How Disney Plus Crushed the MCU and the Multiverse (Literally)

Published 2023-02-26
The MCU is not in the best of shape nowadays. There is no shortage of opinions on why Marvel has been in a state of decline but few have mentioned the viewing experience contradiction presented in Phase 4: Disney decided to enlarge the MCU by introducing the multiverse while shrinking the viewing experience with Disney Plus.

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All Comments (21)
  • @lordphinix3
    My general issue with the MCU is, in addition to beginning to think that 'Marvel Fatigue' thing has finally caught up with me, Disney+. Nothing, and I mean nothing, which is important to the understanding of a FILM franchise should be happening on a streaming service. It doesn't encourage me to subscribe, it just encourages me to stop going to the theater too.
  • When Thanos snaps his fingers in Infinity War. Yep, I remember that silence. The theater was packed, I'm talking of about 350 to 370 seats. All packed. The silence was so surround full in the theater, you could hear the projector running. Simply, amazing.
  • @blaykjord6171
    Guardians vol3 is the last MCU movie I anticipate, I don't plan on rushing to theaters for anything related after that.
  • @lizardpeople
    The last time something fumbled the ball this bad was GoT
  • That's one thing I hated about the Disney+ shows and Phase 4 altogether. How everything accomplixhed for End Game was a just a big fucking joke, nothing mattered and it came accross as extremely condescending to the fans of those movies. It was just insulting. I mean this how you treat your fan base, call them a bunch of losers because we were there since the beginning?
  • I was looking at your apocalypto video & the moral of the fall of the Mayan empire and then after I was done I stumbled upon this video you posted 10 hours later and the moral applies so much to Disney as it does to the fallen Mayan empire. The hubris of a successful empire can cloud judgement. Glad to see you are mentioning the decline of MCU & Disney.
  • My opinion is that Phase 4 occurred at a time when Star Wars really started to hit its stride. Despite the shit sequels you saw that Star Wars found a lot of success in the long story format of TV shows. Mandalorian, Bad Batch, Tales of the Jedi, Clone Wars Season 7, and to a lesser degree Book of Mandalorian err sorry Book of Boba Fett. I didn't include ObiWan in there because honestly that show is irrelevant even though its the only time I know of that we can actually see what Alderann was like before it was blown up. On the other hand Marvel continuously strugged trying to provide TV shows when generally they're much better at making movies.
  • The MCU did have an ending. It was Endgame, obviously. Everything else after that was the MSHEU. Which as been a complete disaster
  • Looking back idk how I liked any of them maybe it really was just going to the theater, and the fullness of them. Looking back these movies weren’t ever great or that good before Disney either. They will go down as kid movies that kids will probably make fun of (or at least I hope)
  • @johncondry234
    In an attempt to build up less appealing characters, Marvel had phase 4 writers diminish the OG’s and build up new. Take Kate Bishop who immediately at 22 witb a few lessons is better than Clint. On the small screen, there’s really no character arc that we care about.
  • @ThMnWthNNm
    In regard to The Book of Boba Fett and the Kenobi shows, both actually started out conceptually as theatrical films. However, when Solo came out to poor box-office returns, Disney was forced to completely change their plans.
  • @ArmanIRL
    Ms. Marvel was the best thing in post-endgame Marvel. Younger hero, a focus on the family/ cultural impact of having god powers, and an unconventional approach to the cinematography (at least in the first few episodes). Kamala Khan was one of the most relatable heroes in the MCU because their story was smaller, and the character was discovering themselves and their powers alongside the audience. Previous Spiderman had smaller stories as well, and the possibilities to having multiple incarnations of the same character from different universes is a fun evolution of the concept. When every season or movie is dealing with "the world's biggest threat," it's hard to really care at that point.
  • @Amadeus451
    I'm willing to let phase 5 play out before walking away. Covid messed up the plan and seems to have fudged most of the story telling, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until their course-correction/ recovery wraps up. After though, we'll see
  • Lore of How Disney Plus Crushed the MCU and the Multiverse (Literally) momentum 100
  • @angeluvsvid
    so the same fatigue doesn't apply to the marvel comics redundant storylines??!
  • I have never read comics before, I'm really not even interested in superheroes, I just liked the MCU because of the crossovers. I thought that was freakin' awesome that all these seemingly unrelated characters and movies all turned out to be in the same universe. I had seen Iron Man 1 and 2 and Thor and Captain America with my family but I didn't know they were all in one universe until I saw the trailers for The Avengers movie. That got me hooked. But Phase 4 has no crossover. It lacks everything that made me interested in the MCU in the first place and Phase 5 doesn't look much better. And yes it is definitely overly politicized and the writing is way worse. Especially if you go back and rewatch the old ones, you can tell how much better they are in character development and writing. And they should have at least had an Avengers movie in every phase like The Infinity Saga did. Setting that standard and then dropping it is just a bad idea. It leaves the audience always expecting more than Marvel is giving. I'm not enjoying the MCU anymore. Ever since Phase 4 started I've just been going through the motions out of a desire to see it through to the end. But I'm not gonna do that if they just keep going and going on and on forever. I'm just tired of superhero movies and I'm tired of shared universes. Especially when they don't even do the very thing they claim to be all about which is crossovers.
  • First, I love your videos. I enjoy the insight and perspective. This video was no exception. Second, I think you are mistaken about one thing: the MCU fanbase is not big enough to absorb Disney's mistakes. Disney is losing money on these movies. I know big numbers are reported by the press that covers movies. But the budget on these movies has grown out of control. Notice the recent slow down in the release schedule? Feels kind of reminiscent of the Disney Star Wars experience, doesn't it? You don't slow production when you are making money. Disney needs to spend less money on digital effects and more time on developing stories and characters that will appeal to an audience.
  • @Ass_of_Amalek
    superhero movies are a bad genre, because beyond origin stories, superheroes make bad protagonists. their superhero status greatly hinders their relatability, as personality is replaced with combat stats like for a video game character. even the transformer movies are a better concept because the superheroes are not the protagonists. the best marvel movies, other than perhaps a couple of origin stories, are the guardians of the galaxy novies - because their protagonists are not superheroes, they only have extraordinary abilities in the oceans eleven-james bond range. I enjoy regular hollywood blockbusters. but the average blockbuster would be so much better if they had only made something like 8 superhero movies and series since 2000. they are making way way way too many, and getting far worse results than they would if they put the same effort into more varied action and fantasy films with non-overpowered protagonists.