Mars is very Spooky

Publicado 2018-08-19
This photo is a real trippy one because it shows a gigantic water hose pumping water towards that cliff area to the Left of the photo.You can see an earlier Hosed area that was abandoned and re built next to it a couple of miles groom the first one .
Life is so full of Life that there is never a day missed that does not astound me in a Higher Learning atmosphere sometimes confused with A full time Student / Teacher relationship allowing the student to Dream about what the Climax must Feel like when so induced by LUST in the most Sexy manner enough so that by the time I get thehouse I'm already wet with Cum that the Teacher will be eager to not let it go to waste in so she will lick and suck the last vestige of my thick Baby Batter that is always ready for the right woman to enjoy and go so Lusty tau eventually she comes to me in the middle of thenight and for as long as she wants evety night will be another chance for me to drench her Slip as i turn a white sexy Slip into a golden brown sticky Slip from CUM that will soften the slip and make it more slippery to move in a way that sucks my Cum as it is being disvharged into her Mouth at WHICH point she will hold on to a small amount to cum swap with me as again this turns her on and she starts telling me just how much cum she wants at each moment sad I've berm known to drop huge amounts on to her chest while standing over her as she talks lusty to me.
Ava is almost 70 now but still is such a slippery sexy woman that it is my sincere hope that she will FUCK ME AT LEAST ONCE MORE.
AUGUST 19 2018
@ Seattle

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