PRE-BIRTH EXPERIENCE, Why Life IS SO HARD & YOUR Life BEFORE Incarnation! | Christian Sundberg

Published 2023-01-12
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Christian Sundberg's Book "A Walk in the Physical":

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When Christian Sundberg was a young child, he remembered his existence before coming to Earth. While that memory left him completely for his early adult life, it spontaneously returned 12 years ago as Christian took up a meditation practice and went through a personal awakening journey.

He also began to have Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). Christian now often speaks publicly as he seeks to remind others in at least a small part of who we really are beneath the human “play.” Professionally, Christian has worked for 16 years as a project manager for complex nuclear pump and valve manufacturing projects. Christian is the author of the book “A Walk in the Physical,” which attempts to succinctly describe the larger spiritual context in which we exist and the importance of love in our human journey.

It is worth noting that while some people claim to have vivid and detailed pre-birth memories, others only have a sense of familiarity or déjà vu when thinking about events that occurred before their birth. Additionally, some people may strongly believe in the reality of their pre-birth experiences even if they cannot provide specific details or supporting evidence.

Please enjoy my conversation with Christian Sundberg.

0:00 - Episode Teaser
0:53 - What is a Pre-Birth Experience?
2:04 - The experience of being a child
6:46 - The memories from Pre-Birth Experience
15:28 - The Probability Tree
26:02 - Past lives memories
27:27 - Spiritual Life
28:56 - Handling the Past Memories
33:13 - Playing life like a Game
38:17 - How are Souls chosen for the Experience?
41:11 - Vacation Lifetime
45:53 - Dealing a Deck of Cards
49:09 - What are Soul Groups?
51:58 - Why don't we remember our Past Lives?
56:36 - Dealing with the Past Memories
58:38 - What is Karma?
1:03:25 - Processing your Soul
1:08:35 - What is Love?
1:09:38 - Definition of living a good life
1:09:55 - Definition of God
1:10:28 - Ultimate purpose of life
1:10:55 - Contact Christian Sundberg
1:11:23 - Final Message
1:12:13 - End

