How to Handle Astral and Energy Interference from Parallel Realities

Published 2023-05-23
I had a powerful, relevant question from a patron today asking how to handle astral and energy interference from parallel realities.

Whether it be from entities or our own ancestors, why does this happen and how do we handle it?

Join my Patreon community for an in-depth Q and A and ask me your deepest questions.

#astral #parallelrealities #spiritualdevelopment

All Comments (18)
  • That's the exact advice I give everyone. Don't be afraid because everything is you
  • Thank you so much for this extremely helpful and timely information, Pamela! We are so blessed to have you in our lives to be able to hear your words of wisdom. 💖✨💖
  • Wonderful, concise, timely, magical, and practical! Love it! ❤ Yes, the new middle way .. Law of One, duality, the graces, compassion, fortitude, in all parallel realities. Wow.! Mind blowing. Thank you Thank You!
  • Your son’s dreams of the spiders reminded me about dreams I had as a 4 or 5 year old where monsters were chasing me. When I realized I could not outrun them, I would turn around in my dream and simply look at them, surrendering. They immediately became neutral and almost sweet beings. For many years, I forgot those dreams and what they said about my own capabilities but when the memory came back to me, it helped me absorb many challenges. Thank you for every iota of your readings, Pamela! ❤
  • I have a question, please regarding Astral Travel vs Dreams. Last night I had such a vivid dream that felt SO real. As I woke up, I was thinking of what intense experience it was and I had the sense I returned from a trip/mission. In the dream, I was at a place where men were dressed all in black in military uniforms and they even had their faces covered. It was a very institutional type camp with one level of walls and tiny windows. I felt on a mission as I was sneaking around. All of a sudden, all these young kids ranging from toddlers to tweens came running toward me and I had my arms out wide, ushering them to quickly follow me. I was ushering as many as possible. They were running desperately toward me. The little girl that was around 8 years old, I remember with such detail her face/freckles,clothing and necklace she was wearing and desperate look on her face to get to me. It kept haunting me all day because it felt so real. I was exhausted when I woke up, more than usual like I didn’t sleep. Is there a way to know if this was me astral traveling?? Sorry for the long winded post!! I appreciate your insight.❤
  • Crazy scary how the experience shared by the asker is so parallel to what i am currently experiencing. I concur that it may be an experience at large by the collective. Im 25 and have an abusive father that has recently aged into extreme fear/paranoia, mostly of the hypochondria genre. It has been extremely difficult to navigate the internal turmoil of resentment yet pity for the state of misery that he is in. I cant help but feel like i am missing something -- some sort of takeaway or revelation that i ought to have from this? Besides that i do also experience dreams of living life as an alternate me in another reality.
  • Thank you for this topic, i needed it:) please consider here on youtube to converse more on this topic😊 much appreciated... GEMS! JAI
  • Pamela, you mention your son, I have a 16 yr old son with Aspergers and a 13 y o daughter who also just diagnosed. I would love your opinion on autism and whether it is the result of toxins etc or is it part of spiritual evolution. My daughter also has gender dysphoria and I wonder if that is related to the autism somehow?
  • @jennymauger
    Hiii🫶🏽 I concur ty for squeezing that extra bit out of getting up close & personal 😘😍🥰