10 Things Crew Members Hate Passengers Doing!

Published 2023-05-03
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Hey sailors,
Today I will be going through 10 things that cruise ship crew members hate passengers doing. I have made my way around the ship and asked crew members from all different departments what they hate passengers doing, and some of the choices you may not have expected.

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All Comments (21)
  • @sherickoos
    Honestly, I respect anyone who knows more than one language. I have tried to learn other languages and it's not easy. Kudos to anyone who does learn a second/multiple languages.
  • I like to treat the crew members with utmost respect. A couple of examples are. To cruises ago, our cabin steward attended was not able to leave the ship. I asked her to give up a little list of things she needs. When we went to one of the ports, we bought her everything on the list . We pre pay our tips but always tip in cash with a note of thanks for their hard work. Our last cruise, it was our assistant waiters birthday, we gave her a birthday card and a cash gift. They work so hard and we forget how many guests they have to take care of . People please be nice.
  • Unfortunately, this bad behavior isn't confined to cruise ships; it's in all areas of the service and hospitality industries. I worked 3 years on ships, 20 years as a flight attendant, and 10 years in resorts as a scuba instructor, and have seen all this behavior in every job. I loved service and accepted that this ignorance was pretty much a part of the deal. My reward and pleasure came from the politeness and gratefulness of the vast majority of those who know how to act properly in society.
  • @ve2vfd
    Interestingly, everything you mentioned are also some of my biggest "fellow passenger" pet peeves as a frequent cruiser. My absolute biggest pet peeve as a passenger is seeing entitled a-holes being rude to Crew Members. Those people are worse than chair hogs and pigs who lick serving spoons in the buffet and should be made to walk the plank.
  • Whew! Have a cruise coming up, and was worried that I was going to have to learn and remember a bunch of new etiquette. Nope. This is basic etiquette for life wherever you are. All of them come down to the Golden Rule! So sad, that something as simple as “be kind” has to be explained to so many people. I appreciate all that you do for your passengers. ❤
  • I can't even imagine leaving trash all over. I believe, and am teaching my kids, that, at a MINIMUM, you should leave a place just as you found it, but when possible, leave it better than you found it. Picking up after yourself is not hard.
  • @captainjohn49
    Lucy, nice video! This all boils down to simply "be a good person" / "act like a responsible adult" / "don't be an a**hole". (another reason I wouldn't want to work in the "service" careers....listening to the a**holes all day would get to me) Whether it be being rude, condescending, acting entitled, sexual harassment, using ignorant stereotypes, littering, etc., it is all about these folks not being a "good person" (you know, a "lady" or a "gentleman"....or anywhere in between) What I learned from my parents is to always place others' needs and feelings ahead of my own! (this is sort-of like that old saying that "A gentleman is someone who tries to make sure the people around him are as comfortable as possible") But, even if we could all just be a tiny bit nicer and/or a bit more understanding of others, the world would be a much nicer place, you know! Thanks again Lucy, for another nice video! Fair winds! 😀
  • @marieb9081
    As a former waitress I’ve always tried to stack up plates to make it easier for the waiter. On my last cruise with NCL the waiter asked me not to do this as it was considered that I was being impatient by his manager and he’d get written up. He wasn’t very friendly about it but I’m glad I know now as I had no idea it was hurting and not helping.
  • @kelsiewilson
    My father, God bless him, has grown rather fond of cruises in his golden years and I often travel with him because of his declining health. He insists our cabins are left for the steward in a condition as if they had never been occupied. And I do mean, every time we leave the cabin, even for a brief time. The beds are made and bathrooms cleaned. Nothing left outside of the draws or cabinets. My father constantly reminds me and others that we are all equally responsible for ourselves and our most important job in society is to ensure others walk away a bit happier to have met us. 😊
  • The most memorable people I meet on my cruises are always the crew. Take the time to find out their stories. And when I hear others disrespecting crew, it is very upsetting and I will call them out on it. These are the people who give up so much so that we can enjoy our holidays, so let's all be grateful and kind.
  • Most of these things should be observed everywhere, not just in cruises. Also, in my experience as a passenger, the crew have always been so nice and friendly to me, that it's unthinkable for me to be otherwise.
  • I organized our crap everyday before leaving our room because i knew it made it much easier for the cleaning staff to clean. We passed a nearby room when the staff was cleaning and that room looked insane 😨
  • @Becky6638
    As Youth Staff, parents lying about their kids being fully potty trained because they don't want to have to pay $6-8 for the nursery. They'll spend hundreds on the casino or on drinks packages, but when it comes to appropriate childcare, that is where they don't want to spend money. Also, guests that think they deserve everything and rules don't exist just because they've paid to be there. I've had guests be quite rude to me because I've told them their child is too short to go on the waterslide or they can't be moved to a different age group in the kids club. Also, the cups and glasses that are always left around for someone else to deal with rather than just taking it back to a resturant.
  • @spiegeje
    Delightful list. I was really hoping that I didn’t violate any of them. I don’t think I did. One of the best parts of cruising for me is interacting with crew. You’re all awesome.
  • next time someone just says, "toilet!" respond: "sink?" "shower curtain?" "are we naming things you find in a bathroom? what's going on here?"
  • I am a passenger. I agree 100% with everything you said. I have seen it among my fellow passengers. As am American, I am often embarrassed at the behavior of other Americans. Many Americans are just plain ignorant of the world around them. I have total respect for all crew members. They are all hard workers, and many speak multiple languages. I only speak English, which in my eye, makes the crew members on a cruise ship, better then myself, and deserve all the respect in the world.
  • Totally agree with all ten items! When I hear people being rude to staff I approach the crew with a kind/positive comment while adding that the rude/disgusting is less than human. Seriously, how hard is it to say kind words, give a smile, and enjoy the time aboard? We appreciate every crew member and all the hard work they do!!
  • @GlendaR173
    We learned a small smattering of French before we went to Paris because we had read the French really appreciate us trying. We had wonderful time but ran into other people from New England... he said they are all hateful and expect us to speak French! He was so hateful... no wonder he was treated rudely...!!! We in turn had a wonderful time and everyone tried to bend over backwards to help us with our French and appreciated our attempts at French!
  • @mr-vet
    As an American who is married to someone who was born & raised in another country (Ecuador)and who’s first language is not English (Spanish), the derogatory & demeaning comments about someone’s accent or how they speak English pisses me off. My wife sometimes has imposter syndrome due to the fact she is a successful, naturalized US citizen, Hispanic female who speaks with an accent. She actually is an office director and often has to correct writing from the native English speakers who work for her.