BABY TOTU: The Most Disturbing Situation On TikTok.

Published 2023-03-28
Baby Totu is a situation involving a shelter on TikTok, but there is a dark situation and theory behind everything. Which we will be doing a deep dive into, today.

00:00 Part 1: The Baby Totu Situation

30:48 Part 2: The Grand Debunking



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This video is an opinion piece and not based on fact.

All Comments (21)
  • @Tortellia
    When I see TikTok and inabber together, I know it’s gonna be good content about a horrific subject
  • @whoami3862
    TikTok drama can either be the silliest, most-blown out of proportion thing ever, or something that seems to belong on a crime show
  • I'm a mother and grandmother, and I think following a child on social media is completely freaking WIERD. IDC who the kid is. It's STRANGE. Wren, totu, or any other kid....WIERD. CREEPY.
  • @jules6626
    I volunteered at an orphanage for several months, one near my house, and something they told us constantly is to never take pictures/share content with the any of the kids there. I live in Monterrey (Mexico) so we had kids coming from gangs or children of cartel members half of the time. That meant that someone from their past could track them down and possibly harm them/take them away. It’s so bizarre that a place like that could not only show the kids casually, but allow people to make creepy comments about them or force them to do it. It’s truly heartbreaking and I can only hope they’re safe and sound :((
  • @geebee7934
    I'm Persian and one thing that people of other countries don't know about a lot of countries around here is that most people don't really care about children in shelters or how they're treated. At least in iran i know that a lot of people see adoption from shelters as burden or some made up sin. So having the western social media's focus on these things could be a great step into correcting these beliefs and treatments towards these poor children in our countries.
  • @fernbush7856
    every video, he leans closer to the camera. one day he'll lean through the screen and steal my beans speaking of beans, love the effort you put into your content! hope you've had a good day so far !!
  • @wokeupdead3
    Totu was not sick when she first came to the orphanage. She looked healthy, with thick hair, her complexion was glowing, she didn't walk with a limp. Now her hair is falling out, she has dark circles under her eyes, and she has a limp. They claim she has diabetes, but is often seen eating sweets. They are lying about her medical conditions to garner sympathy and donations. The other children go in looking healthy as well. Then, as time passes, they get skinnier, have bruises, cigarette burns on their legs, and their heads are shaved. They dress boys up as girls at times. Grown men fly in to meet with Totu, a child.
  • @tamani1335
    As a person who was sexually abused as a child : this child is really really likely to be sexually and/or physically abused. The behaviors she does, the stare without blinking, the fear around men, the fact that she is always on edge. This child seems to be in "survival mode".
  • @metannoya0073
    I’ve been down my own rabbit hole on this topic in the past and my main issue was the videos where baby Totu looks completely terrified and scared of the whole situation. Another thing I saw a lot was people being critical of the “newborn reflex” that caused her to open her mouth wide when the person behind the camera gave a signal. There was also a video where Totu was alone with two adult men and they were getting her to do a bunch of weird stuff including eating a lime with the peel on. That same video also has a man in the background zipping his fly like he briefly had his pants down. I know there’s bound to be tons of misinformation but something about Totu and the adults around her still give me a gross feeling.
  • I really hope those kids are just uncomfortable being on camera and weirded out by being in a shelter and not... The other option. But I can't blame people for assuming the worst when it comes to the security of kids
  • Yeah, the whole Balenciaga theory is crazy because so many people wear fake designer clothing items. My boyfriend's brother's closet is basically full of fake Gucci. I just think it's crazy to assume that people in other countries don't wear fake designer. I know a decent amount of people all over the world that wear fake designer
  • @amelcr
    I can’t stand people who PLASTER their kids all over their social media. Mum’s on FB with 1000+ friends are the most infuriating.
