10 Game Levels That BLEW OUR MINDS

Published 2024-07-03

All Comments (21)
  • I know it's an old game now, but I'm surprised that the time traveling level from Titanfall 2 didn't make the list - Now that was mindblowing.
  • I thought the clockwork mansion level in dishonored 2 was really good, it was really clever
  • For me, pretty much any of the set peices in any of the Uncharted games. I honestly couldn't pick just one as each one is unique and awesome. I think the Madagascar car chase in Uncharted 4 is my favorite though, as its just a 10 minute long uninterrupted interactive action scene. Blew my mind when i first played it.
  • @e1ectrino
    Control with that crazy Ashtray Maze level should be here too
  • @phoenixdzk
    Titanfall 2's time relay level is the king of all mind blowing levels, at least amongst the ones I've played
  • The way FF7: Rebirth did the Temple of the Ancients was amazing. I loved how eventually, you just forgot if you were still upside down or rightside up 😂
  • @theoc007
    Instead of CoD Vanguard for Number 5 I think an actual moment that blew our minds was BF3 mission when taking off the carrier deck which never happened in games before with that level of detail. The CoD Vanguard mission was done so many times before and even in CoD WW2 which was a few years prior to it with the p-47 escort mission.
  • @ZlothZloth
    This list could be sooooo long! Dishonored 2's Timepiece and Clockwork levels, finding Blackreach in Skyrim (what is this, the Vault of the Drow!?), Witcher 2 had an even bigger narrative split than Cyberpunk, Control when you get demoted and made part of the rank & file again, that forever-hole thing in Dragon's Dogma 1, the Shadow Shard in City of Heroes, hospital escape in Metal Gear Solid 5, Saints Row 3's level on a "flying" tank, No One Lives Forever's mobile home park level, South Park: Stick of Truth's level where you climb up.... oh, wait, no. That one didn't blow my mind, it blew my stomach.
  • Summer break has always been fun with videos from Falcon and Gameranx.
  • battlefield 3 jet mission :) or far cry 3 when you need burn weed
  • @ayaxmcgill635
    let's not forget the guy who plays the sheriff in Alan wake also plays the protag of quantum break, I KNEW THEY'D B CONNECTED SOMEHOW
  • @KoreanSpy1997
    INSIDE's shockwave sequence's definitely one of the best game levels in gaming history.
  • @shanes6035
    Putting the CoD plane mission > BF3 jet mission is a crime against humanity.
  • @iainjames03
    Remedy are killing it right now. Not only are Alan Wake and Control beautifully intertwined but they're reclaiming their (technically) non-Remedy IPs in ingenious ways. Jesse Faden's even hinted as being an 'alternate' to Beth Wilder from QB (referred to as 'the red-headed woman') since both characters are played by Courtney Hope
  • @Wormage101
    I don't know if it really counts as a "level", but the opening hour in MGSV, in the hospital, was just magical.
  • @vince4503
    You forgot the Clockwork Mansion in Dishonored 2
  • @Tinfoil11
    I think the level that blew my mind the most was the Inside of the Rift Worm in Gears of War 2
  • @fuel10988
    Listing the rankings in the beginning of the video feels like a flex on the people who feel the need to do a public service and list it themselves and I'm here for it.
  • @xX2fast4uXx1982
    I love falcon's delivery in every video. Just amazing. He conveys absolutely everything in the very degree of emphasis in each statement he makes. As far as video game commentary goes, falcon, by far is the best. He talks the way I think about games.