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All Comments (21)
  • @amburetta
    interesting- my son used to tell me (around 5) that he remembers picking me. He said he was shown all of the people who wanted to be parents and he got to see what his life would be like and he choose me. He said said he choose me because he knew that I would be able to support him and love him more than any of the other people he saw. He also told me everyone chooses their parents for a reason. Less than a year later he was diagnosed with a lifelong chronic disease - thankfully he is still thriving but it has been difficult. Every single day I am so thankful for him and for him choosing me to be his mom. (he’s 17 now and his dad left and never returned when he was 14 months old. it’s been a challenge but worth every moment)
  • @jugi6499
    It can be a very painful experience to realize you chose this life. Even more painful to realize you are responsible for your vibration and what you are attracting. Just want to send out a hug to whoever reads this
  • @brykit1972
    The idea that coming to Earth takes a very strong soul really grabbed me. We are all, every single one of us on this planet, spiritual badasses.
  • When I put my newborn daughter into her car seat to go home from the hospital two days after giving birth she "left" us...her eyes were wide open, but she felt "gone". I panicked and just kept gently nudging her. It felt like forever, and I was becoming terrified. And then she blinked and looked at me. I told my daughter this story when she was around 24 and she said that she remembered those moments. She began describing the car, the parking lot, the wall of the hospital...and that she went to speak with her guides. She was considering bailing on us, and they had convinced her that although it was going to be very difficult to be alive on earth, things would vastly improve and she would be okay. It happened!! I have no doubt in my mind that what she said is true. I was there. It was real. We laugh about it today, because we think it is so astonishing. And yes---a very difficult thing has come to pass.
  • @sunnydel4818
    When my daughter Michaela was about 9, she told me that she remembered being born. She said she was in heaven in a room of light with all these beings and angels and her twin brother Michael. She said the beings and angels said, "Now! It's time to go!" and suddenly, she was in a tube of light that was taking her to go into her body on Earth. Her twin Michael tried to enter the same tube of light, but the beings and angels stopped him and said, "No. You have to stay here." I never told my daughter that she was a twin and that I had miscarried the twin early on in my pregnancy. She also told me that Michael would come and visit her at night in her dreams. Now that she's an adult, she doesn't talk about this anymore.
  • @moonbubbles3046
    I am terminally ill with pulmonary fibrosis and the prognosis doesn’t bode well for me time wise. I am trying to face this end with as much love for others and with some sense of strength and serenity but it is hard. Listening to Christian and others has genuinely helped me to not be so afraid. I am not ready to go and I don’t want to experience the suffering I am about to feel but the transition itself no longer scares me like it did. My entire life my mortality was my biggest fear and now - at least where I am on my path - that fear has been mellowed by the knowledge of those who have been beyond the veil. Thank you for sharing these.
  • @DC-uo5hy
    I have a memory from before I was sent to my Mom and Dad. It is a short memory. I was asked a question by a wonderful completely loving Person? Angel? I was prepaired to be sent and was asked "What do you want", I responded: I do not want to be hungry. That is the whole memory except that, I was surrounded and filled with pure bright love. I was born into a very loving family who owned restaurants. I was my fathers first son. To this day, I can still feel that unexplainable, undefinable LOVE🙏🙏🙏🙏❤
  • Wow, I have the chills! I’ve been telling my wife of over 20 years something that I’ve never told anybody before until about a year ago maybe and I’ve recently been watching and listening to Bashar but I remember before I was sent to earth to be born as well I actually remember being in a room filled with maybe 10 to 12 year olds and an older gentleman with a white beard and white hair and we sat in a circular room that was white but on the floor you could see Earth revolving below white must have either been a ship or possibly just seeing earth from above but I specifically remember, I was shown my life as wealthy, and with a rich family, if I were to choose them, but I was told I would be miserable at heart and soul, or I could go to a poor family desperately needed me in their lives and my life would be extremely difficult but it would be the most rewarding path I could possibly ever take and I chose the second path! And I still remember that, and it’s the earliest memory, I could remember!
  • Fantastic video! I, personally have never experienced anything like this, but a close friend (Mike) of mine, did. Said friend is a biologist, for what it's worth. He and his family were sitting at the dinner table, when out of nowhere, his 3 year old daughter said "When I was with God in Heaven, I picked you guys to be my parents.". Mike and his wife (Kim) were perplexed, because there was never any talk of "God" in his household. Kim then asked "Why did you pick us?", to which the young girl said "Because I saw you two with my older sisters and I knew you'd be really good parents for me.". Kim then asked "Is God a man or a woman?" and the response she got was "God is a man, but God can be both.". Mike and Kim were speechless. Shortly thereafter, Kim and Mike had me over for dinner and told me about this experience. They knew that I was into spirituality and wouldn't judge them. They asked if I had ever heard of anything like this before, to which I replied that there are countless stories like this all over the world. Mike, being an open-minded atheist (believe it or not, there is such a thing), struggled with this a bit, because as a scientist, this seemed irrational. He didn't dismiss it, however and in fact, after some time, he took a mild interest in learning more about events like these, that can't be explained by science. I apologize for the long, dragged out story, but I felt that maybe some of your viewers could relate and/or appreciate my friend's experience.
