What makes life difficult in America for Immigrants

Published 2021-10-22

All Comments (21)
  • I am a Black American who has lived in four other countries and visited a considerable number more. I would say on average, the United States is more organized, efficient and does in fact have more freedoms and economic opportunities than many places in the world. Despite many perceptions, I would even say on average it is even more generally accepting of diversity than many places in the world, despite the challenges of racism, sexism, religious discrimination, etc. that remain issues in the country. There is a lot of great things about the United States and I will never talk like it is a terrible place to live or has nothing for anyone. Like everywhere in the world, there are pros and cons. However I do find myself preferring many other countries on a general social level and general love of life level. To make US dollars in a country outside of the US is often a dream life for those who have traveled a lot abroad. In my experience, many foreigners who have never traveled to the United States, especially those in developing countries, tend to adopt a romanticized view of the States. I have many friends from other countries and I often notice that even their relatives in their home countries constantly ask them for money assuming they are living a massively prosperous life in the US even if they are told the opposite by that person and they assume if the person isn’t sending them money, it is because they are being greedy or stingy, not because the person is struggling to make it themselves. Although no one ever said life would be easy in the United States, many people still adopt the notion that everyone in the United States has not just a job, but a well paying job with plenty of free time for social settings and everyone owns a big house and a nice car. That just because the country itself is prosperous that everyone living within it must also be prosperous. Many people also forget that when the reputation of opportunity and economic prosperity was first garnered, the US population was much smaller than it is today and had more opportunities for immigrants of previous generations and more economic opportunities for upward mobility in general. The US population is enormous now and has grown by more than 70 million people in 30 years, literally one generation. I think that also creates more competition for well paying jobs, living space, etc. for such rapid growth in a relatively short amount of time. Sadly, not all jobs are well paying and we live in a capitalist society. On top of this, many jobs have disappeared through automation and technology, not to mention inflation the diminishes the value of the dollars that are earned. There are many factors. But agreed, the US is not an easy place to live. To be honest, I am not sure anywhere is.
  • Life is so short, so difficult. If you make enough money to survive and you are surrounded by familly and friends…forget about America. America and the American dream is not what you think. She is right about everything she said. Good video !
  • I’m from East Africa, moved to America in 2016 and I’m here telling y’ll everything she said is true 100%. Depression is real and overworking like a freaking donkey 16hr everyday 6 days a week. And this country isn’t safe at all everyone has gun, some people are rude and loneliness OMG it will kill you. Getting proper documents like a green card it can take years years. Be careful grass isn’t always green on the other side.
  • I want to say THANKYOU for being so honest. I left the US and came back home, north of africa , I loved the US I really did, a democracy and very friendly country, but I found my self economically struggling, I was constantly comparing with how it was back in my country. Most people do not have the courage to come back, I did, all my friends and neighbors and relatives think that I am silly , they wont understand. Thank you Ma'm for being so honest . Viva Africa.
  • @yannapositive
    I always tell people America is for working. Then you take the money, and go vacay in other countries. And it's lonely m. So hard. The only thing that makes it worth it is the ability to provide for your family
  • This is 100% accurate. We are workaholics, in huge debt, and never have free time. We are lonely and depressed. We don't keep in close contact with family and friends because we are so busy working. We work 40hrs a week plus overtime and spend 2 hours commuting in traffic each day. We often have 2nd jobs, and our spouses work as well. Our children begin working at 16-18. This is primarily to afford our cars and student loans. Owning a car is mandatory and we are addicted to our cars. Public transportation is not practical except in New York City. We are rule followers. Read the signs. Obey traffic rules. Wait your turn. Do not cut in line! If you break rules, it is so offensive that you will be attacked verbally by any average citizen, and this can escalate to physical violence very quickly. We are obsessed with personal space and privacy. Please don't stand too close when speaking. Do not make physical contact unless you are invited (it's considered very intimate). If you approach a stranger in a public place, you will be greeted with suspicion. We guard our children with ferocity so do not approach them unless we know you. Also, please be aware of your eyes. Staring or making excessive eye contact is considered invasive. It is uncommon in the US to smoke now. Smoking indoors is against the law. If you smoke outdoors, others in the vicinity will be deeply offended by the smell. Tip your wait staff. Employers give them low or no wage because it is expected that customers give tips. We love our pets. If we are walking a dog, you may approach and pet the dog, speak to the dog, easier than approaching the person. This is a great way to make friends. The only other option to make friends is with your coworkers. We have the best food! She must be talking about fast food. Avoid fast food or you will get fat as she said. Also, be wary of our huge food portions. Americans love our versions of Mexican, Italian, Indian, Mediterranean, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese restaurants. They are not authentic but they are quite good. Americans in many regions are very suspicious of foreign languages and cultures. Learning perfect English is crucial. If you have a foreign accent, you will be fine in areas where there are many others with the same accent. Big cities are more accepting of foreigners. But outside of those areas you will always be treated as an outsider. The same can be said with styles of dress. Americans are comfortable with conformity. Many Americans are open-minded but if you are foreign to them then you will have to overcome that first. The USA is huge and diverse, so what may be a useful generalization of people in one region may be the opposite of those in another.
