New prime minister Liz Truss faces Keir Starmer in first PMQs

Published 2022-09-07

All Comments (21)
  • @VenomFT2000
    Liz looks impressed whenever she manages to string a sentance together.
  • When I was young I used to think that the future was going to be better than the past. I dont think thats a reasonable hope anymore
  • @hamishf7444
    I’ve never seen a politician fail so spectacularly at dodging a question. You’re not supposed to make it that obvious Lizz
  • @poplife123
    She's really gonna struggle against Starmer .....she's so below par on all fronts ....
  • Their demeanour, the cheering and booing, laughing, joking and more is disgraceful. We are in such a difficult stage in the UK (made mostly by the Tory government I’d add) and rather than behaving like adults and coming up with support for the country, they act as if they’ve all just entered school for the first time. Disgusting.
  • It’s incredible that the Tories seem to be able to deflect from serious questions by either jeering like a bunch of drunk rugby players on a lads night out or resorting to cheap, irrelevant come backs like ‘we might not have a clue what we’re doing but why are all labours leaders from north London?’ If only they were as good at running the country as they are at deflecting questions we might not be in such a mess.
  • @Sepahe
    WOW. clueless PM and ex-PM completely diverted the issue at the end
  • @Swampsong117
    I love how they always say they back “hard working people”. What they really mean is wealthy people. Anyone here actually believe the ceo of Shell works harder than an NHS nurse?
  • @25johnlowe
    Laughing, jeering, cheering (and whatever else this nonsense could be described as) is extremely distasteful at a time when many will not see it past this winter thanks to the greed of the few. Absolutely disgraceful behavior when such a serious issue hangs over us and much of the world. This isn't the school playground, get on and do your jobs you're being generously paid and subsidized for.
  • Why is parliament always acting like they’re on a playground? I’m sick of this. There shouldn’t be jeering and prolonged cheers and boos. It’s not a popularity contest, it’s our lives. Act your age and unjustified pay grade and get serious. The speaker should be ruling these sessions with an iron fist, flat out banning school yard behaviour.
  • @aaronrolfeart
    We have a new PM? I don't remember voting for her....
  • the largest transfer of wealth from public to private hands goes on and on and on and on
  • @martinfox3478
    From 1996 to 2000, Truss worked for Shell as an accountant. I wonder why she is against taxing these oil and gas companies against their excess profits?
  • @zx6rpro
    Unbelievable. She could literally re write history and actually do something for the ppl instead…. Big corporations win again
  • @wellwell7950
    energy bill increase from peer nations : Italy 89%, Germany 38%, USA 6%, France 4% : The UK 178% and by the end of the year over 400% increase. There is a lot this government can do and they are doing non of it, because they care more about big business profits some of which are going to the French government as they own EDF. They care more about those profits, than the people of this country of which some will not make it through the winter.
  • Nothing short of an utter embarrassment. Stop playing trivial playground games and start running the country properly like you should. I have nothing but anger and complete hatred for this government.
  • @chance258
    This is so embarrassing, the people running the country can’t even have a civilised conversation without laughing their heads off like hyenas every two seconds.
  • It’s amazing that this Govt keeps prattling on about delivering when the only things it’s actually delivering are the largest energy price increases in the western world by a country mile and tankers loads of poo into our rivers and coastlines.