How To Be Consistent: 5 Steps To Get Things Done, All The Time

Published 2015-09-15
If you want to get things done and improve anything in your life, consistency is key. In this episode, Marie answers a question from Kat who asks, “I’ll be super productive for a couple weeks and then I fall off the wagon and get nothing done. How can I be consistent and make progress toward my goals without getting burned out or distracted?” Marie shares five secrets to staying consistently consistent in life and business. Why? Because the rewards of being consistent are HUGE.

Like it or not, being consistent is essential if you want to make any significant change in your life. It’s also a must if you’re looking to kick some serious butt and become world-class at anything. #MarieTV #consistency #howtobeconsistent

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All Comments (21)
  • @marieforleo
    Want to get things done and be more consistent in your life? Jump to these top tips: 1:11 — The secret to showing up everyday without burning out. 1:57 — How (and why) to focus on ONE thing at a time. 2:33 — What the world’s highest achievers do to nail their priorities everytime. 3:28 — The only time to ignore the voice in your head. 4:42 — How to get back on track after a setback or distraction. What’s next? Watch this playlist to be more productive:
  • @TheNinnyfee
    There are two things that help me: One is to connect a new habit with an old one. If I e.g. listen to music every day because I love it, I can connect this with a chore I do not love too much and distract me. The second one is I am very patient and loving with my "I don't wanna do thiiiis!" voice. I do not tell it to shut up, but I explain why it is so much better to do it, why it will feel better and that there is always time for the voice to whine later. It takes a minute longer, but the voice actually often turns into more motivation because I figured out what the real issue was and solved it.
  • @sffreshness
    Success doesn’t come from something you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently. - golden advice
  • Summarizing and adding a little bit: Steps to be consistent 1) List all things you want to do. Find why you love the thing, you want to be consistent at, and then stick to it. 2) Progressively gain skills by focusing on only one at a time. 3) Schedule all of your life around the damn thing (Keep it at the top of your priority list) 4) Ignore voices in your head. 5) Don't worry and leave the practice if you miss one day or two. After sometime, that consistency will become a habit and then you can move on to next skill.
  • The "ignore your feelings" totally hits home for me! Not because i need to work on it, but because it is something I teach! As a musician and piano teacher, my students think that music is an emotional endeavour, but really, as you are learning the skills, it is the slow, monotonous and focused work that gets you ahead. Once the skills are mastered, THEN you can tap into the emotions and communicate the story you want through the music! Thanks for your videos, Marie! They are always encouraging and inspiring me. ❤
  • @LisaRobbinYoung
    The old adage "21 days to make a habit" is slightly inaccurate. Most humans need 25-30 days of daily reinforcement - and if you miss a day, you've got to start over. Staying focused on the end result (and taking the focus off of YOU), helps keep the momentum and ditch the fear. Also, a colleague once told me "if it's not scheduled, it's stressful." And so putting things in my calendar - and creating boundaries to reinforce those calendared events makes a big difference. But the BIGGEST thing that helps me stay consistent - or should I say person - is my accountability partner. There's no judgement, but she helps me stay on track... and we've been working together for several years now. Having someone else who has your back and wants to see you succeed - without judgement - makes a HUGE difference.
  • @LifeByJazz
    One thing that has really helped me stay consistent & push through 'the feelings' of not wanting to do anything is turning on music that motivates me (Yonce never fails me) What this does is triggers a can do / energizing attitude that gets me in a flow, reminds me of my why and empowers me me accomplish things.
  • @adiroxstr
    this has been my biggest draw back...consistency! I find I get bored easily! I'll be all in on a task or project, gain some traction and then find myself bored and uninspired! This was perfect and I needed to hear this. Thanks for another great video!
  • My five steps to be consistently consistent 1. Think positive 2. Write a to do list 3. Focus on small things because it all adds up 4. Make it a habit, the more I do it the more it becomes consistent in my life. 5. Lastly I try my hardest not to beat myself up when I fall short but to keep trying each day for better
  • @AtlasBishop
    Thanks for the tips! I've found lowering my personal creative standards a bit has helped me stay more consistent. Completed is better than perfect.
  • "Yuaaayy ... I dOn'T fEeL liKe DoInG iT" is the only thing I always hear from inside... Then I go and lie on my bed :)
  • The most important steps I've taken so far to being consistent are: 1) to not write myself off as hopeless every time I stumble, and 2) to celebrate little victories. Even two weeks is worth aknowledgement, and sometimes, just sitting with a small sense of success is the most incredible motivation to get up and move towards more of the same. Lots of little successes add up to overall success, or at least, progress!
  • I feel lazy.. i'm not feeling good today..maybe some other time.. (the consistent voice in my head.)
  • @annebfprado
    I only workout if I do it sometime before lunch. After noon I feel like my body just slows down too much for it. So I've been lifting weights/doing squats, crunches and planks while my kids play after breakfast for about a year now! I've NEVER been able to be this consistent about exercising.
  • @1azyME
    Thanks a LOT for "Bye Felicia" visualization. A LOT.
  • @everywaywoman
    I use to have this morning routine that I felt I had to follow in order to get things done. Although I was "sticking" to the routine I wasn't being consistent with what I really needed to accomplish throughout my day. I am more consistent now that I adjust my morning routine by listening to segments these right after I wake up. The advice stays with me all day.
  • for me i realized those feelings are samskaras or habituated patterns they will change after u keep repeating a behaviour. basically dont listen to ur feelings theyre just there to keep you safe but you know better. u know truly who u are and u are a winner believe that and u stay consistent. and no matter what happens u stick to your goal. you never get tired and u can always sleep. you're more powerful than you think believe this and you're unstoppable quit rationalizing bad behaviour believe in urself
  • @AmericPet
    In order to be consistent on something I often write it into my daily sheets to read. These sheets are little reminders of what is important, especially in treating myself well. Say if I want to do yoga, not only do I write down my entire yoga routine and stick it on my bulletin board but I also right messages that express health, strength and calm as some of my top priorities.
  • “The world needs that special gift that only you have.” 🙏🏻thank you Marie❤️❤️❤️I love that quote.
  • I'm in my second week of exercising 5 days a week first thing in the morning, and the reason I manage to to it is basically because I'm imagining myself as a 90-year old who has a healthy and functional body THANKS to the workout he did through out his life :-). Tomorrow I'll be out running at 5 AM and I'm looking forward to it!!