"About as narrow, committing, and epic as it ever gets" | El Rio Claro

Published 2020-07-27
Outside of Molina, Chile, lies one of the most incredible places to experience. The rio Claro is a river that you can only truly appreciate its glory, and many sections are only possible to access, by kayaking it. It is about as narrow, and committing as kayaking gets. It is one of my favorite runs in the world, and by far one of the most beautiful. The chrystal clear water, the towering overhanging walls of the gorge, and the endless drops. It is a place like one other, and I am always counting down the days till I can drop back in.

All Comments (21)
  • @ralphk.j7809
    This is one of the best random clicks on youtube ever
  • @Tommy_Garrett
    The idiot me in me sees this and my smooth brain says “I can do that” knowing damn good and well I’ve never been in a kayak.
  • @milktoast6774
    I used to kayak with my dad when he was alive. I haven't been since he passed. I was supposed to take his ashes to Antietam and put them in the water when I go kayaking but just haven't found the strength or anyone to go with. I miss kayaking with my dad. It was what he loved. So much that he worked for river and trails doing kayaking trips. This video made me think of my dad.
  • The fact that there isn't even the slightest hint of plant life here is a testament to how brutal these waters are.
  • @waminette
    why does the water look so warm and cold at the same time
  • I'm so glad these action cameras exist. Now I can get the same view an expert sees, without the risk of course! Thanks for sharing!
  • @StudSupreme
    The calm sections actually look more appealing, because you can see how clear the water is. It's quite beautiful.
  • @jaybdub77
    Can’t believe that’s a natural setting. Looks too nice, almost as if it was built for an adventure theme park. There’s so much natural beauty and wonder in this world.
  • @Splodge360
    As a cyclist I just love how it doesn't matter what sport it is just a group of mates doing something fun results in the same clowning and getting stoked on each others enjoyment so cool to see! Loved the 'accidental bashing' into your mate at the end!
  • Despite the fact that i have virtually no free time because i work seven days a week, it makes me happy on a personal level that somebody out there is enjoying and making videos for the rest of us to have a glimpse of fan. Keep the pace guys. Cheers
  • I love how there’s no music. Just 7 minutes and 4 seconds of straight up badassery
  • @Chillo56
    Damn this place really does look like it was specifically made to be kayaked
  • @beckiejbrown
    This is my favourite kayaking video - ever. Thank you
  • @ichbinein123
    The geology looks so surreal. It looks like an alien planet with newly formed volcanic rocks, but so smooth it almost looks man made.
  • @WeGoWalk
    Guys, I’m 63 years old with a body that’s no longer able to take that kind of beating...so THANK YOU for making feel young again by just watching you guys do what I wish I could do!
  • @seasalt9289
    The rock formation is sooo beautiful with such a deep color and the water is crystal clear. I can’t believe the way you guys fly down those waterfalls though!!!