Anime We Wish Stayed Dead

Published 2023-07-29
We all have a favourite anime we wish would come back... but sometimes when they do, it only makes us wish they hadn't.
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#anime #dislyte

00:00 intro
03:55 Fell Off TBH
07:39 Top 4 Anime Betrayals
13:48 Rotten Remakes
17:42 Crappy Cash Grabs

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In the depths of his Mother's Basement, Geoff Thew creates videos analyzing the storytelling techniques of anime and video games. He has been named the number one Worst YouTube Anime Reviewer by The Top Tens.

All Comments (21)
  • @mothersbasement
    Join Dislyte today: Begin your epic journey through a captivating series of comics! Use my gift code: FIGHTWITHGODS, to get 5 free draws and massive in-game rewards. Fight with gods, and fight for infinite possibilities!
  • @crazysicko47
    I remember in season 2 of FLCL when one character looks straight at the camera and says something like "you can never recreate a cherished moment, and trying to is just chasing nostalgia." It felt strangely self-aware.
  • @rd0676
    I just wish The Promised Neverland had gotten a 2nd season
  • @GoddoDoggo
    Honestly, "The children of Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshomaru, and other characters are magical girls fighting demons in modern day Tokyo in order to save their parents" is a fantastic idea that should have been one singular movie and nothing else.
  • @Hugelag
    The second you said "Planet Sheen," I understood your pain. That is an experience nobody should have to go through.
  • @HeisenbergFam
    "to enjoy anime is to doom oneself to a life of quiet, yet constant disappointment" Bro is truly the Socrates of 21st century
  • @77mcmarine
    I set myself up for success by 1. Always assuming there will be no 2nd season 2. 2nd will suck. 3. Being drunk on first watch of it. 4. Crying in the corner
  • @Hawk21480
    "It really sucks to have a piece of art that you love turned against you." Yeah, trying being a fan of Transformers since 1984. I feel that.
  • @alysskuriyama5538
    I'm honestly shocked that you didn't mention the baby in The Devil is A Part-Timer Season 2. I saw people commenting while the season was airing that adding that child was like when sitcoms add a new baby character in a ratings stunt and I honestly have to agree. She's largely there to force Emi and Mao to interact in a civil manner and that's one of my least favorite tropes in romance plots.
  • @alicethemad1613
    Honestly the way things just happen with little to no explanation in FLCL and rely mostly on vibes or vague symbolism to understand is part of the point, in my opinion. You’re really there, WITH Naota, not knowing any more than he does and being just as overwhelmed and confused and frustrated as he is (and as Mamimi is). Anything that tries to codify a “power system” or clarify backstories kind of ruins the entire idea of it. FLCL isn’t about the giant robots or alien girls or planet eating corporations, it’s just about how much it sucks to be between kid and adult, how pointless life can feel, how hard it is to express these intangible exploding emotions, how poverty and abuse makes your relationships to other people unstable, etc.
  • @maleiaty
    That sound balance for the mic-peeaking joke was 100%. Whoever managed that edit just showed up every single sound engineer in all of entertainment.
  • @esotericauthor
    Is it possible to wish something remained dead... before the first season even finished? Wonder Egg Priority was something beautiful and meaningful and heartfelt and after a point it just... stops being those things.
  • @TeamSoraPresents
    Execs: "You used to love this series!" Fans: "Yes, we did, the first time. You need to get some new material." Execs: "Or maybe you need to forget our old material!"
  • @IT.93
    Unpopular Opinion: OPM season 2 was far from being bad.
  • Don't forget the Cowboy Bebop Movie was an example of expanding the series the right way. It just felt like a really long episode.
  • @ryanchase9332
    FLCL Season 2 did give us Kari Wahlgren being able to go absolutely nuts with her favorite character she's ever voiced, and deserves a place in this world for that alone.
  • @PineappleLiar
    My most powerful ability is my complete lack of concern about needing to finish a story I start. If things start going south I have no sunk cost inclinations towards sticking it out until the end. Fun fact: 99 times out of 100 is a show/manga has entered a death spiral, it’s not gonna get better. Just enjoy what you got, imagine a better ending and read fanfiction if the blue balls ar ereally bad.
  • @slartymcguarty2954
    When your favorite anime is brought back, but they did it with Ra'as Al Ghul's Lazarus Pit so it's all fucked up
  • @katelynpringle5506
    All of us will be bitter about the second season of The Promised Neverland until our dying breath.
  • Kemono Friends was a big one. After the franchise crashed when they fired the director and studio for (checks notes) doing bonus material that Kadokawa hadn't actually cared about them doing before the show got popular, they still pushed forward by giving the show to the lowest bidder, and the result wasn't just cheap, it didn't have any heart or love for the source material. Not to mention the new protagonist is a jerk shilled by the narrative as someone who truly belonged there, while the original protag is retconned to be nobody special, easily forgotten by everyone whose lives she changed, and destined to die and fade from history immediately. Not to mention that, while it's understandable that the producer would have been upset with fans sending hate mail and black faxes and basically treating the studio like scabs, the fact that he was caught picking fights with angry fans online under a sock might explain why KF2's plot and characters seem so spiteful to fans who wanted more of what we got in the first one. And then we got Welcome to Japari Park, which starts every episode with "sorry this isn't lore compliant, we didn't care as much as you do."