Stevie Wonder - You Haven't Done Nothin'

Published 2008-01-07
Stevie's political song set to some images which speak for themselves

All Comments (21)
  • @2007cgarza
    I revisit this video over the years, from Vietnam to Iraq, unfortunately will resonate in the future to something...
  • @MsTalented10th
    LOL so, so true. For the past two years every time I saw Bush on TV that song popped in my head.
  • @andrewhinds6560
    Probably Stevie's best song ever and still relevant today as it will be for many many years to come.
  • @ahend59
    i was wondering when someone would put this song and Bush together, as they go together very well. thank u so much for posting!!!!
  • @layoutzz
    Fabulous compilation of images and most fitting for this song. And the struggle continues ...
  • @ewaf88
    Thanks - I actually transferred the audio from the original album which I bought in 1974. Nothing has change politically since then - only technology
    Carlin was right saying we are in a "war" (Policing) every 20 years, almost in time to forget about the last one. We need to teach our children in order to break the cycle. When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. Jimi Hendrix
  • @Dune137
    I heard this song earlier today..first time in many years...and the first thing that came to my mind was that someone should dedicate this to Bush & Friends. (I know, a little late, but its perfect.) Thanks for making/posting this video.
  • @lauraW38
    Well done. This song is as socially relevent today as it was in 1974, which goes to show us how far humankind has NOT come.
  • @MsJoy4ever
    the images go perfect with the song, great video !!!
  • @hilltopboots
    Stevie called it a nightmare that's become real life. How in the fuck can a blind man see what the sighted can't? Nice photos to go with a timeless hit. Gets the hilltopboots seal of approval. OUTFUCKINGSTANDING!!!!!
  • @NatashaY94
    @bigfootkitty - Not only was it written DURING the Nixon Administration, it was written ABOUT Nixon and his acolytes.
  • @BruceHawes
    "Nelson Mandela, who will continue your dream of racial & equal economic opportunity?"   Freedom and liberty throughout the world is now threaten by corporately funded politicians who are attempting to roll back the progress that was made through the struggles of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and you, Nelson Mandela. Your dream should not end with the end of your lives. Now it is our turn individually, to continue to fight for your dream. The fight against non-racial and economic inequality continues. And it starts with you and me. BH
  • @bigfootskitty
    It WAS written during the Nixon Administration. Richard Nixon ran on the "get us out of Vietnam" platform, But at the time this was released, Nixon had Just Approved Crossing the border into Cambodia. This led larger & larger numbers to believe that he was Actually EXPANDING the war, After promising to get us out. This is why the "You haven't done nothing" lyric
  • @MrBarr49
    Song is timeless. It was written for Nixon back in the early seventies but it can be applied to most recent Presidents.
  • @AvlDao
    America's amnesia is frightening. The Oil Crisis of 1973, horrible economy of 1973-1975, failed military adventures of Vietnam, and our inability to withdrawal orderly from a lost war without leaving behind our loyal undercover allies exposed. We forget it all. Hell, by 2001 we had forgotten the World Trade Ctr had been bombed in 1993. So amnesia is why Stevie's 1974 record sounds like it's written for 2008.
  • @92bravo
    Brilliant! You guys make my day. BTW, Prez Johnson was just as responsible for Vietnam as Nixon.
  • @mommyjuju
    This song is to all the politicians around the world that as always right now at this moment are doing NOTHING!!!!