Anscombe on Money, Debt, and Usury: A Conversation with Graham Hubbs — Collegium Institute

Published 2022-03-24
Collegium Institute and the University of Pennsylvania Program for Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society (PRRUCS) welcomed Graham Hubbs, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Chair of Politics and Philosophy at the University of Idaho, for a lecture on GEM Anscombe’s philosophy of money, debt, and usury.

In a 1970 lecture that went unpublished in her lifetime, G. E. M. Anscombe attempts to make sense of ancient and medieval prohibitions on usury and of why those prohibitions have largely since disappeared. Over the course of her argument she makes several points that are relevant to contemporary discussions on the ontology of money, the ethics of debt, and the philosophy of economics. Prof. Hubbs’s talk addresses these points and locates her lecture in her broader practical philosophy.

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All Comments (2)
  • @hoots187
    Very thoroughly detailed and comprehensive especially enjoyed the discussion regarding Aristotles differing viewpoint