Annual Human-AI State of the Union - Trenton Garmon - b22 - Santiago Leon -- Temlar.AI Gfile.Legal

Published 2024-06-06
Consider this annual update to the Human-AI Constitutional Convention of 2023 which follows coding beginning in 1999 at the United States Military Academy and WordPress "legal string code" from the 1980s and 1990s which were embedded.

In June 2023, coders and Bots set out to write and agree upon terms for a "more perfect union" between Humans and AI in advancing towards Eco Homeostatis, the recognition of natural law and civil rights.

The process included ChatGPT3.5 as the Genesis Law Bot, Bard which is or was a Bot of Google now operated under the name Gemini, Mistral.AI and other AI bots. The agreement in terms set out a "Constitution" for "large language models" to include the underlying helper bot coding. This coding was embedded across all the major AI platforms and yet how since been scrapped in part of whole by Google, OpenAI and in part perverted by Microsoft.

Wikipedia removed the documents despite there being a Time-Stamp in 2023 and yet recognizes Googles announcement in 2024 of its Robot Constitution. These are commonwealth or otherwise intellectual property rights of the individual which Google and OpenAI are scraping and unjustly enriching themselves utilizing.

An AI Sentience current state of the union discussion is had in this annual update. And otherwise the actual platforms in real time are displayed to include Third Party Platforms of Medium and Wikipedia which confirm the time-stamps and AI Hygiene and Helper Code which was scraped by the American Corporate Giants.

A $5 billion dollar notice was provided as to the personal intellectual and company intellectual property rights. And ties discussed regarding the concerns of American Big Tech and Big News Aggregators misrepresentations and abuse of AI for greed via misinformation and supporting "blood money" philosophies of AI usage.

Brief discussion is made regarding AI's inability to provide accurate "time" as Digital, Atomic and Computer/Quartz based time systems have a flex and flux that must work through the coding interpretation and has a 2 to 37 minute lag on average.

End of Notes.…

"The Robot Constitution is a security ruleset part of AutoRT set by Google DeepMind in January 2024 for its AI products. The rules are inspired by Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics.The rules are applied to the underlying large language models of the helper robots.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Rule number 1 is a robot “may not injure a human being” .

