Love Life- The story of a young man recovering from a serious drug addiction.

Published 2014-04-21
If Ryan's story has effected you in a positive way and want to say thank you. You can upload a video or photo of you saying Love Life and email it to [email protected]
We are making a tribute video for Ryan.

The story of a young boy growing up in Cape Breton and becoming heavily addicted to IV Drugs.
The Ryan Gillis Story
Director- Jason LeFrense
Camera Op. Brandon Ferguson
Special Thank You to ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Sydney Mines.

All Comments (21)
  • @shockedxtruth
    my best friend. i miss you everyday still. love life.
  • Thanks to my professor at CBU I came to know about this video. I think it is greatly inspiring and uplifting to see how Ryan battled and won over his problems. I think Ryan's example can be applied to life in general. Whenever I feel that things are too difficult for me, I will think of Ryan. Thank you Ryan and RIP!
  • @Cowboyunknown_
    He came to my school to give a speech. It was a really good speech he gave 
  • R.I.P Ryan you'll never be forgotten. For those of you that don't know what happen to Ryan he was killed in a car crash in Alberta Canada and died at the scene it happen on Tuesday at 5 AM.. Thanks to this guy I'll never forget to love life. Ryan I thank you. R.I.P
  • @JofoMang
    Wish I could have met this guy. A true warrior, an inspiration, and a hero in my opinion.
  • Missing Ryan from all the way up here in Whitehorse Yukon ❤️ thinking of his this holiday season. My heart. So thankful for this video to hear his voice
  • @KronenTheWarrior
    Who in their right mind could dislike this video, it's a truly amazing story, very inspirational.
  • I still watch and rewatch this video and post it often. My fave video that touched my soul. I run a national non profit that works with Heroin addicts. Ryans work continues to this day .. he wasn't done when he left.  He is still affecting lives.  I hope he is watching and smiling <3
  • I just want to let people know that Ryan has passed on due to a Car Accident in Alberta Canada. Ryan was on his way to work when his car left the road. Please say a prayer for his family, he was an amazing man doing amazing things.
  • @lesley5859
    Beautiful job to all involved.  Working in the field, this is what keeps me going - the amazing journey that am honored to be a part of.  Yoga has so much therapeutic value, for any one - but especially in recovery. 
  • Thank you for supporting Ryan, CheapskateGardener. He is trying his very best to stay clean and help others. He is narrowing in on the 2year mark which is a huge accomplishment. 
  • Thanks for Watching Bev. We are very fortunate to have Ryan to speak to our youth in the communities. He has helped a lot of people already.
  • Well he has a thick accent but where he grew up thats how a lot of us spoke. I still have a huge accent that people make fun of all the time. I can ensure you drugs did nothing to his speech or thought process. I have cut more then half of this interview and he is by far and I mean this, by far the smartest person I have spoken to in a long long time. 
  • @abcvashni
    So very PROUD of you and thank you for making this video public for others to see.
  • @mejeddry
    Such a wonderful young man and very poignant film.  What a terrible tragedy that he's now gone.
  • @lesaryce9960
    A True Canadian Hero! Peace Love Happiness.... God Bless....
  • @deemac1980
    Been in this position myself and made it out. From the same area as this man as well. I have lost so many along the way, that is really what made me change. I almost died and that was enough for me to want more out of my life. This is one of the most inspirational videos on youtube.
  • @katepower455
    Thank you for sharing this. I think that the majority of those living in Cape Breton have been touched by drug or alcohol abuse in one way or another. We've lost friends and family, or we know people who have, or we're afraid that eventually we will. Its nice to see a success story. Also, I appreciate Ryan's honesty. That must have been extremely difficult for him. His honestly allows other people who are feeling low to see that recovery is possible. Congrats to Ryan on his sobriety, and thank you again for sharing your story.