How to get rid of stress

Published 2022-07-12
This is honestly a good way to get rid of stress. If you feel a ton of stress, it’s a great idea to find yourself a good place to scream. For me, I use the screaming method to get rid of deadline stress at my university.

Screaming and/or cursing is scientifically proven to be a natural way to get rid of pain. You can easily test this by sticking your hands in a container of ice. By not screaming and screaming, there is a big difference between the length of time you can have your hand in the ice water.

Although I uploaded this as a joke, sometimes you get those days when you just want to scream for no reason, and you should go through with those urges to scream.

The type of scream that really helps are the body screams, where the entire body trembles and you feel the scream come from your core.

The ones that don’t help as much are the ones that come from the back of your throat. These are the types commonly heard at playgrounds in preschools or elementary schools. It’s okay if you can’t do the body scream yet, but to me and probably many adults, the shrill screams are restricting and in fact, may feel like you aren’t getting enough of the stress out.

A good way to visualize a good scream vs a bad scream is a cannon. A good scream is a regular canon being fired, and a bad scream is a canon that is obstructed, and does not exert the full potential of damage that can be done to whatever target it is aiming at.

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