  • @vjf9052
    Something that really struck me in this was the "hundreds of people" who would be affected by the death of the fetus when Christian decided not to enter life at that time. WOW. I had a miscarriage when I was 21 and I never got past just what *I* missed out on, never even thinking about all the other people that person's life could have impacted. When I was 22, a medical mistake caused me to have to have a hysterectomy, so I couldn't have children in this lifetime. Years later, I married a man and adopted his three. When the youngest was four, he suddenly blurted out at the dinner table one night that his older brother (seven at the time) shot him in the jungle when they were both grown-ups. 😳 I had read Carol Bowman's books years before that, so I knew what was going on. Their father had never heard of any of this, so I just encouraged him to let the little one talk if this ever came up again. A few months later, again during dinner, his dad scolded him a little for making a mess on the table and little dude said, "when I was a dad and you were my boy, I didn't yell at you like that." I was really hoping we could get more info from him, but he got really puzzled that he couldn't remember much. By the time he was around seven, he didn't remember anything. I did always wonder if he could have been the one I lost so long ago. No idea, but I like to think he might have been. Great broadcast. Lots to think about.
  • to all who read this, and all who don't...sending you infinite peace, perfect health, abundant wealth, joyous freedom, and unconditional love... 🙏🏽💜💜💜💜💜🙌🏽
  • Every time I need a mental boost i listen to Christian. I have no pre birth memories but listening to him speak makes me feel like I'm remembering home.. Not with my head but with my heart
  • My second child he came up to me when he was 18 months old (he was a very early talker at six months old) He came up to me and he said “mommy I had to wait a long time for you to grow up so you could be my mommy.” I just looked at him and said thank you for picking me and he smiled so big and ran off to play. I believe we know in the beginning of life more about why we have come to earth. Much love from Minnesota 💖💖💖
  • I remember before i was born, being so excited and happy,  standing in front like an altar and behind a big window  looking at the dark void. Next to me was standing  a person,  dressed in purple gown and we were negotiating. He asked  me, can you do this and I put my fist up in the air and said yes. Next memory, I was about 2 months old, lying down on my back. I put my hand up in front of my face, made a fist and said to myself I am here and it is sad I can not keep this awareness, I have to learn everything from the beginning. Love to all.
  • @ancaalisie4807
    What beautiful memories! I personally remember having chosen the particular pace I wanted to live in and the general outline of my life. I remember I had very hard previous lives - I had violent deaths in two of them, so I remember having asked to live a common, predictable, ordinary life in which I wanted to have a normal family, sutrounded by people who loved me and people to love. And I can still see the moment I flew from space to this particular place I still live in and so far, everything happened as I wanted. No tragedies, no dramas, just a simple, wonderful daily life ❤Thank you God!
  • @angedusoleil
    When I was 5 I had several “awake” experiences. I felt as if I was my spiritual self looking through my little kid eyes. I would look at adults and feel their whole world of pain and disjointedness and would feel such overwhelming compassion for them. I was at a Christmas pageant at my school and listening to the children sing sounded like an angelic chorus and I sobbed with a feeling of homesickness. Many of us remember, then forget and then remember again. ❤️ I love hearing other people have these experiences too.
  • Loved listening to this. My 5 year old just told me last week that he remembered dying in my tummy then coming back and it being so scary. I had a miscarriage then got pregnant with him just 4 weeks later, and I’ve always felt it was the same spirit that came back. I’ve been trying to help him process through the trauma of gestation and his traumatic birth.
  • I remember visiting my family before I was born. I entered the house , it was dawn, everyone was sleeping. I hovered over everyone while they were sleeping, than visited the house, and left back into the stars. I also remember being a baby. There are passages that I remember. I know it wasn't a dream, because I commented some passages with family members, and they confirmed them, saying it was impossible for me to remember. I know I'm just supposed to be here. There is not much for me to do except hold the positive energy unto this world. I have the perception that time doesn't really exist. The only moment we have is now, there is no other moment except the now. Everything that has ever been, it still is, and everything to come already is, there for the only moment we have is the now. We're constantly making past and future at the same time, that is why it's so important to be present in the now and hold positive energy. Everything is life even our thoughts, even though we don't see them they are life. There for why the importance of holding the positive energy. I also have the perceptions that there is nothing else but consciousness. We have the perceptions of the now in a physical body, but what we really are is consciousness. It's not easy to explain because language and letters are limited, the only way to understand it is to feel it.
  • @MaryzAigredou
    I had an OBE last year. I experienced my true self, weightless, woryless, wordless, absolutely peaceful… I ended up in an amazing darkness, total peace, total silence, saw the living light, then my baby called me back and I actually was eager to go back to him, I didn’t even look back, even though I was so curious and eager to touch the light… Now I know my earth mission and I know my soul is happy to experience this life. So, when my mind is unhappy, I remember what my soul felt.
  • @lables3693
    When my granddaughter was born, she did not cry, she only looked around the room at everyone with eyes wide open ❤