FULL CIRCLE Special Vlog

Published 2019-12-05

All Comments (21)
  • I had to pause watching this several times as the tears just kept coming. I grew up with you guys on Full House and was so excited to get to live my adult dreams of watching you bring back the magic of the show. Thank you Andrea for taking us along on the journey through your youtube station vlogd and fir making us part of the Fuller House family. It's heartbreaking to think about what we will do without this show, but oh I'd never trade the last few years of joy you have brought us with it. Best wishes to everyone in the future and please keep vlogging...even if it is just, Andrea does her laundry. Missing you already. Thank you for this special video. Now where is that postman?
  • This was so tearful to watch. I remember crying my eyes out when Full House ended and I was getting to start high school. I am the same age as Jodie so you, Jodie, and Candace helped prepare me for my teenage years. When I heard Fuller House got the green light, I was beyond ecstatic!! I was going to see what happened to my favorite characters. Needless to say I was shocked that DJ became a vet, and Stephanie became a DJ. Somehow Kimmy becoming a party planner did not surprise me because she was always creative when it came to fashion and her ideas. Seeing you three again made my heart so full of joy. Now it is crumbling because I have to say goodbye to you guys again!! I think Netflix made a mistake ending the show and the Fullers/Tanners had more stories to tell!! I hope you will continue to act Andrea. You are very good at comedy!! I only hope one day I get to meet you wonderful ladies!!
  • @judeabussaud116
    I wasn't expecting myself to get emotional but the last bit just threw me off. The show has been a big part of my life and I'm so sad to have to leave it. I'll miss the show so much and seeing the cast together. You never know, there might just be another reboot in the future. I can't wait to read the book.
  • @skylad27
    Endings are not bad things, it just means something else is about to begin.
  • @NovaleeKate
    I am not ready to say goodbye to this show. I'm 34 years old and grew up with Full House and these characters. Not many shows could come back two decades later, last 5 seasons and recapture the magic of the original show while still bringing new life to these characters for a whole new generation to enjoy. For that, you all should be so proud of what you accomplished. This show will live on in the hearts of fans just as the original did. The entire cast and crew really did something special with this show. The ending of this vlog especially has me all in my feelings. Seeing you cry, made me cry and seeing Soni crying. My heart!! 😭 Seeing Soni reach out to hold Michael's hand during the table read was so sweet. Love you Andrea!! ❤💜💛💚💙
  • @jimfritz8983
    It's so evident that the love Andrea, Jody and Candace have for each other is real. Please continue to cherish each other ladies. What you have will bring you strength from now on.
  • @oliverponce843
    Like to see how many people cried at the end of the final episode.
  • @CockumBubi
    I’ve watched both shows a hundred times, last time with my daughter (9 years old). We’ve showed her Fuller House and she wanted to find out about the roots of the show. Her first impression was like „wow this looks old“ but a few minutes in the show she was amazed about the characters and the pure joy. We’ve made it a tradition to watch a episode every other day and now she’s is up to date with all of Full House and Fuller House. We can’t wait to see what you’ve prepared for the finale and we still hope from the bottom of our hearts that somehow this great cast can return. Greetings from Germany. Thank you for sharing this emotional story with us.
  • I literally just cried with y’all! I grew up with this show and will miss it soo much! Love you Andrea “Kimmy”
  • @silence8864
    This is for every tissue box on that table and who wants fuller house to continue ⬇️
  • @Loudsteubie1
    I just cried my eyes out I have loved this show more than anything. I cant belive its ending I grew up watching full house many episodes a day and to watch this while im in my 30s had been my favorite. I will miss the show so much. Thank you and the cast for so many years of love, laughter and tears. I cant express how much the shows helped me over the years. Now time to dig into the book!!! :) got mine in the mail a day early was very excited!! Thank you again ♡
  • @ElliePW1
    As Dr Seuss famously said “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened”. I am currently living by that ❤️😭❤️
  • @mace9192
    I balled my eyes out when I watched the last episode of both Full and Fuller house. You can't do this to me I haven't even been on this earth for 30 years and I still watched every one of those episodes. I will flow with joy if there is a Fullest house. I cried on not only the last episodes BUT also cried this day it's been (4 days) I believe and I am still crying. Andrea please always remember those memories with Jodie Candace and that whole cast as much as I do. That might not happen again and that final run through might be the last memory you had with the whole cast together... Also on behalf of Cosmo, May he rest so happily in peace he will remember you and everyone who came into his life. Love you all!
  • @themixedkid925
    This brought me to tears I may have not grew up when full house first came on but I still love full house and fuller house I just hate seeing all these people who grew up with each other or got to know each other on the full house/fuller house set just say there goodbyes it’s a truly emotional moment for not just fans but actors together as a whole. I will never forget the joy the full house/fuller house shows brought to me
  • @jonnycrowe9215
    Wow. This literally made me tear up. I love this show. Full House and Fuller House we’re both my go to shows to make me just feel good about life. They got me through so many of my problems. Andrea, you made me realize that it’s okay to be weird and be yourself. Kimmy has inspired so many people, as this whole show did. Thank you all! ❤️
  • @JamesTaylor54
    Jimmie here! I can't even watch this yet. I want to say that you have no idea how much this show means to all of us... but I just scrolled the comments. I think you know. And all I can say is THANK YOU. What a wonderful gift for you all to reunite and create such magic again... and what a wonderful gift to us to get to revisit the House that built so many memories. PURE MAGIC. (if it's typed in caps lock, you know it's serious) ANDREA! Thank you SO much for taking us all on this amazing ride with you!! Cheers to the past, the present, and the future... and this wonderful full circle of life!!
  • My condolences go out to this family on this set/picture. 🙏🙏 I'm so sorry for your loss. Danny Tanner will live in our hearts forever. I'm still watching Fuller House every day since it ended. 1/10/2022 from Albuquerque New Mexico 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😷😷😷😷