The Art of making of a leader through illumined mind: Medha: Part 4

Published 2021-08-14
There is a limitation for our outer manifestation. But there is no limitation on our inner expansion. Knowledge jnana is a must for inner expansion. A Guru is the one who can illumine the knowledge in us. That illumined knowledge is called prajnana or Prajna.

Prajna – the creative energy is one of the seven building blocks we have. We need to be creative in life to motivate ourselves and others in life. When creativity stops, the person gets sidelined in life.

Koushika later came to be known as Viswamitra when lost against Sage Vasista said:
dig balam kshtriya balam brahma tejo balam balam
Down with the physical or material strength. The real strength is the illumined mind.

The methods to enhance the creativity mentioned are faith in what we are doing, wake up early in the morning when the dawn is still dark, and meditate. Stay away from narcotics and alcohol. Eat fresh food and avoid processed or frozen food.

The brilliant mind is a must to set oneself free and for that, the food we eat plays a dominant role. The Chandogya Upanishad says:

ahara suddhau sattva-suddhih Sattva-suddhau dhruva smrtihi
smrti-lambhe sarva-granthinam vipra-moksah 7.26.2
From the purity of food comes the purity of mind; purity of mind leads to a brilliant mind, With a brilliant mind one overcomes all obstacles, and with God’s Grace - one becomes liberated.

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