Published 2022-11-17
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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever has brought yet another mutant into the MCU: Namor, the Sub-Mariner. But what does "mutants" mean in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Is Spider-Man a mutant? We think mutants may soon be used as a scapegoat for the government to crack down on superpowered people--that will lead to Civil War 2, and further divide the heroes before Kang Dynasty.

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Written and Edited by Colton Ogburn (
Hosted by Ryan Arey (

#WakandaForver #Mutants #Namor

And we think the introduction of mutants is also setting up a war between mankind and the enhanced, that could explode in phase 6 and beyond. [clip, magneto “the war is here”]

So let’s start with the mutant line itself. “I was a mutant.” When Namor says this is does not imply in anyway that he’s been told [clip, you’re a wizard harry]

Wrong clip. [clip, First Class “you are a mutant”]

Namor hasn’t had a Charlese Xavier recruitment visit. Ms. Marvel’s bestie Bruno didn’t run a test on his blood. [clip, Ms. Marvel, a mutation.]

He simply realized that he shared many differences from the rest of his people. Such as his winged feet, his skin not turning blue when he’s out of the water, his ability to breathe on dry land. And, he ages very slowly. [clip]

Basically, Namor’s power is to tear through his enemies like an M4 sherman tank through a German panther. Or since he can fly, like an F-14 through a Mig 3.

Forget the implications of the word “mutant” in the Marvel universe for just a moment. A mutation can be defined as “an organism that is different from others of its type because of a permanent change in its genes.” [clip, first class, different eye colors.]

Namor has such stark differences from the rest of his people. So, we believe that Namor simply used the term “mutant” as a brief descriptor of his condition. Explaining why he is so different from the rest.

But we as Marvel fans know on a meta level that there’s a lot of meaning behind that word, mutant. [clip]

The Marvel Comics universe is full of super powered people with abilities and physical characteristics that make them standout. But not all of these characters are “mutants.” In the comics, mutants are characters who have an activated mutant X-Gene.

A gene that when activated gives its host special abilities, aka, super powers.

Doug: What do you mean by “activated”?

Good question. People are able to carry the mutant x-gene without showing any signs of a physical mutation or super abilities. But later in life that gene can be activated, giving them their powers and causing a physical transformation. [clip]

Now what causes the activation of the X-Gene isn’t set in stone. We’ve seen the X-Gene be activated from birth, therefore affecting pubescent children. But we’ve also seen examples of it not activating until they reach puberty. [clip]

Another example is when an individual is placed in a cataclysmic situation. Such as Magneto being separated from his mother at a concentration camp. This moment of fear, sadness, and rage brought Magneto's powers to the surface. [clip]

Or take Wolverine for example. When he was a child he was sick and dying. But following the death of the man he believed to be his father, he became enraged. And out popped the bone claws. [clip]

Another example of mutant a gene activation was seen in Deadpool. We saw Wade Wilson undergo literal torture to activate any dorment mutant genes that may be in his genetic coding. [clip]

So, those are the many ways we’ve seen mutant gene activation occur in the comics as well as the Fox X-Men films.

But now we’re in the MCU. A universe that up until recently had no mention whatsoever of mutants. In fact, they were legally barred from even using the word “mutant” or “mutation” in any of their films or tv shows prior to Disney’s acquisition of Fox.

With the MCU now able to use mutants in their projects. The question has become, how do you introduce mutants into an already established universe without it feeling like a massive retcon?

Well, we have a few theories.

It’s been theorized by many that perhaps Thanos’ snap will be responsible for mutants. Perhaps we could see individuals who got snapped away and then blipped back now have a new gene in their genetic coding. A gene created by the power of the 6 infinity stones.

