US Marine - 5 Tips for Easier Pull Ups

Published 2020-05-19

All Comments (21)
  • I dont think the people complaining realize that these are tips to get MORE REPS. this is like a study guide to pass a test. I appreciate your tips man keep it up
  • 1. Hand placement 0:21 2. Look up 2:05 3. Straight legs / Uncrossed 3:27 4. Widen up the grip 5:23 5. Cut the eccentric phase / push yourself down 7:48 This video is amazing, it's funny how even without watching this video I realized these mistakes and corrected them by myself, this video just made me feel more focused on my training and that I'm on the right path! Thanks Michael!
  • @JacobTaylor216
    Tip 1: "When you start doing more than 15 pull-ups...." Me, who can barely do 3: Interesting
  • Coming from an old Marine, train chest to bar rather than chin over bar. Obviously for PFT you need chin over bar, but train the range of motion of chest to bar to protect that spine. Consider long term health over PFT score. Also, do not cut out eccentric phase furring training, only during the test.
  • Most people cross their legs because their pull bars don't have enough ground clearance
  • Pull-ups became so much easier when I stopped crossing my legs. Watched a video on this many years ago, and sure, pull-ups are still a tough exercise in general. But that little tweak makes a ton of difference. Great pointers, will definitely incorporate these into my pull-up sessions!
  • i flew from 7 to 20 pull ups in 2 months via a beautiful discovery. After your normal pull up workout, do 3 sets of this exercise: hold 10 seconds all the way at the top of the bar, then 10 seconds half way down (elbows at 90 degrees), then 10 seconds at a dead hang. rest off the bar for 30 seconds or so in between sets. from what I've seen after experimenting with different workouts in the past few months(well after getting to 22 pullups), I've found that barbell rows do not help nearly as much as cycling 1 arm dumbbell rows and bicep curls after your normal pull ups. Hope this helps some other kids in the DEP who needed some workouts, from one novice to another.
  • @kaibarnwall6686
    Hi, thank you. I recall getting up to 20 pullups in 8th grade. Last year at 75 I couldn't do one. Pushup neither. Now after having a stroke on my 76th birthday in October, with physical therapy advice and beginning with learning on kitchen counter I have gotten to being able to do a few pushups, working on it daily. And I manage to do a negative pullup now and subscribed to you 'cause you're obviously the man to inspire me to be able to do pullups
  • 59 years old 180lbs. I used a band to assist but did 15 on first set and 12 on second. For me that’s an accomplishment! Thanks Marine!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • @TPain79lawguy
    I really appreciate the information and demonstration in this video - very useful. I'm just getting back into doing pull-ups / chin-ups, so I'm glad I found this.
  • @logger22
    As someone looking foward to enlisting in the Marines when I turn 20, this video will be greatly beneficial to me and many other future servicemen and women
  • @jamesa5873
    First tip and he's already changed my pull up life.
  • This was an AWESOME episode! You’re a great teacher. I’m now inspired! Thanks!!
  • @Vuchoglavski
    Great material, greatly explained by a person who has a clue - would recommend. Great job, really enjoyed watching!
  • @MichaelEckert
    Hey everyone! I hope you get something out of these videos. More to come! Please leave some constructive criticism/ideas for future videos! Thanks for the support!
  • @Riley_187
    Here's a top comment with no context
  • @J0r-El
    Salute to all the U.S. Marines out there and wishing them success in their future endeavors. Great video. I'll try them today.
  • These are some fantastic tips. I'm just starting off on my fitness journey and this is extremely helpful. Thank you