Voyage of the Mayflower II, 1957

Published 2009-01-10
A re-creation of the voyage in 1620 of the Mayflower from England to the New World. To purchase a clean DVD or digital download of this film for personal home use or educational use contact us at [email protected]. To license footage from this film for commercial use visit:

All Comments (20)
  • My old Dad accompanied it all the way from England, on HMS Ark Royal!
  • @vigo894
    No clean water, no modern sanitationand being dead in the water for long periods of time. It's like being on a Carnival cruise.
  • Byłam tam i zwiedzałam cały skansen w Plymouth, coś pięknego ,warto odwiedzić i dowiedzieć się o tym okręcie jak również o historii przepłynięcia pierwszych osadników z Anglii w Ameryce, fascynujące!!!
  • @gayprepperz6862
    Imagine all of those people crammed into that tiny ship, and then crossing the Atlantic at one of the worst times of the year. The Atlantic storms are notorious. Very brave souls! My ancestor was on the Speedwell that had to go back to Leiden, his name is Thomas Blossom Sr. He came on the next journey over, but died not long after arrival. His death is noted in Bradford's journal.
  • @777dodie
    Thank you for this. I remember visiting with my father in 1957 before they sailed.
  • @susanprice7202
    On Thanksgiving Day 1957 the Mayflower II opened to the public. I was there and got to board the ship which seemed incredibly small to have made such a long journey. The huge crowds that day were very excited but patient with the long lines. Just to give perspective it was just one month prior in October 1957 that the Russian satellite Sputnik (the first artificial satellite ever to circle the Earth) had circled far over our heads. At night Sputnik was visible from our front yards and everyone was outside to watch it travel overhead with it's blinking lights that were visible from the ground.
  • @sgit1
    I remember going on board with my class in NYC. What stuck in my mind was how cramped the interior was - even the low ceilings. I was told people were much shorter back then.
  • @felipev8927
    awesome ship and voyage !! my dad has one Man o war/Mayflower ship, model of Revel kiko made in Brazil !!! thx for post this great vídeo !!! God bless !!
  • I love this, I just tweeted it out. I think all the whiners of today who think that the voyage of the Mayflower was no big deal, and all the Pilgrims did was oppress the natives as soon as they stepped off Plymouth Rock. We have to stop thinking about "diversity is our strength" and instead think about us all being Americans first, and after that, it's completely your own business and no one else's. In my childhood we learned about our nations history, and we didn't think about sex at all until about 6th grade... and we certainly didn't like to think that we might not be the sex we were born.... I mean, no girls wanted to be boys, none I knew, anyway (and I was the most tomboy-ish girl in class. I used to hang with the boys.) OOps I got off-topic. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
  • @simonwarner2018
    Hahaha I love all these semi-modern folks having a great time on the voyage but technology was super fucking limited back in 1620 so most people just got sick and suffered the whole voyage. 102 people doesn't sound like a lot but that's 102 people crammed into the lower decks of a ship that's constantly rocking back and forth in the waves. You've got barely enough rations to survive the trip and there's probably no doctors or medicine.
  • @TK-4200
    I hear merrymount was the place to be banished to
  • @dallasburns9370
    You do realize there is a difference between the Pilgrims and the Puritans right? You would never find John Winthrop admitting that he was a separatist which is what William Bradford and the Pilgrims were.The Pilgrims in fact did come to America on the Mayflower captained by Christopher Jones and they did make a compact before landing recognizing the need for a civil Government. They also were not alone as about half of those who came were not even Pilgrims but fortune seekers.
  • @Empyrean993
    Please don't tell me you were actually taught that? The Puritans didn't even go to America on the Mayflower - they didn't go to America in order to avoid religious persecution either, they went in order to be able to persecute - what they objected to was the religious freedom in England which meant that there were many ranges of religion. In 1660, they hanged a woman named Mary Dyer just for being a quaker. They wanted to build a country where there could be no dissent from puritanism.
  • @XMasterDragon
    Okay so I would join England and ally Portugal them conscript The lower classes and load them onto dozens of exquisite colonist ships and take voyage to The New World and pass out papers on what land they should settle down on taking Louisiana and Georgia from The Current inhabitants and laying down The Flag of their Home Country in their dormitory rooms Then take The ships en route to Spain then proceed to forcefully conscript young men to take over Florida and The Yucaton...
  • @theresalux7394
    The real Mayflower became scrap wood for barn houses ETC. back in England understand this is a smaller remake which probably looks nothing like the real Mayflower did and they never landed on a rock