All Comments (21)
  • To me Namor was giving off Magneto(Fox Films) vibes in terms of his ideology and thought process in how he approaches and views the world. Especially the idea of “Us vs them”.
  • I can see the Mutants pop up as a "villain" at first on Kang Dynasty or Secret Wars. With Kang's reasoning behind the "disappearance" of Mutant kind was because of the Multiversal War and He Who Remains was to blame for it (and played as a meta nod that everything prior to his death was because Fox's X-Men is a separated IP, so their "disappearance" was kinda justified) Something along the line of "You should've exist way back in the beginning, since you all are Children of the Atom"
  • @MrSMAN98
    The serum john walker and carli took in falcon in the winter soldier didnt make them buff like steve rogers because it was designed to not make people go through a physical change
  • @DecoyZ
    I hope they don't make Spider-man have special mutant genes, a large reason WHY Spiderman is such an amazing hero is because ANYONE can be under that mask. It was just Peter that got bit that day. People didn't like the whole "Peters dad made the spiders with his dna" twist from TASM 2 because all that did was make Peter "The Chosen One" the only one in the world who could have ever become spiderman. We know that Tom Holland has max 4 more solo movies under his belt, due to the scoopers and also Tom himself saying he doesn't wanna play spiderman in his late 30s. I think Peter will either quit or die and Miles will take his place in phase 8 or 9, so they'll have to explain that Miles also coincidentally has this spider mutant gene. When an easier explanation COULD be that anyone getting bitten by said spider would grant them powers.
  • I want to know with the Thanos blip affecting Taluken, it will be interesting to see how Namur reacts to people from his kingdom turning to dust and more in the sea!
  • I feel like secret wars/ battle world will allow them pick n choose who to keep ,and who to keep ,and who to recast just by saying that those specific ppl made it thru/ were chosen ,and the rest didn't from their reality. So basically Kevin can pick and choose who he wants to keep,and who he wants a new one of , and can make sense of it all in Canon. It's actually pretty genius.
  • 6:28 This is actually due to variance in the TYPE of SS Serum. Hydra's SS needed metallic limbs, the new SS serum was designed to make them concealable. This is actually explained in Falcon and the Winter Soldier!
  • The comparison with gun registration and mutant registration is amazing. And it even leads to a civil war.
  • My thought was that, like in the second theory, the mutant x-gene exists already in some people and currently requires some form of trigger that activates it. The Banner/Walters family requires gamma radiation, the Maximovs exposure to the mind stone, Parker radioactive bite. The type of trigger also probably effects the type of powers you get. I think to bring the X-men into the MCU there will need to be some event that massively changes the whole planet, perhaps an incursion will create an area of higher cosmic background radiation around earth or something, and after that people born with the x-gene will activate powers without an artificial trigger. Thus creating mutants as we know them in the comics. Longer lived mutants like Logan could already exist in the MCU but just gone unnoticed due to how rare they are.
  • @mcfc6320
    Your transitions are the best. We don't talk about that much.
  • Steve also took a different serum than Bucky and John hence why they didn’t change. I’d you noticed Peggy changed form in the what if
  • @alchang6435
    In the comics, there are "proto-mutants" — mutants that were born with their powers already activated. Supposedly, they're one step back from mutant evolution. In X-lore, the theory was that proto-mutants all died off because humans recognized them at a time when they couldn't fend for themselves, hence the next generation of mutants had their powers triggered during puberty. If you want to investigate more about proto-mutants in Marvel comics, it's pretty obscure but you'd need to direct your search towards "Jamie Madrox, Multiple Man" as the proto-mutant lore mostly revolves around him. Good Luck!
  • @MrMrdamon1
    Peter's father used his blood when he engendered human spiders. So the spiders knew peter.
  • I think the sentinel program would work well for this story. The science will designate who is a mutant , the sentinels hunt them down
  • Great video! I’ve also been meaning to mention that since y’all put Doug in, the videos have been 100x better LOL! Keep up the great work 👊
  • They can say that mutants was always there but really it’s a timeline adjustment from Loki and the death of he that remains.. in the comics people like the hulk wasn’t killed from gama because of similar reasons that mutants exist
  • @kidpolofiend
    It would be nice if following a civil war involving Namor and talokan , the MCU introduces a storyline that has the government hunting for more mutants and they discover krakoa, a nation of mutants that have been hiding all along with the help of the eternals to avoid a war with humanity. Ok idk about the eternals but I know they gone throw that in there somehow 😅
  • @marchetu9212
    I think we should be seeing, comparatively, many mutants from now on because of the snap but mutants were always there. They were just very rare. That way we can still have myth, legend, and historical context to old mutants (like Namor) and keep the Maximoff twins as mutants, but moving forward we’ll see many more because of the snap. And it’s not necessarily the people who were snapped. The universe felt the radiation from the use of the stones 4 times (Thanos twice, Hulk, and Tony). That is a lot of radiation so, like having too many x-rays, it could cause mutations. But just like having many x-rays can increase your chances of mutations (usually seen in the form of higher chances of cancer) there is no guarantee of having mutations. If anything, the people who were not snapped away would have a higher chance of getting mutations that give them powers because, as stated above, they experienced infinity stone snap radiation 4 times compared to the people who experienced 2 snaps.
  • I’m so happy someone is finally touching on this. This has been my working theory for the last year. And every time some thing new comes out and doesn’t discredit it I get so happy. I always simplified it as X gene + bad event + space radiation = super power (mutant). All these things that have kept appearing on planet from space that are suddenly changing everyone. Even though eternals gets a lot of flak I stand by that it’ll probably be one of the more important movies in the grand scheme of things with it’s implications. Especially going forward.