Dwór w którym znaleziono skarb. Dwór w Piorunkowicach

Published 2018-05-19
The first news about Piorunkowice comes from historical sources from the 14th century. This village was a part of the Opole Duchy. On the nearby river Ścinawa Niemodlińska there was a border between the lands of the Opole Piasts and the estates of the Wrocław bishops and the village of Gryżów on the other bank of the river was part of church property. Nevertheless, the castle of Opole princes located near Piorunkowice was called Gryżow. The origins of this fortress probably date back to the 13th century. Initially, it was a stronghold with fortifications. In the 14th century, in vague circumstances, it became the seat of the castellany and was rebuilt into a brick castle. The first reference to the castellany of the Gryśów Jasiek comes from the document dated February 26, 1337. The importance of the castle is demonstrated by the fact that during the Hussite wars it became the target of frequent attacks. First, in 1428, it was burnt by Hussite troops, and two years later, after the joining of Prince Bolek V to the Hussites, the fortress was conquered and destroyed by the Nysa army bishops. In later times, it was not rebuilt and only ruins remained from the fortress. Probably the ruined castle together with the village of Piorunkowice Bolko V gave relatives of his wife from the Beess family, as in 1432 there was a mention in Henryk Bes's "von Smeilsdorf im Opolischen Gebiet" sources. The village remained in the hands of this family in the fifteenth century and at the beginning of the next century. In 1556, the Kasper brothers, Ulrich and Jan von Gellhorn from Osiek Grodkowski bought the village of Piorunkice from the Gryzów castle from Kasper von Pückler from Grodźca. Then in 1580, Ulrich sold the estate to Jerzy von Senitz from Rudziczka. In a document from 1590, we find a mention of Magdalena Beess, widow of Jerzy von Senitz, it is the last connection of the von Beess family with Piorunkowicami. In 1589 (1590?) The brothers Baltazar, Jerzy and Krzysztof Mettich von Tschetschau bought Piorunkowice and two manor farms in Rudziczki. In 1623, Count Jan Arbogast von und zu Annaberg married Marianna von Mettich und Tschetschau, who brought him Piorunkice in the wind. Counts also belonged to the estate in the county of Kłodzko, where in the years 1633-45 he was a starost. In 1645, Jan Arbogast died without leaving descendants, and the settlement returned to his spouse's family. In 1724, Count Jan Józef von Mettich sold the property to the town council of Prudnik. The lack of information about the subsequent changes of the owners makes it impossible to present the fate of the village, it is only known that before the Second World War the property belonged to the Wessel family. The Palace in Piorunkowice was built in the seventeenth or eighteenth century by representatives of the von Mettich family. The building situated on the slope of a hill above the pond has no defensive features, but it must be remembered that it was repeatedly rebuilt, among others in 1820 in the classicist style. A brick and stone palace, originally plastered, erected on a rectangular plan, partially basement on high vaulted cellars, one-storey with an attic, covered with a pediment roof with exhibitions, in the 1960s covered with slate. The eleven-axial façade with a central five-axial bunker closed with a triangular flattened bridgehead. It contains the date of the last reconstruction - 1920. On the axis of the façade, the main entrance to the building, with a stone, rusticated portal. In the rear elevation, a centrally located square turret, in the newer upper storey, octagonal with a frame structure, covered with a baroque helmet. In the picture from the 1960s, it can be seen that the façades of the building were plastered and outside the cornice topping and inter-floor, devoid of architectural details. Three-way interiors. On the building axis, the hall and the living room have been transformed. The stone frames of door openings are preserved in the hallway. The rooms were covered with ceilings with stucco decoration from 1820 and barrel vaults with pointed lunettes, now destroyed. After the Second World War, the palace was used by a local horse stud, and from the 1970s, the Agricultural Cooperative Manufacturing. Until 1989, the palace was in a good technical condition, and in the last dozen or so years it was brought to a complete ruin. The building is privately owned, however, it is not fenced or secured against entry. The owner shows no interest in his fate and no one knows what he was guided by when buying the monument. The remnants of a devastated landscape park adjoin the former residence. If the owner does not change quickly, soon it will be another destroyed Silesian monument.

All Comments (21)
  • I kolejny piękny obiekt szlak trafi takie obiekty powinien chronić i konserwowac rząd amen
  • @AlaRozumek2591
    Najładniej to jeszcze jest na strychu bo widno , słońce I zieleń.Dzięki za film. Widać, że żyje Pan tym czym się zajmuje I dlatego dobrze się ogląda.
  • Super filmik, niesamowity klimat, ja ta budowla musiała pięknie wyglądać w czasach swojej świetności. dzięki za miłe zwiedzanie !!!
  • Jak w filmie M. Piwowskiego Rejs, podobnie jak w scenie Himilsbacha i Maklakiewicza, gruz ,gruz i ruina ......Smutny koniec pięknego obiektu !!!
  • ale ten strych kapitalnie wygląda na zdjęcia, ma klimat jak nic super
  • @eSeSman1
    obraz nędzy i rozpaczy... ja się pytam gdzie jest i czym się zajmuje Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków...??? taki piękny obiekt niszczeje a WKZ-ty ścigają zapewne detektorystów za znaleziony zardzewiały guzik... wstyd i hańba...
  • @rekin5937
    Trochę żal fajna budowla ale przy obecnych przepisach o ochronie zabytków pójdzie w ruinę jaki kraj takie będziemy mieć zabytki niestety
  • Szkoda takich niszczejących miejsc .. może znajdzie się ktoś kto sie zajmie .. odnowi i tchnie nowe życie
  • Oi, se o o vídeo adoro casas castelos antigos..simone, do Brasi.🇧🇷🦊😍😘
  • @piorun102
    hahahaha, te sanie robiliśmy z ojcem jakieś 12 lat temu. Obok tych gospodarczych budynków była kiedyś strzelinica sportowa.
  • Urzędasy widzą w tym gruzowisko i ruinę.A szkoda Wielka szkoda ....Ja tak samo jak większość z was inaczej patrzę. Każda cegła kamień sklepienie ma swoją duszę i aż żal patrzeć jak te perełki konają .....
  • @kojakmazury
    Świetny materiał. Zostawiam suba i daje łapkę w górę. W wolnej chwili zapraszam do siebie. Pozdrawiam.
  • @dr.janusz
    Tak faktycznie to piękny dworek. Tylko Niemiecki na Polskiej ziemi. Powiadasz że wszedł w posiadanie prywatnego inwestora? Domyślam się że też jest Niemiecki a jak nie to pewnie pieniędzmi Niemieckimi zapłacono. Ps ostatnimi czasy coraz częściej słychać i widać jak przejmuje takie rzeczy kapitał z zachodu. Dziwne ??? Nieee ott...powrót do starych korzeni. :)) Nie zapominajmy że od wieków byliśmy " Lennikami" Świętego Cesarstwa Niemieckiego. Przykre ale prawdziwe. pzdr.autora serdecznie.