I am “The Best Sett In Bronze”, and here is my Final Goodbye to League of Legends.

Published 2024-05-02
Since The Dawn of January 14th, 2020
Right Before the World fell to Shambles..

It all started with the Release of a League Champ named Sett. He was a perfect fit for my type of playstyle, (Run at People, Take Damage, Get Excited Cause I Took Damage, Then Proceed to Regift the Same Damage Back to The Orginal Gifter of the Damage in a Form that They Cannot Deny. 🥹🥳🤩

This Possibly Canonically 14 Year Old Half-Beast with Parental Issues was Screaming My Name to Me in a Pitch that Only I Could Respond to.
So, I adopted him into my Champ Roster and Played him Endlessly over the Last 4 Years, Creating New Ways to Play him and Learning Every Glitch, Mechanic, and Play-Style the Game had to Offer while I was Adventuring on the Rift.

Along with My Playing, I started my Quest to Become the most Iconic Sett Main in the League Community. And was Bestoyed by Many a Player the Title of “The Best Sett In Bronze” as I Walked (no boots ever..) Down Mid-Lane and {almost} Always Wooped the Enemy Mid-Lane Player’s Gragas(s) Back to The Fountain. 🫡😌

In My Sett Carreer So Far…

I Have made 47 Seperate Sett Builds made up of Different Items, Runes, and Play-Styles.

I Have Banked 7,727,971 / 10,000,000 True Damage in My Sett Eternals for “Jaws Broken” ☠️

I Have Gotten S+ In Every Role as Sett.

I Have Gotten 6 PentaKills on Sett in Live Games.

I Have Landed a 8,344 Damage W in the Center on an Enemy Champion.

I Have Collected All but One Sett Skin Currently Available as of 5/2/2024.

And I Have a Mastery Score of 1,181,159 on Sett.


Questions I Ask Myself After Going This Far Off The Beaten Path:

Have I achieved my goal?
“No. Far from it, is what I’d Say!”😂

Have I been Proud of my Journey?
“Yes! I think it’s one of it not My Most Daring Game Accomplishments!”😎😁

Will I Ever make it to Challenger as Sett?
“That is a Question Beyond my Mental Scope for This Period of Time.” 🙃🫠

So are You Actually Quitting League?
Not Yet. This Video was Taken on the PBE where new Items, Runes, and Champ Changes have Not been Added or Changed on the Live Servers. I Still Need to Fulfill my 10,000,000 True Damage Eternals Requirement Before I Can Retire…. So MORE is Yet To Come! 😄✨


Before, I End this Description of My Past 4 Years, I’d Like to Thank a Few People who have Made this Journey Better and Possible:

-2. My Father,
[Is responsible for the Mac Computer I Play On. He Had Shown Me Persistence in Anything can Make a Change or Difference.]

-1. My Mother,
[Always is Supportive of me Pushing to do More and Keep a Positive Lookout, Even when I’m at My Worst.]

0. Me
[I’m Surprised I Haven’t Given It Up, Considering How Unreasonable it all is.]

1. Peem YoopYoop (NICKCROMPTON)
[Introduced me to League in Late 2018 & Still Plays, Makes Fun Builds with Me, and Attempts Ranked Duoing with Me.]

2. Randomphantom
[Guerilla Jungler. Enough Said.]

3. Beanbqp
[Impossibly Positive and a Pure Delight. Long Time Friends!]

4. NeoNova1
[A Wonderful Supporter of The Theory Crafting And Bot-Lane Duoing Skirmishes.]

5. jrflyer07
[Best Urgot NA, Almost Turned Lillia Main by Yours Truly.]

6. Bigduss
[Big Champ Player, A Loyal and Fun-Having Companion. Been through the Ringer, but Still Going Strong!]

7. hatsunemikufan03
[Cheerful and Is a Fill God. Always Knows How to Go With the Flow.]

8. HenOHen
[Young Cous Who Tried His best to Learn League and May Come Back Someday.. Lasted a Week and Four Days.]

9. SockCon
[Funny Name. A Life of the Party when Grouped Up.]

10. icesamurai212
[Never Missed a Clash. 🫡]

Honorable Mentions:

Yinnki Kurama
Darktor Star
fart lord
Promethean Axel
Yungest Dood

Thank You All For Being Great Friends On This Journey! ;]


#leagueoflegends #leagueoflegendsmemes #quittingleague #settmain #sett #gratefulforyou

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