Norwich Pride Presents "Drawers" The Spoken Word Film

Published 2023-07-30
Drawers, the piece Josi R. performed for Norwich Pride 2023, is a conversation with a fictional-but-based-on-true-stories entity addressed as “you” so they can encompass both an individual and a collective. This “you” critiques Josi’s open queerness as over the top or in-your-face, prompting Josi to reflect on what made them this way, and re-embracing their identity. Josi says writing this piece was a way for xem to work through real comments of this nature they had received, the importance and implications of identity labels, and exploring the complexities of LGBTQ+ experiences.

Edijs is a Latvian trans filmmaker who currently resides in Norwich. Drawing inspiration from personal experiences, his creative work often explores themes of belonging, shame and queer identity.

Josi R. - Performer
Edijs - Film Maker
Luke Boydell - Producer
Jamie Smith - Captions
Alina Burwitz - Text Editor