Why Frank Heffley is a TERRIBLE Father

Published 2021-08-01
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diary of a wimpy kid,manny is a psychopath,latenightpies,frank heffley,greg heffley,manny heffley,greg is a sociopath,the impact of diary of a wimpy kid

All Comments (21)
  • @drarry_simp6220
    The only time Frank showed love to any of his kids was when he bought Greg a Bench Press.
  • @boldlybravo2492
    Havent read the books in a while but the only thing I remember Greg and his father bonding over was their mutual hatred of a newspaper comic.
  • I honestly feel bad for Greg. I often get vibes that he’s depressed and his parents don’t really seem to help and I think that’s also a reason why Greg can be bad sometimes.
  • @neko-rt7bt
    The theory of him being bullied and seeing himself in greg during his middle school years only solidifies after we read this part in the book where he sees his bosses sons and compares them to his own. Dude really just wants some sort of comfort or closure from a matter he never solved from his younger self and tries to do so by basically molding greg (since rodrick failed) into something he wanted to be
  • @tomatoboy3067
    The heffleys Sociopath who manipulates his best friend Toddler who manipulates people and even puts his family at risk Dad who neglects kids unless they live up to his standards Mom Teenager who likes drumming
  • @PK-Radio
    Frank must be messed up if his escape is a simulation of war
  • @BackToBackJames
    Honestly, Frank is a way better father in the movie trilogy than in the books. In Dog Days, it is revealed that his father didn't really spend much time with him. So he makes the conscious decisions to try to become a better father and become more involved with his children. Then later in that movie, Greg himself learns to be a better son.
  • My POV when I was younger: Greg: A normal kid overcoming middle school Rodrick: A metal older brother who’s mean Manny: A normal younger brother Susan and Frank Heffley: Normal Parents My POV now: Greg: Sociopath Rodrick: The most normal Manny: Psychopath Susan and Frank Heffley: Bad parents
  • @Shizilol
    Greg: Sociopath Manny: Pyschopath Frank: Dead beat Father Susan: Enabled Mother Rodrick: Just a Teen who likes to rock n roll. . When we were young, we think Rodrick was the weird and rude brother, but when we got older and try to understand the family. Rodrick seems the most normal out of anyone of his family
  • In one of the books, Greg says his dad punishes him by immediately throwing something at them. The example Greg gives is that a good time to misbehave is when Frank is reading the paper, but not when he's laying bricks. Another time, Greg's mother had to force her husband to hug his children. She watched to make sure that he'd do it. In the movies they portray him as more of a flawed dork than an outright terrible father, he's called out on it, and him working to connect with his children better is a subplot. Of course, how bad Greg claims he is in the books should be taken with a grain of salt since the narrator is a middle schooler only giving one side of the story.
  • @megavin1225
    Susan: I bet he is thinking about other women. Frank: Mmm yes the war.
  • @lolmemes8447
    5:42 "It's only left out of his diaries bc he is trying to repress the memories" This just reminded me of my theory I had when I was younger that Greg's mom reads through his diaries without him knowing but Greg has a hunch but can't really prove it and that's why he kind of writes about his family in the way that he does
  • @emberhermin52
    Isn't one of the first things they tell us about him how he throws bricks at the kids? Like wtf
  • @swootproonce634
    Greg is an unreliable narrator, so everything in the diary probably isn’t a 100% accurate portrayal.
  • The only time I've seen things like Greg actually being sorry, manny maturing, and Frank being a better dad was in the movies, but that's basically just because they need to show character development
  • @Snowfang00andco
    I’m surprised you didn’t mention in The Last Straw, Frank was stealing snacks from the snack bin for weeks and ALLOWED Susan to punish the kids who were not given any until the culprit came forward, thinking it was either Greg or Rodrick. Of course he was exposed when Greg camped out to catch the thief in the act. (After falling asleep in warm laundry) and what do they do when the noise wakes up Susan? Both grab as many snacks as they can and bolt.
  • @leviathan2177
    rodrick is the best out of the family. I'm mean he actually has an aspiration and the bad things he does is more or less slight embarrassment or getting rid of items
  • @PyroNick01
    Well, as Greg said, whenever he screws up in front of his dad, Frank will just throw whatever is in his hands at him.
  • Frank: ignores and neglects his family to play with toys in the basement Also Frank: "sToP pLaYiNg DrUmS aNd ViDeO gAmEs!!!! bE a MaN!!!!!!!!!!!!"