The Original X-Men Trilogy | An Endcredit Retrospective

Published 2024-04-08
With new mutant material coming to us this year, why not take a look at what’s come before. We take a look back at the early 2000’s trilogy that helped kick off the larger cinematic universe we love today.

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“True Love”, “Waking”, “How Long Am I Waiting”, “Every Target Can Afford To Wait” & “Holy Smoke On The Water” by The Soft Walls-
   / @thesoftwallsband  
All music used with the express permission of the artist.

#endcredit #xmen #hughjackman #mcu #x2

All Comments (21)
  • What I like about old X Men is how the human element is prioritized. Take X2 for instance. Most stories would focus on the world ending consequences of Stryker’s plan, but that is actually barely shown in the movie. What it does show is Roque and Bobby struggling with their relationship due to Rogue’s ability. It shows Jean trying to protect Scott at the cost of her own life. It shows Nightcrawler being turned from a sweet, well meaning man into a monster for personal gain. It shows Magneto trying to take revenge on the people going after him. It shows Jason being turned into a vegetable for his condition. It’s not a story about a colonel trying to wipe out a group of people, it’s a story about people with strange conditions. That very human element is what made X Men better than other superhero movies.
  • @maddog2314
    I grew up on X2 and Terminator 2. Red Dawn was a staple too. They were all replayed so much for a reason.
  • @lanadelrey6613
    Mystique breaking into the Stryker base is also iconic.
  • X-2 is the only one of the three that I rewatch and one of the only movies that makes me cry. Mostly it's Jean's sacrifice, but the rest of it comes from the reaction of those around her; Storm is sad at having lost a friend (which since she resents humans for their treatment of mutants, would impact her more as Jean is a fellow mutant), Wolverine and Cyclops are sad at having lost the woman they love and Prof.X lost a student and someone he cared for greatly. The simplicity of the storyline and the pacing just make it such a great movie.
  • @shadowwolf9467
    The fight at Jean Grey's house is my favorite because unlike other superhero fight scenes where it takes place in large open spaces, the fight scene at the house feels tense because they're all fighting in a confined space which makes them have to think quickly. Not to mention we get to see a godly display of telekinesis through a telekinetic storm, Jean Grey as the Phoenix didn't have to concentrate because all she had to do was think. All at once, she lifted up the house and pinned everyone to the ceiling, she is fighting in a telepathic battle between her and Charles (There's a deleted scene where we hear their psychic battle), and she halted the telekinetic storm as all of the debris and pieces of furniture are suspended in the air. That's a really impressive display of power and that's why this scene is my favorite out of the trilogy. Sorry for the long rambling.
  • @CatotheE
    It was a good movie, but all of these were missing Cyclops. That’s the character that the MCU needs to get right imo for a truly great X-Men movie imo.
  • The original X-men movie was the model for modern day marvel machine. It set the standard for family-friendly superhero movies because two years later came Spider-Man but before X-men was blade. The film fit perfectly into that grey area of comicbook media. It’s thematic, atmospheric, action and fight scenes carry weight and tension. X2 is remarkably crafted and the standout of the trilogy, bigger stakes, a better story, improved effects and visuals, a memorable score, excellent performances. It’s so underrated it pains me. Easily one of the best comicbook movies ever made and one of the few sequels that surpasses the original. With a poignant climax, and a brilliant opening sequence, X2 is arguably the best film in the entire franchise. The last stand is the weakest in the trilogy, it doesn’t hit its mark unlike it’s predecessors. However it does have some redeeming qualities. Great production value, fine set pieces, a really good score, impressive VFX and an emotionally gripping climax make it worthy of recognition. Last stand is an average movie but it’s serviceable and has good replay value.
  • @TheGlobalMisfit
    This is a great takeaway! X2 was a lot of fun cause the stakes were so much higher and felt realistic. The X Mansion was discovered and trashed, leaving the mutants to be nomads. The car chase from the Mansion to Rogue's house was actually fun to watch too, even under the threat of danger. Ice Man got more screen time and his stand off against Pyro made sense (ice powers vs. fire powers). And lots of other character development. As you mentioned, this doesn't take away from X1's foundation or X3's closeout though. Each trilogy entry is important and unique in it's own way. Sequels after DOFP were unnecessary in my opinion).
  • @TeamEvilPug
    X2 is the best film from the trilogy BY FAR
  • 1. X-2 2. Logan 3. Deadpool 4. Days of Future Past 5. First Class 6. Deadpool 2 7. The Last Stand 8. X-men 9. The Wolverine 10. Apocalypse 11. The New Mutants 12. Dark Phoenix 13. Origins: Wolverine I feel The Last Stand could've worked if A. They cut out the Phoenix Saga arc for a later 4th movie before we go into prequels, and B. They had Taylor Kitsch's Gambit paired with Anna Paquin's Rogue in this movie instead of introducing him in Origins: Wolverine.
  • 1. X2: X-Men United 2. Logan 3. X-Men: Days of Future Past 4. Deadpool 5. X-Men: First Class 6. Deadpool 2 7. X-Men 8. The Wolverine 9. X-Men: Apocalypse 10. The New Mutants 11. X-Men: The Last Stand 12. X-Men Origins: Wolverine 13. Dark Phoenix
  • @biguy617
    X2, First Class and Days of Future Past are my favorite X-Men movies. I love Logan and I like The Wolverine is pretty good even it gets the Silver Samurai all wrong.
  • @biguy617
    Mystique is one of the best villains in the original trilogy. I hated it when she loses her abilities in X3. I met the actress at comic con. I got her autograph
  • 16:57 not literally. Mystique injected him with some liquid iron and thats what hes extracting. But you're on point with everything else in the video. Well said
  • @jinxie712
    The X-men OT is the Star Wars OT... X2 is Empire Strikes Back.