Sermon Preview | “These Dry Bones Will Live”

Published 2024-05-16
You may have seen it in the news, read about it in blog posts, or had it come across your newsfeed on social media: the claim, the assertion, the prediction that “The United Methodist Church is Dead.”  It usually comes from those who have recently left the UMC to begin their own denomination and are hoping to scare people into joining them.
Well, to paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of our death are GREATLY exaggerated. Indeed, if anything, the Spirit of God is alive and burning bright in many United Methodist Churches across the land, where the Gospel, the Good News, of Jesus Christ is being proclaimed, embodied, and lived for and with all people. Some have predicted that we would be nothing but a pile of dry, dead bones lying in a grave once we swept away the hateful, mean-spirited, discriminatory polices that have excluded so many and have plagued us for decades. But, no! We are alive and burning bright with the fire of Christ’s love for all.
Come to worship with us at Grace United Methodist Church this Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, and experience how the power of the Holy Spirit can bring us all to new life in Christ, a life of love, acceptance, affirmation, and full inclusion for all God’s children. We’re not dead. We’re not a valley of dry bones. We ARE surging with the breath of God’s love for you, and for all. It’s a new day for a new Church … the New United Methodist Church! Worship begins at 10:15 am, US Central time, both in person and online. Until then, may God’s grace be with you!

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