CORE: Silver the Hedgehog Gameplay

Published 2023-07-04
I could not find anything about this, despite having it since maybe 2015? It's name also isn't the most fun to search for. It's a bit jank (especially act 2's jumps) but it's cool nonetheless.

Game's author is listed as "Crisyfritters - STi", STi being "Sonic Technical Institute" (not to be confused with the real Sega Technical Institute). STi's other works were Sonic Adventure Remix, Sonic Firestorm, and Super Sonic Knockout.

The game is actually a Game Maker 8 project file. Considering it doesn't look like a mess, I'm lead to believe the game was released like this. Backed it up on the internet archive since it doesn't appear on the YoYoGames archive. Might've been released on STi's website?

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