  • Im from kenya living in new york city. So many people yet majority of them have no friends. The loneliness and depression is crazy
  • I’m American & she is right! The American dream isn’t real. We have to work hard just To stay ahead.
  • You killed me. 😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. The working until you die is so on point.Thanks for being honest.
  • @jhocast6967
    You're right.. Thanks for sharing this. Make me feel im not alone with my thoughts..
  • @txekoratsu
    I left my home country when I was only 20 to live the "American dream" I aways dreamed of living in the US. Today, 6 years later I'm here. Depressed. I have many things to be grateful for, this opportunity has changed me forever, but I rather consume less things, and collect more memories. The average American mindset is the rat race mindset, while there's nothing wrong with that. The way this dream is sold worldwide is like if it should be the one and only dream the entire world should strive for, when in reality this is not true. For everything we do there'll always be duality, the positive and negative. We just need to be honest with ourselves, be proud of everything we have done to accomplish our goals. But the most important: if your dream is to have a degree, get married, have kids, cars and a nice house to call yours, cool go for it! just dont push this dream or criticize others for not desiring the same dream. If your dream is also, living in a farm, collecting berries, helping others, cool! dont compare yourself to others collecting material stuff. Your dream is just as important as anyone else. When we die, we dont bring nothing of the material stuff with us. We only live once, and while this might sound cliche, it is the truth. This current system we live in, sucks. Everything is shaped in a way to have you always trapped, loans, debt and all that stuff. We need to be smart, play the game, save. Have discipline, but don't fall for the trap.
  • Akot you are so hilarious but all you’ve said is absolutely true. The only thing keeping me from going insane in this country is that I have given myself a timeline. I’m investing back home in Kenya 🇰🇪 so that I can go back. There’s no American dream no matter who you are. We’re all on a wheel like mice running ahead of our debts while we’re sleep deprived, lonely and depressed.
  • @MyEnglishWorld8
    Thank you for sharing with us with your thoughts 😊👍🏻
  • @kellikelly2731
    Excellent video!! Your truth will save another of broken hearts who do not have the correct information!!
  • You are hilarious you just gained a subscriber 😂😂😂😂lots of love from 🇰🇪
  • @wydiamakeba
    I want to thank u so much for telling the truth about this country. I am FBA and I appreciate your honesty.
  • @zuhawk15
    All the issues you said there are solutions for them. That’s what life is all about you face hurdles and then you overcome them. Stay positive God has your back you just have to make the first positive move.
  • @expatinbrazil
    Hi there! For this reason I choose Brazil to the States , here is more freedom and you have left some time to have fun ! Good video! Good luck and everything for the best !🙏🙏🙏
  • @iamforpeace
    Great video. If you haven't you need to do a part 2 to talk about all the social stuff that makes life difficult too. Like trying to find a partner or other Africans not being supportive or the violence in the city and prejudice. People need to understand life in America can provide opportunities but it will not be easy. It will take physical and mental strength and time.before they can truly experience the life the dreamed of in America .
  • @kbags091
    This is a very interesting perspective. Most Americans can't imagine living in the "poverty" and corruption of the African nations.