Goatmen, Djinn or Skinwalkers? How A Mesopotamian Demon Was Unleashed on the Modern World.

Published 2024-04-24
#unexplainedphenomena #ghoststories #goatman #sleepparalysis

Arab folktales, Moroccan folklore and The Female Arabian Ghoul: Something is haunting the men of Morocco and the Gulf. The truth behind the Aisha Kandisha story, the Umm Al Duwais legend and their connection to the Sumerian Demon Lilith.

For thousands of years from Morocco to the GCC there have been numerous case studies where humans have encountered a class of djinn that typically manifest as human females with animal limbs such as the Goat Man, Satyrs and Fauns. Are these beings merely folklore, cryptids or phantoms? From Ancient Mesopotamia's Lilith to Morocco's Aisha Kandisha, Kuwait and the Arabian Gulf's Himarat Al-Gayla and Umm Al Duwais and even the La Diablesse from Latin America and Trinidad and Tobago, what's causing fictional creaturess from children's folktales to manifest in reality?

0:00 Preview: A Moroccan Cryptid or Djinn?
1:03 Intro: Human Animal Hybrids and Ghouls
6:38 Kuwaiti Folklore: Himarat Al-Gayla
8:10 The Umm Al Duwais Duwais story
11:40 Morocco’s Aisha Kandisha Mystery
20:25 Popobawa: The Tanzanian Bat Entity
22:24 The Witch, Shadow People... and The Portuguese?

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Sources, References, and Further Reading and Viewing

أم الدويس : الإغواء القاتل : Paranormal Arabia
ذكريات مع "أم الدويس"
في لِقاءٍ مَحمّلٍ بالرُعب: رحلتُ من الباطنة

Foreign Deities in Egypt - UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology - (03 April 2011)
Aicha Kandisha (or whatever) Reddit - Bayl0ck - (03 December 2019)
Aicha Kandicha A Myth or a reality - My Tindy - (03 November 2021)
Aisha Kandisha – Moroccan Succubus Urban Legend - The Unexplained Mysteries 08 December 2020

The Lady with a Cloven Hoof: A Minstrel's Romance (eleventh century)
Péde Cabra (The Lady with a Cloven Hoof)' By Alexandre Herculano (1851) Appendix A
Translated by Maria Manuel Lisboa (2016)

Myths and Maxims: A Catalog of Superstitions, Spirits and Sayings of Grenada, and the Caribbean
Legend of the La Diablesse: Trinidad and Tobago Guardian (26 October 2013)

The Nature of the Arab Djinn, Illustrated by the Present Beliefs of the People of Morocco Edward Westermarck 1899

Attacks Blamed On Bat Demon - BBC News - 21 February 2007
Popobawa : The Evil Bat - Thomson Safaris
The Chupacabra of Zanzibar: Popobawa Demons

Umm al-Duwais (and Other Notable Female Jinn) - Postscript Magazine - Maitha AlSuwaidi
The Legend of Umm Al Duwais: The Female Jinn of Emirati Folklore - A Little Bit Human Joseph Sherwood

Mythical characters abound in old Kuwaiti folktales - Al-Mukhaizeem - Kuwait News Agency

Music By Scott Buckley
Narration By Karim Ismael
Edited by Abdullah Yahya

Original Thumbnail by Clayshaper
New Thumbnail by photographer: Gerbie Pabilonia Model: Sahara Isidro Perez