  • What concerns me first and foremost before we even get into the issue it the fact that they are posting content of children in a shelter in the first place. When I was a child my mother ran a shelter for children and because of the fact that a vast majority of children who end up in this situation were previously abused by their parents or guardians. That meant we were not allowed to take photos of the children and share that with the world. That is because of the safety risks in regards with being found by their abusers or opening them up for future abuse as sick people will position themselves close to these kids in shelters hiding behind the facade of wanting to help or make donations. We had severe issues with this so I have major issues with just the simple fact that what they are doing by posting the vulnerable abused children online on tiktok where creeps are constantly.
  • @mcthurman8822
    I think it’s ridiculous that people share children on the internet. The only time I shared my siblings on the internet (Snapchat in high school) was when I made a post on Instagram celebrating the finalization of my sister’s adoption, we could not share pictures of her before that, but once I realized people other than my family were following me I removed the post.
  • 34:22 For Real!!! As a Nigerian (and I’m sure this goes for most people from countries outside of the ultra rich areas), ain’t no way that shirt was real! That auntie got it from the market down the street for no more than $10. People on TikTok are insane!
  • @TK-dt8mw
    Eastern European here. All of these horrific things you described - torture, abuse, etc. are a regular occurence in Eastern Europe, whether it's a child shetler, homeless shelter, even schools. Corruption is everywhere here, with criminals paying their way out of prison while innocent people often suffer the consequences of someone else's actions. As awful all of these things are, it saddens me that it takes a famous tik tok for the Western world to notice the nightmares that Eastern Europe is experiencing on a daily basis. In a weird way I was not shocked by the things discussed in the video - I absolutely believe this abuse has been going on unnoticed for years until this tik tok. If anyone wants to fully understand the whole situation, I suggest researching into the standard of life in Eastern Europe. It will add many things up.
  • here (once again) as a senior BA psych student Totu is definitely unable to even understand why a camera is focused on them all the time - all they see is that someone stares at them with seemingly little to no emotion or feedback. The “still face” experiment explains this pretty well. When a mother/caretaker stops interacting with them, they become stressed, they start to cry - because they feel like they lost their primary caregiver. the theory of mind only develops around the age of 3-4, when they understand desires, wants, hopes and information of/from others. Basically, Totu can’t understand what the hell is going on around them and posting them even if the donations goes to helping Totu and the other children is wrong, and exploitatory.
  • @wateryclown
    this is the first time i've heard of this situation, thank you for spreading awareness on what's happening.
  • @cassiec9008
    A big part of the first theory you “debunked” is that there’s a lot of tagged photos with ToTu with random men. If you go through the instagram following a lot of the men the account follow have photos with her. Why would so many men be visiting a child in a shelter and posting it on IG?
  • @tinkerbellj3
    You said for us to leave our thoughts below. So I will give mine and also just wanted to clear a couple things up. There are also a few details you must have forgotten to mention.... 1. Totu was NOT found rummaging through dust bins. You mixed up the children. The Mother you spoke about at the end, blaming the father for the child’s condition, is a TOTALLY different baby. 2. When Totu first got to the shelter, they said she was sick. Have you seen pictures of her when she got there? She looked like a happy, healthy, very well fed child. Not a mark on her, FULL head of hair. Yes, they have shown medical documentation of her “condition”. Yet, her symptoms don’t match her “illnesses”. Documents can be faked. 3. They also said one of her legs was shorter then the other. Odd that you don’t notice that until AFTER she’s been at the shelter and AFTER the picture of her looking like she saw the devil himself. 4. Did you happen to notice that it wasn’t until after that when she walked her foot would turn out and she was scared to move? 5. They said her hair fell out because she was sick. Did you see the video of her and Konuls daughter, where Totu imitates pulling her hair out? 6. Have you seen the videos of all the many rich grown men flying in to “visit” with Totu? To bring her gifts? In one video it looks like a man zipping his pants up and why were these strange grown men feeding her lemons? 