How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur - 4 Key Steps

Published 2015-09-05
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How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur - 4 Key Steps

Peter Sage is an Inspirational Speaker, Serial Entrepreneur and Renowned Coach. After 25 years of business and personal development his passion is now to help people through spreading his messages, insights and philosophy. Subscribe and enjoy!

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All Comments (20)
  • I dream to be an entrepreneur but my family doesn't support me till now. I graduated but unemployed for 3 months and started to think that they might be right. But after watching your videos, I got my confidence back. I will fight for my dream. Thanks so much for inspiration!
  • @AdemirAlijagic
    Being an entrepreneur is the hardest thing I have ever done! Also the the one that made me the happiest!
  • @wiiseguyy305
    This is by far one of the best videos I've seen in a while. Most of us are victims of the brainwashing that the educational system teaches us. From the moment you enter grade school (5 & 6 years old) we are told to get good grades and go to college and we can become what ever we want, the problem is that most children never say they want to own a business you always hear something like police officer, fireman, teacher, football player, or accountant but what we don't realize at that young age is that those occupations require us to work for someone else, basically get a job. We are taught to be dependent on corporations for income get into deep debt, work till your 65, and retire. So basically slave your life away and when you're no longer useful at that point you can finally rest, that's not living. We are all going to die one day anyways so why not take the risk and become entrepreneurs. We have nothing to lose.
  • Peter, you're by far one of the best teachers I've ever learned from . The moment I left my job which was my comfort zone, I was demotivated by a lot of things around me, until I found your videos. I was afraid of uncertainties but not anymore. You gave me a lot of strength and courage to take up entrepreneurship. Your videos are good materials to look into every morning. Thanks Peter.
  • Excellent Saturday lunch education with Peter, clearing the fog of successful entrepreneurship. Great as always, thank you Peter 🙏❤😇
  • @purplepat7440
    I'm soooo glad that you finally developed your channel Peter. Can't wait for more videos. Much love
  • @anwarm966
    golden facts , this video made an enormous positive impact on me . Thanks a lot (Y) Anwar
  • @AriaZoner
    You're an affirmation Peter. I applied these same techniques when I was becoming a long-distance hiking and mountaineering expert. Now I'm an author and nutritionist and the creator of the world's longest therapeutic trail! Thanks for this talk and the motivation to keep going further. Sage advice.
  • Peter- your videos are so inspiring! I have been the managing editor of a small publication for a little over two years. I have recently acquired the publication myself and must now lead the sales team. Everyone, including my ex boss, has said I would be the best at this job, but I'm a writer and I've been very happy to simply stay in my cubby hole doling out and writing stories and ad copy. The idea of owning and operating the entire magazine was not something I ever saw coming- well, now it's come and I look forward to learning from you, a sincere, authentic approach to this new chapter. This IS a magazine I would read myself and I adore it! It begins there. Thank you so much
  • @marianomanto
    Man I found your videos right on time. I am an Engineer, with a Masters degree, and one day I found myself doing repetitive boring job for a big company, so I quit a few months ago with one rule: I will work for myself, to build my own reality. Here I am finally living this amazing adventure life is. Thank you for your great advice.
  • @5langaugeuser
    I'm very glad that you began your youtube channel. Your every single remark always inspires me. Please keep uploading videos for Peter's fans all over the world.
  • I just want to Thank you Peter for all this truly valuable information you have bestowed upon me(not just from this video but from your many others)You manifest this everlasting spark and passion that just flows naturally through your body,I hope one day I can be half as enlightened and successful as you are.
  • @nightfly758
    I haven't finished high school yet, and I want to become an entrepreneur but I always ask myself, where do I start? What if I fail? I hope my family approves, etc. I doubt myself every night wondering if being and entrepreneur is the right place for me. When I was watching this video, I realized that it probably is. The main reason for why I want to be an entrepreneur is because I want to be free. I'm good at math, science, drawing, history, photography, debate, and I like all these subjects, but when you get out of school and your life starts and you wonder what job to get, you realize that there are no jobs that have math and history involved, or photography and science. My mom once said, "You are truly free once you have full control of your life and you are not depending on anyone or anything." I don't want to depend on a job to give me and my family dinner each night, I want to do that. Hopefully, when I leave school and start my life, I will be independent and truly free.
  • man powerful i always think back into my life and my business start up right now , like am i implementing these things , and if i am how can i do it better to get me to point A to point Z and man powerful , watch one day im going to shake your hand , peter sage is the truth
  • sound a lot like....Brian Tracy , and his library , this is gold, i believe everyone could be an entrepreneur 🙂
  • @jarodisaacs8455
    Thank you for this. I am still young.. I'm a sophomore in high school but I already know that I want to be a entrepreneur when I grow up and step into the real world. I have already had some ideas on how I could build a successful business. But this really helped me understand what I am getting into if I chose to be an entrepreneur so thank you.