All Comments (21)
  • @helentayar5211
    this story is true..i know people who knew that woman..she got sick afterwards and never recovered.. that woman was invited to play at a wedding party..she got there with her girls set everything up and started playing. later on one of her girls realizes the guests had goat legs and when she tried to tell her she told her that she noticed and asked her to keep playing so they wouldnt disturb and upset the jinn.. she kept playing and when they finished they ran out of there thats when they encountered the driver ..they told them what happened and he said the house is abandoned and suddenly there was no more light and no sound.later on she became very sick for a very long time and never recovered
  • @rushslayer8647
    To all you, American civilians, all you have to do is take a tour of Iraq or Afghanistan, or one of those countries that has mountainous regions that are absolutely beautiful look at. But once you’re there, you almost immediately realize there’s a lot more going on than just are human petty conflict! I can mean so many weird things about voices, footsteps, footsteps, running very loud, and very heavy, apparitions that you can clearly see, but at the same time kind of steamy looking that has absolutely no heat signature, yet are in the shape of a man or woman, or something way bigger! I’ve been tapped on the shoulder, pushed in the back, whispered numerous times in my ear in a different language. Before I deployed, I never thought of any of these things, so it was an absolute shock to witness these things, and it literally turned my life around to where I only trust myself and other people that are willing to talk about these things, and the people that want to sweep it under the rug are sheep and they are also not to be trusted. This world is so much more strange than I ever imagined, and most likely fourth and you ever imagined. One of the happiest days of my life was getting the hell out of deployment! Sad problem is is that there’s no one professionally that you can tell about this and be taken seriously. I wish I could start a psychological program for people that have gone through things like this and try to work through it to get rid of the constant nightmares and just never being able to forget about it and thinking that it can happen at any point even while I’m back here. The reason that it is so so scary is that there is nothing you can do about it, this is beyond our realm of understanding, and being able to protect yourself. What’s going to happen is it going to happen and you have no control over it, and I’m not the type of person that can put up with that. Please if anyone out there is like me trying to deal with it on their own, hit me up and maybe we can get something going to be able to talk about the stuff and maybe move past it but also be able to understand it a more. This stuff is well documented through time, so we can research and find out what’s going on. This is something that goes through my head 24 hours a day because it’s not supposed to be real, and it says real as a heart attack, and there’s no one you can turn to, not even your spouse, or your parents. They listen, but you can tell by the look on their face that it’s trying to gauge how far gone your mind is rather than excepting the fact that these things are real! So mean, purpose of this is just to get help for the people that have really gone through something like this, and in this day and age, we should be past the point of charging people and taking people at their word. You can convict somebody and condemn them to death from an eyewitness, for this, and I witness see something like this, they are labeled insane or going insane. It’s ass backwards. So if anyone wants to talk and maybe get some type of group together, please contact me and we will set something up outside of this forum, thank you, all for listening, and remember, this shit is absolutely real! Edit* I also realize that these things have been happening since the beginning of time but also the governments have been playing their little games, and who knows what they have created as well, the news over here about this stuff is it getting out of control. They won’t come right out and say it, but they will say that people have died from injuries that are not from animals that are around those parts. Mostly they try to blame it on wild dogs
  • @histoirettes
    Can we take a moment and praise the editor for the stunning visuals and magnificient landscapes and cityscapes?:glasses-purple-yellow-diamond:
  • @marcoscaba3846
    1943 Santiago del Estero, Argentina, my father was almost nine years old. He was told by his aunt to stay in her house and not answer any door or window. He relayed that he saw a shadow of a woman passing the front window of the house then he heard knocking at the door. He did not answer. Again he saw the shadow pas by the window but this time with the head of a boar. Later his aunt told him that an old woman from a nearby billage had died. Until the day he died, he never changed the story of his experience
  • @Titan.Uranus
    Mysterious Middle East, has certainly set the bar very high with production & editing quality. Bravo!!!
  • @aniburns329
    I believe that during times of warfare and anywhere there is human, even animal suffering en masse, the fear and heightened emotions attract evil entities that can only exist through this energy! There has been countless sightings of high strangeness during wars, especially reports from modern wars!!..
  • @krisragbar1518
    Mysterious Middle East what an unexpected pleasure it was to hear my Trinidadian folklore being mentioned and included. Locally she is pronounced La-Jab-less. The older people knew of her well, and had many interactions with her. Just dig a little deeper into our folklore history in newspapers and books. However, the oral stories are the best, especially those told from workers when the old sugar estates existed. Alot of the anomalies you speak about, Trinidadian folklore can in fact provides another layer of interpretation to them. Stay blessed.
  • @L3ZC