7. Have you seen the videos of Raul (Konuls son) with Totu? Kissing on her? How about the video of Rauls girlfriend Aysel with Totu? 8. Have you not noticed that in 80% of the videos that there is food in them? She knows not to touch any food until she performs for the camera first. Sometimes she won’t even take the food w/o looking petrified or crying. They have to physically put it in her mouth. 9. The mind-numbing madness of the Symbolism you said right? One, people didn’t go “mad” because they saw a BALENCIAGA shirt on Konuls mother. This was after people had already seen tons of videos already. Ok, you say no bid deal right? Means nothing right? I guess you didn’t notice the Mother obviously, intentionally moving her jacket so that logo would be seen very clear?? BALENCIAGA also was not just a scandal. It was a scandal that referenced children with, child trafficking, satanic rituals, bdsm and panda bears in bondage gear. 10. Pandas are cute, no big deal right? No, unless you see all the many panda references and you know what pandas represent. In the world of csa and trafficking.. they call it “Panda eyes”. Why, because when a child is sodomized the trauma to their body is so severe that both their eyes turn black and blue and they look like a panda. 11. Did you see the many videos where Totu opens her mouth or sticks her tongue out on on command or when someone touch’s their finger to her chin? 12. Did you notice that they use filters on her most of the time? Why? 13. Have you paid attention to the videos enough to notice that the majority of the ones you see now are actually older videos? 14. It has been said that Totu is on the dark web in thousands of videos. 15. Have you noticed how often she looks like she is dissociating? Repeated childhood sexual trauma causes Dissociative identity disorder. 16. If all the other children were removed because of these allegations .. why was Totu and Nur aloud to stay? 17. Have you seen the videos of the house? The bedrooms.. etc... spotless always... that’s a lot of children to have a spotless house and not one toy out of place. 18. The huge billboard Of Totu eating sausages? 19. Queen Bashi flip flopping her “facts” about everything? Deflection, distraction ? 20. Have you watched the video of the child that was the victim? Her saying that they were not given food. They were burned with cigarettes. Sexually abused and had their hair set on fire??? I could go on, but I will stop there. I am grateful that you brought awareness to Totu. However, seems like you set out to “debunk” a lot of things. Could somethings like the symbolism be a coincidence, maybe to some. However, when you take these “coincidences” and add them to the FACTS... they are no longer coincidences. I’ll simply say this, unless you have seen all her videos on all of Konuls (many social media platforms) and all of the people who have been so kind as to come “visit” Totu, you don’t know the whole story. There is way more to this than you spoke about. Millions of people are concerned for Totu. With good reason and NOT just from the USA. We are NOT over reacting. This is a child who shows all the signs of abuse and trafficking. THEY put her out there to get $$$. They are the ones who exploited her. What about, “See something, say something “ ... only if it’s in our own country? It doesn’t work that way. This is NOT a bunch of insane TikTokers who saw a woman with a BALENCIAGA shirt and blew this up for no reason. The videos are enough in themselves for people to be concerned, but then on top of that an investigation, children removed from the home and victims stating detailed stories of abuse????? Why then is the shelter not closed? Why have no charges been brought? Why is the “media” not covering it for what it is? Why is Totu and Konuls daughter Nur still there? I’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that her father is the deputy prime minister right and that they have ties to the military. Anyone can see by simply watching these videos, that something is very wrong. Anyone who knows a survivor of csa and have heard their stories, can tell somethings wrong. Anyone who has researched child trafficking, child sex abuse and elite pedophile rings can tell somethings wrong. Based on all of this, could justify coming to the conclusion that this is way more than “just” a “little Safe Shelter” for women and children”. Besides actually seeing the abuse happen, what other proof would someone need to see. All you have to do is look in her eyes. I don’t know exactly what happened to this precious baby. What I do know is that when it comes to the abuse of a child, I personally am going to assume it’s true until it’s proven not to be, than to assume it’s not true and ignore it. Let me just add that this is MY OPINION and MY OPINION ONLY based on my knowledge and observations.