NATO shat the bed

Published 2024-06-20

All Comments (2)
  • @PlaAwa
    the USA can ramp up production of patriots and other weapons at any stage. this is their forte. they're the strongest military in the world by a riddiculous margin. this is a walk in the park for them. they're not even running on a military economy at the moment, unlike russia. it's basically business as usual for them. for russia, everything depends on this war. this war is their only focus and everything they have. for the west, it's just another little annoying side thing. russia's economy is about the size of south korea's. they're up against the entire free world. it's important to have a deeper knowledge about these things before being an RT repeater. all russia has is propaganda and the free people of the west to convert and use. the longer this war goes on, the weaker russia gets and people who see the opposite of that are testament to the power of russian propaganda. how on earth can russia get stronger by spending more lives and money and losing oil refineries every minute? please provide one bit of evidence supporting the idea of russian strength? remember that NATO is barely even involved. remember that putin is scared of NATO involvement. remember that it was putin's fear of NATO 'expansion' and getting too close, that made him preemptively invade ukraine, thinking that kyiv would fall in 3 days, just because he got away with crimea, only because he went for the low-hanging fruit again, with a surprise attack on a disarmed country with his own nuclear-powered militarty. just like the 2022 invasion - a quick, surprise attack on the low-hanging fruit and then nothing... a virtual stalemate where not only the russians can't move forward sustainably, but they're now getting pushed back and thousands of them are surrendering. they can't even secure the complete provinces that they've claimed as their own. those telegram bubbles will make you look stupid.