    I'll never forget what my grandfather once said to me " It doesn't matter where you are in the world, if you are alone in an empty place never trust somebody, specially an attractive woman, even worse alone" Even though he's from the Brazilian northeast countryside he said about numerous legends from native,gypsies,christian and african religions people, about evil spirits that lure young adults male and female to devour and feed on their fear and soul. He states clear that the more attractive this alone "person" is the more malicious are intents; and always avoid places known to this kind of event,specially because of criminais that exploits the ingenuous ones. Be safe and aware folks!
  • @sylviadailey9126
    Hey, there's a legend that says the Queen of Sheba was also one of those things with hooves for feet. Old stories say that the great King Solomon from the Bible was so rich & powerful because he knew how to perform magic. There's an old book called The Lesser Key of Solomon that is all about spells & conjuring demons. Its said that he was able to enslave the djinn & make them build his palace. Anyway when Solomon heard that the Queen of Sheba was coming to visit, he had the floor of his throne room polished so highly that it looked like water. Then when the Queen of Sheba came to bow to king Solomon, she had to lift the corner of her skirt & her hoof feet were reflected in the polished floor. You can find this story in a video buy historian Michael Wood in the DVD called 'In Search of Myths & Heroes'.
  • @timothyoaks1193
    About 8 years ago an NPR did a segment on the ammount of soldiers who claimed to encounter cryptids in Afghanistan. Before that I was completely unaware of the phenomenon. Like or hate NPR, It is something else when a news station like that takes such a subject seriously enough to report on it. It was definitely the most terrifying investigation I'd ever heard on news radio.
  • @100dfrost
    I have enjoyed and have been informed by your channel for some time now, and as you mentioned American skin walkers in this episode I will take the effort and time to tell you this story from my younger days. When we were very young my aunt and my mother would drop us off as children to be watched during the day, while all the younger adults worked, to be watched over by my great grandmother. She had no hope of keeping up with my sister or myself let alone my two cousins so she told us stories. My great grandmother was a full blooded Eastern Choctaw Indian. Often my grandmother, who was a member of a fundamental Christian religion popular in our area of the US at that time, would come home during one of these stories. The story would stop cold as my grandmother pulled into the driveway. She would castigate her mother for in her words "telling all those heathen stories" to us children. Decades later I was home on leave from the Army and I was staying at my father's house when I heard a loud crash and a growl coming from outside the house in the early hours of the morning. My father worked late at night to early hours of the morning as the engineer on the railroad so he was not home, I then armed myself with my father's pistol and started to go outside to check out the situation. My grandmother had been awakened by the disturbance, and got between me and the door saying that it was a moonless night, and begging me not to go outside. Not in fear (I was young) but more out of respect for my grandmother I sat on the couch in the front room with her until she finally went back to bed. It was still dark but I went outside then. It had been a couple of hours, I saw nothing. Many years later I was visiting my aunt and told her this story. My grandmother had been blessed by the One True God, and at an age of her late 90's had died some years before. My aunt told me that even when the family was my grandmother, my father and his two brothers, and my two aunts were living in a one room share croppers cabin she had refused to allow anyone to go outside on moonless nights. Some time after that something I read caused my memory to recall from at least one "heathen story" told to me by my great grandmother, one word, one name, skinwalkers. Unlike the mystical djinn of the East these monsters were more like European werewolves only they were supposedly very large, and surprisingly ape like in description. My grandmother, who had been deeply religious, and despised the heathen stories of her mother's people believed at least one of the stories, as to the reason or reasons only The One True God now knows. These skinwalkers, unlike the European werewolves seem to be a problem on moonless nights instead of nights of a full moon. End of "wall", thank-you for your channel. I much prefer the human narration over the former "robot" narration. Out here.
  • We have beyond number and description of these male amd female entities in Ireland. My aunt was followed home in the 1950's one late night after the cinema with a friend by a man in an impeccable suit and hat but he had hooves instead of feet. He never spoke to the girls, just stayed right behind them. They were terrified. When she got home, my grandad was so mad at her for staying out late and said it was a warning and her own fault that the devil followed her home 😅 The next day, they had the priest around to bless the house and front gate.
  • @_--Reaper--_
    "La Diablesse" (devil woman) she has cow legs instead of deer's or donkey's. People still report encountering them in this day and age from time to time usually in rural, sparsely populated areas late at night. Especially on long stretches of dark lonely roads appearing as beautiful women needing a lift. Usually wearing a large brimmed hat and vo­lu­mi­nous dress (picture Lady Dimitrescu) she walks with one human foot on the road and her cow hoof in the grass at the side of the road. She smells distinctly of a mix of fine perfume and deadly decay. Hunters also encounter them in forests and woodland areas as she appears on the nights when the full moon is the only light that pierces the darkness and she waits on those removed byways where a man is likely to pass. In all cases it's always a bad omen and in some rare instances the men end up missing or dead (from what usually appears to be the elements or wild animals). She can cast spells on her unsuspecting male victim, whom