LOKI: Ouroboros or Victor Timely Created the TVA?

Publicado 2023-10-28
Download Honkai: Star Rail with my link hoyo.link/76ceFqBL and use the code KBQBEP3L8823 to redeem 50 Stellar Jades! Loki 2x04 makes us wonder who really created the TVA: Victor Timely or OB?

Who inspired whom: Victor Timely, or Ouroboros aka OB? Loki Episode 4 of Season 2 poses a chicken-and-egg style question about Victor Timely’s exact timeline as He Who Remains, and his history as an influential figure to OB in the early days of the TVA. Erik Voss breaks down who really created the TVA!


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Comically Inclined Studios
Karen Wang
Rick Denmon

Written by: Erik Voss
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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @lxena8033
    I think the biggest hint that Obe is more important than what we see, is that he can reboot the entire systen, and lock out Ms Minutes.
  • Victor Timely was a way better character than I thought he was gonna be. I loved how funny he was. Considering he’s THE villain of this saga, it was great to see him as kind of a goofball
  • Next episode will I guess be the back stories of the members of TVA including Mobius and Ouroborous after they’re pulled back to their original timelines after the bang.
  • @jeffehren
    If we use the Ouroboros from Norse mythology (Jörmungandr, aka the Midgard serpent) and say OB was connecting the multiverse like a bifrost, then we can say the Kangs were like the Romans who took over and created an ordered republic (timeline), ultimately having a Ceasar.
  • @newtdog123
    The essence of Victor Timely being spaghettified throughout time is beginning and the end.
  • @cjmahar7595
    No, Victor says he considers the TVA handbook a "correspondence" between him and the author. I think the book updates itself and then O.b. and Victor can see what the other has written in the book as they write and and they can both communicate in that way.
  • @jeffhidalgo6037
    OB is the more wholesome version of he who remains that we & the multiverse deserve. Is anyone else hoping to see him play a larger role in Kang Dysnasty or maybe even Secret Wars?
  • @psykonarg9174
    One thing to note too is that the Victor that got spagettified was also from a branched timeline and not the sacred timeline. So 616 Victor Timely is still alive.
  • What if Victor's spaghettiffication is the moment all Kang variants were created?
  • @joewyatt2269
    I believe Victor is the origin of Kang not a planted variant. I think OB tells us this when he says Victor Timely was an under appreciated genius who didn’t have the technology available in his time to have reached his potential. Victor is the inventor of the loom. But OB is the inventor of the ability to pull a temporal aura out of the timeline. He built it pretty easily to help Loki. I think OB extracted Victor and then Victor installed the loom. This beginning this current cycle that leads to He Who Remains (who supercharges himself by dropping off the TVA guidebook to himself to ensure the repeat of his victory).
  • @mattcliburn
    Theres something about O.B. that we dont know yet but im sure we'll find out.
  • @TheBlackSaint
    I love how different He Who Remains is in the finale from the way he is in the recent flashback. He is far more "Kang-like" in Ep. 4
  • @floydkenosis4382
    Since Loki & Sylvie were able to use magic in the TVA, does this mean that even those infinity stones Loki saw in Season 1 can now be used?
  • @simonclarke1134
    Anyone else think that maybe timelys entropic energy gets processed through the loom and woven into the timeline itself.
  • @mpznidarsic
    The TVA handbook is some sort of time resistant connected through all time mcGuffin. Timely drew a bunch of diagrams and ideas in the handbook, allowing OB to see all of Timely's work. The other TVA employees even talk about the weird drawings and diagrams in the TVA handbook. I mean nobody has wondered why or how the TVA handbook is like 50 pages long but describes in detail how everything in existence works?
  • Could Victor’s writings in the Handbook change the book retroactively similar to the way Loki changed OB’s memory in real-time by time slipping?
  • @DelrenGaming
    I think the thing with the TVA handbook, its making a nod back to episode 1, where loki went back in time to talk to Ouroboros, and then remembered he had a conversation with Loki. I think Victor Timely isn't dead, but got sent (time slipped) back to a TVA before Ob knew much about the TVA, and so timely will teach him then.
  • @jatovim
    What if OB, Mobius, and Casey were the original time keepers? Aren't those the only ones we haven't seen with variants? Also those three each seem to have a connection and hidden history together.
  • @marv5745
    When "he who remain" from the first season talked about meeting his variants from different universes, i believe victor timely was one of them (Hence why he was from a branched timeline and not a sacred one. And he backstabbed him after he got needed info from him, like how he betrayed Ramona. I think he used him again to provide the tva with his device and knew he would perish trying to fix the loom. I guess he's clearing the path so when he come back it less people he has to deal with. I dont know just a thought. Dont mind me, episode was insane