Tough Talking Ryan Day

Published 2024-06-22

All Comments (5)
  • Oh you know he yelled at her. Lol! he yelled at McCord too. He yells at old men, women, and babies! 🤣 It's just funny.
  • @slyde734
    As a Michigan fan, I have to say, if Michigan doesn't win the Nattie, I would like to see OSU take it. I want the center of college football to stay in B10 country. I'm so tired of the SEC snobs. I want to see the B10 dominate college football for a decade. The pressure is on Ryan Day, I'm not sure if he's up to it, but we'll see.
  • @js280608
    Michigan fan here, he should yell at her. Who cares. Lots of pressure in Columbus. He may crack. Especially if they choke in Columbus. Michigans defense is going to be mean, and the Oline will be good. Should be a great game. Gonna come down to QB for both squads.
  • @NattyTime517
    Ohio State is going to the Championship Game this year. Michigan is so delusional of what they are.