Tropical Fish Tank, Marine Style!

Published 2008-01-10
One of two old videos that I didnt want to remove, lovely tank miss them all.

All Comments (21)
  • @mikepage979
    Beautiful tank rob, also love how you have made it look so marine, its a winner all round
  • @8inary
    Thanks for your kind comments. I look foward to seeing yours. As I tell people all the time, I would love a marine tank, however do not have the time to look after one. Therefore, this is the best option for me. Some do not like it, others do, me personally think the water is the best 'gin quality' due to massive over filtering, and they are fed well also....happy fishes. post yours when ready
  • @8inary
    I would like to say, that I have never used tacky cheap products, all the rock you see in the tank, whilst it is artificial, is of high quality and hand painted, total cost circa £350, then there is around 75kg of coralsand and various plants and other bits, like the open lobe brain and the other thing I have in there. I enjoy it anyway, it is exactly what I was aiming for and is great to watch
  • @smiah1990
    thats a very nice tank. at the end of the day this is your tank and you can design it however you like.
  • @8inary
    Thanks matey. The shark is around 14" long. I used to feed the tank on bloodworms, and flake amongst other things. however nowadays, where we have to be more cost effective...I use flake as this gets everywhere in the tank, so all the fish get to eat, then I put in a good handful of defrosted prawns.
  • @xbeckieboox
    wow , love your tank, yours is how im trying to get mine to look but obviously failing lol
  • @8inary
    I know people will say prawns are not the right food for tropical fish, however having done this for many years, I know what they like and omg they love prawns. I only buy the cheap 'cocktail' prawns from the supermarket for £1.75, compared to the bags for £3.50. This gives me at least a good weeks supply for this large tank. Plus its ok on the wallet. Bloodworms are totally ok, I just buy them anymore due to the costs....also just had a lil baby, so the more we can save the better.
  • @8inary
    Hi I had two birchir senegals albeit one died a few months back. I also have a 3ft fire eel and a 1ft tyre track eel...all are great and I would buy again...they are great!
  • @8inary
    hi thanks for the comment, i have both fish, a green terror and a flowerhorn, the flowerhorn has had cosmetic surgery, not through me though - which makes it a heart shaped flowerhorn. To be honest, there is a good order of balance in this tank, there is hardly ever any fighting, just the odd push here and there. the flowerhorn is a good 8". I have another vid of the same tank in my profile, it shows the fish off more, including the now 23" fire eel
  • @8inary
    thanks sufina - the shark is no trouble at all, keeps himself to himself
  • @majkskys
    Awesome Tank! I've thought about doing the same since I had one before and it didn't go well. XD Great Job! =)
  • @8inary
    Hi Rock - thanks for your comments. I would however advise, that I am quite aware of the effects of using coralsand,I did my own research prior to using it, and I do check the water conditions circa 3-4 times a week. On top of that, I do actually do 3-4 water changes per week also, as I am not lazy!! Finally, I am very aware of salt water tanks, but I am not sure why you mention it, as mine is not a salt water tank, my tank is actually a tropical tank, with a marine twist on it.
  • @8inary
    Well, I was wanting a 'marine' type look, so I found an artificial marine rock that looks good and is not tacky, it is called TMC rock from TMC. It is a high grade artificial rock, which is hand painted to look like fuji rock. I also have 75kg of coral sand in there. I also have various sized rossa plants, which just finish off the look. I also bought in from the US, various sponges/corels just to give it a realistic look, like the open brain lobe, and the pink something mushroom looking thing.
  • @8inary
    to be honest, the effect is actually accidental. The airpump is a hiblow65, pushing around 4000ltrs/hour, so it gives a good bubble look, however at the time of the shoot, the actinic (blue) t5 tubes were on, so the bubbles just looks bluey
  • @8inary
    thanks for your response, you can with pleasure copy the style - i orignally started with some other fake plants, but realised with a tank this size i would need hundreds, so i opted for the TMC rock 'high grade casted from fuji rock and hand painted' and da darrr lol - post a vid when you have done it or starting, i also did an update which shows the 24" fire eel more - have fun
  • @8inary
    I must admit, I would love a marine tank, however, I could not give it the time and attention needed. With this tank, all I do once a week, is to put in hose pipe, turn on the water tap from outside, then unplug it, to allow it to back flow, after 10mins, I connect the tap and fill...that is it really. That said, marine tanks do look the do's.
  • @8inary
    I would love a marine tank, I just think they look so good, with both fish and coral etc. However, I just do not have the time, to give to a marine the moment, so, having had tropical for about 4 years, I decided to stick with tropical, had a custom made tank and made it look marine style with tropical fish.
  • @8inary
    Hi Larry, not sure which one you mean as two come into shot, the long thing with spines is a poly senegalus, the other 'fish' is a heart shaped flowerhorn....not of my doing i might add, i understand they have costmetic surgery when young, to make them heartshaped...i have another updated video of the same tank, also showing more of the 24" fire eel, look in my vids to see it
  • @8inary
    At the time of purchase, I didnt know what the issue was, then was advised its a practise that goes on overseas, its basically a beatification progress as they try and make them 'heart shaped', whilst its not allowed in this Country, it is in certain areas. Sad really as many do not make it through the process and if I had known I wouldnt have bought it.