very informative. But this adresses a problem we didn't know we have and no one is talking about. More of these please
  • @minieyke
    Personally, I just love how outraged soda lady looks at the prospect of paying some spare change more for her cokes. I don't see people that outraged over minimum wage stagnation, education inflation, or climate change and those negatively affect us all. She's a true American.
  • @1234eldibu
    I feel like “skepticism is healthy; cynicism is toxic” should be a mantra when consuming any kind of news.
  • @nyjets2020
    sometimes this show feels like a college lecture disguised as a late night show. and i fucking love it. thank you for informing me about this topic.
  • @markpinney7750
    The ceo of crowds on demand sounds like a chat bot that’s nervous about being caught in a stolen body.
  • I expected “Save our Tips” to be an anti-circumcision organization
  • @KBikert
    This is what I love about John Oliver's show. This is a political satire show yet they do more journalism than the majority of news outlets out there. Everyone else is just reacting to whatever is trending. John's main segment always blows my mind. They talk about stories that no one else is talking about. Stuff that should be bipartisan issues as well.
  • 4:04 I love these segments where he legally can’t say the truth because of lawsuits, he’s got great work arounds
  • Prince Tyson looks like a discount Boris Johnson, who already looks like a discount Donald Trump