FIREPOWER 100% (Extreme demon) by Sillow

Published 2023-06-15
Before I get my experience with this level, I just wanted to outline why my completion of it prompted THAT reaction. I made a goal for myself to beat this level by June fifteenth. Due to circumstances with me graduating high school and family visiting and whatnot I had almost no time to really play this level until the last four days of the deadline. on the first day, I got 62 and 59-100. On the second, I got 82 and 40-100. On the third day, June 14th, I got 97 and then 96 three times with some 25 deaths after 50. Finally, on the last day, today, June 15th, getting another 15 or so deaths past 50 without getting any more deaths past 84, I beat the level after 20,558 attempts, my highest recorded since Phobos.

This level is extremely hard. I don't really have any idea how hard it is, as I have no experience with any other levels at this difficulty, but I'll say it's in the ballpark of Artificial Ascent.

The main reason for that is the balancing. This level gets increasingly difficult as it progresses, with the last 20 or so percent being the hardest part of the level by far. while the waves aren't especially tight, they are decently high CPS and some of them have very strange patterns. the whole level is extremely learny and it's super easy to lose consistency, which is why I ended up doing 59-100 like 7 times and 40-100 three times. There are a lot of inconsistent clicks, mainly the yellow orb click at 48%, with the blue orb click before the ship and the orb clicks at the end of the swing copter also being shaky. The predrop is long and pretty boring, taking up 38% of the level and being just hard enough that you die there a lot but not hard enough so that you never get to the wave, overall making this level extremely punishing and unfun from 0%.

On the leaderboards it says I'm the fifth victor, but I think there are a couple from before it was rated and a couple others in the comments that don't show up, so take what I say at the end with a grain of salt.

20,558 Attempts
Enjoyment: 1/100 (masochism point)
Personal difficulty: 9.7/10

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