Buried angel by f3lixsram (easy demon) (doom gauntlet 2/5)

Published 2021-05-09
250 atts, took me 45 minutes. Worst deaths were 94x2, 89, and 84.
Very balanced level so I’m not sure what the hardest part is but if I had to say it’d prolly be the 74 wave. Died there quite a bit.
This level is very fun, would recommend, it PERFECTLY fits my play style and the room that you have in this level is tight but not too confined to where it’s claustrophobic. It’s not that fast paced but something about the gl was so fun and fascinating, although I didn’t have great luck with the second half. Would recommend.

Gp: 10/10
Rating: easy demon (easier than extinction)
Deco: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Self-esteem rating: 8.5/10
If you have bad luck with the second half like me it gets quite annoying dying there every time but even then I did minor rages, the worst I did was a silent squeal and taking a walk for a couple minutes without saying anything. I had a lot of stupid deaths which made me quite mad lol.

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