she leads into the forest with the promise of sexual favors. These men are never able to catch up with her, eventually finding themselves lost and bewildered. Confused and scared, the victim tries to find his way home, often meeting a grisly end or sometimes the victims wake up finding themselves naked, laying in stinging nettles. I hear lighting up a cigarette can ward them off. To break the spell of La Diablesse, one must turn their clothing inside out and walk home backward, away from the area she was spotted in.... or if driving on dark lonely roads in rural areas late at night and you see a lone beautiful woman, do NOT stop for her. If she gets into your car she doesn't talk or interact with you much. If you're the thirsty type, she may attempt to get you to pull over at the side of the road and lure you into the forest as mentioned above, if not then after some time a few things might happen; the guy giving her a ride, after trying to talk to her realizes she's not responding turns around to look at her or attempts to see her through the rear view mirror to see whats wrong and notices she's not there. Or sometimes she'll simply ask to be let out after some time at some random lonely location along the road. People who've encountered this say that as they were driving off when they looked to see where she was going (because it's a lonely location with nothing or no one around) they couldn't see her anywhere, she just vanished. What usually happens after is a series of bad luck, usually the death of a loved one or close family member dying in an accident or some such; or anything from loss of job, divorce, house burning down etc. Results may vary. But a lot of the time it's the person themselves who gave her the ride that usually end up in a really mangled car wreck and many don't survive. The only reason people may be able to attribute this to La Diablesse is because the victim (quite reasonably) freaks out to their loved ones when they reach home about the lady that got into their car and disappeared...
  • @CGar69
    Over the past 20 years, I've experienced "sleep paralysis" or sleep terrors more than 30 times. The first few times were terrifying, but over time, because I got used to it and researched it a bit, I concluded that it was something originating from the mind, likely anxiety-related, so I just continued with my life. However, this experience and its "symptoms" have changed in recent years. While in the past, I felt paralyzed and had a sense of terror and even sometimes saw shadowy figures, lately, the whole experience has taken another turn. As I tried to sleep, I felt the paralysis/terrors coming, and even with my eyes closed, I felt a force pulling me towards it, asking me, "Do you love me?". I didn't pay much attention then, thinking it was just my imagination, and simply turned to the other side and slept. However, a few days later, as I tried to sleep again, I felt an invisible force pulling me much more violently than the last time, to the point where I felt like I was almost turned 180 degrees. But when I opened my eyes, I found myself in the same position on the bed. My trick all these years to avoid the terrors has been simply to "wake up" and wait for some time before trying to sleep again. However, no matter how hard I tried, the same thing happened for the next two times. The third time (the same night), I felt that force again shaking me, and as soon as I opened my eyes, it was like I saw a man a bit like "pixeled" without his face visible, wearing modern clothes, sitting on top of me. I didn't feel fear or terror, just curiosity. I don't know what it was; I know I was 100% awake, but at the same time, my vision was like that of a dream. I don't know...
  • @vargr
    Do Shadow People exist in Middle Eastern folklore? If they do, then I have had a run-in with one. Several years ago there used to be one that walked through my house. After it did, we would find things missing, even if it was locked away. One night I had had enough. So I took one of the daggers left to me by my grandfather and used by him in world war 1. They are made by Case knives, sometime in the 1890s. The type of steel is a mystery. I set to sharpening them. As I sharpened them I thought that the knife would kill what ever I threw it at. I don't dare touch the edge, it will cut clean to the bone with very little pressure. Once I was done, I went to sleep. At 3am something woke me. I saw the shadow of something move across the wall across from me. I snatched a dagger from where I had taped the sheaths. Drawing and throwing in one motion the dagger flew straight and buried itself the blade length in a wall stud. If it had struck a person it would have gone through the heart of a 6ft tall man. I 'heard' a scream in my mind, and the shadow vanished, never to return. The dagger is still in the wall, abd I'm not removing it. Can you shed some light on this?
  • @brucemangan3807
    Before I start the video I wanted to say it is glad to see posts again. Condolences for your grandparent. I hope you and your family are doing well. My long time theory is that Djinn and Skinwalkers, among other beings, are actually the same things but each seen through the cultural eyes of different peoples.
  • @73jaydub
    Saying or thinking that an entity or creature belongs to a specific culture or country, is like saying that : eating meat, or laughing belongs to a certain culture or country! These entities expose themselves in ways that serve their purpose at the time!❤
  • @BenBouton
    I love this channel's content and the atmosphere. I have Irish ancestry; in Celtic myth there is a similar creature known as the Baobhan Sith, which bears many features of vampires and succubi. They appear as beautiful golden-haired maidens wearing green dresses that, in some stories, conceal their deer or satyr-like legs from view. They lure men with their singing and dancing, getting them drunk or dazed, then their fingers extend into claws and they slit their throats, draining them of blood. I find the similarities to them and the creatures mentioned in the video fascinating and unsettling; how could people in the past who lived so far away from one another have such similar accounts of these beings?