teenage love story super SAD will make you CRY Kris Faraday

Publicado 2011-12-07

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I have a cancer and this just reminded me of how I will be in that guys shoes.
  • It really relates me. But instead cancer, my boyfriend died from heart attack. I know he doesn't want to leave me but there's nothing we can't do. Destiny separates us. But I was happy that he made a sign that he was there by my side watching over me.
  • @GregCalleja
    Till this day, Jane hates Destiny for everything
  • This is related to my Story I am in a relationship with this guy and I have stage 4 lung cancer I confess that I will die in a few months. he knew I had cancer when it was stage 2 we have been together for 5 years we just turned 5 years yesterday october 18,2016.he burst in to tears knowing that I will not last until our marriage in 2018.
  • he holds her hand had he whispered, do you know what the WiFi password is? girl: WHAT, YOU KNOW WHAT, I'M GLAD YOUR IN HOSPITAL. boy: K, WHATEVER BUT DO YOU KNOW THE WIFI PASSWORD IS. girl:GO DIE IN A HOLE, BYE!!! boy: k, on the way out can you ask someone like a nurse, please. The end of a beautiful relationship T_T -Originaly By Hiwotea (Me) Nobody else Note: Who ever copies this.... #### ##### LOL
  • @w_ste3679
    He had one week to live and died 5 seconds later...
  • @MrSupa45
    "something changed" yea my nigga. the music to the video.
  • @trgic7667
    god the improper grammer made me cry.
  • @envella
    It's kinda hard to cry when the grammar is horrendous and when the story is so predictable.
  • this was really sad I cried because I had a family that died from cancer and the last thing he said to me was that he loved me before he left and the very last words was I love you
  • @FragTurtleBomb
    The letter looked like it was written by a 4 year old, same thing for the grammar. Like if u cri everie tim ;(
  • @dnoyce31
    my best friend just recovered from cancer. my heart goes out to all the people who have lost loved ones or are dealing with sickness themselves
  • @USisTHEbest121
    I bursted out laughing when it said " I have a Cancer"