The Story of my Heart Cat 💔

Published 2021-10-01
Littlefoot was such a precious and wonderful cat. She lived for 12 years and during that time I hope that I gave her the best life that I possibly could. I'm sorry it took me so long to make a video about this but I needed time to process this on my own for a little bit before I could sit down in front of a camera and talk to you.

All Comments (21)
  • Thank you so much for your kindness and understanding during this tough time. I am putting together a memorial for Littlefoot, if you would like to send a letter to drawing you can do so to my PO BOX: ➡CreativePetKeeping 113 McHenry Rd, #164, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
  • Just know you were such A WONDERFUL AND GREAT MOM TO HER!!!!! she was blessed to have you to love and spoil her and !!!
  • @blakepoe6916
    such a sweet girl love you forever littlefoot!❤️
  • @kimikins1000
    I'm SO sorry to hear the sad news of Littlefoots passing, Kasia 💔 I swear each animal that passes on us, takes a piece of our Heart with them. I truly believe that our Furbabies never really leave us. They might run & play with the others at the Rainbow Bridge🌈 but I truly believe they stay by our side & watch over us. I'm sorry she went through so much before she left. You were & are an exceptional Furbaby Guardian. Give yourself time to grieve & heal your Heart. Sending you Love & Healing Thoughts XO Blessings ❤
  • @LOHNN22
    my father also die on January nut i still move i lessen the stress on my fish hobbies and try to keep busy, pray always just keep going and be position in life
  • @bananafloat27
    I know how much pain you are in. Only three months ago I lost my precious angel kitty to cancer as well. She was my everything. I still cry every day. But our babies had every need met and every pleasure enjoyed while in our care.
  • @ksm240
    So sorry Kasia, I know the feeling of losing a beloved pet all too much. I will miss her in your videos too. You gave her such a good life and loved her to the very end. That is something to cherish. ❤️
  • So sorry for your loss. I know how we love our pets. My Elizabeth is doing good after her surgery to remove her cancer from her foot. My heart breaks for you. 😿😥 You did the right thing and it was time. She was suffering and tired. I believe all animlas have a souls all made by God and live a pure life and go to heaven. You'll see her again.🙏🏻
  • Our pets bring us so much joy to our lives and having to say good bye is the hardest thing many of us ever have to do :(
  • @prasadprabu3904
    Sorry for your loss..... I know how it fells to a pet that you really love..... My she rest in peace.
  • I am so sorry for your loss of Littlefoot, she was such a beauful cat, I will miss seeing her in your videos.
  • My dear friend, I feel your lost like if was one of my little furry kids. Be sure that you gave her the best time of her life.
  • I’m so sorry for your loss. Allow yourself to grieve the loss of Little Foot. Know that you gave her the best of things including the decision to allow her to not be in pain any longer. It’s hard but a decent thing to do when you love a pet.
  • @Lflower1Stars
    It's very hard to lose a pet, I lost 3 sister lost 2 dogs at the same time. You are connected to your animals. You will see her again. God Bless you and all your animals.
  • @rexena1381
    I am so sorry. As a pet parent I can empathize. Just remember you gave her the best life she could have. You put her first and she died a loved happy kitty.
  • Aaawww...Kasia my heart breaks for your loss 😔Littlefoot was truly a sweet kitty 💕 she knew you loved her with all your heart ❤
  • @sassy7298
    I went through something similar with my cat Aires, the vet and I fought a battle of an unknown illness for about 3 months before she ended up passing. She was a dwarf cat genetically and never grew to normal adult cat size so everything was very hard to do. I had to give I.Vs at home every other day for weeks trying to get her kidney to normal levels. I lost her on October 20th of last year at the age of 11. I am currently 24 and she was my heart for the majority of my memory. It's a pain I couldn't even describe.