Published 2024-07-04

All Comments (21)
  • I was hoping Canada would say “Hawaiian Pizza” so we could see angry Italy lol.
  • @Sixitboy
    Fun fact: the first form of “air conditioning” was actually invented by Ancient India when they positioned windows in ways that would catch the wind to cool down their houses.
  • @Bottomtext82
    The fact that pasta wasn't invented in Italy but in China💀
  • @Jay1124
    Fun Fact : USA and UK's Internet was for military. The first internet for public was made in Korea. Korea also invented Metal Type(78 years ealier than Gutenberg), Milk Pack, Coffee mix, MP3 Player, etc.
  • @neinnyet
    "i gave them the power to destroy themselves" "huh, you really regret inventing video games" yep every asian parent ever (I have brain cancer. IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THAT DAMN PHONE)
  • Here is what india invented.... 1. Zero: The concept of zero as a number was developed in ancient India. 2. Ayurveda: This traditional system of medicine has its roots in India and is still practiced today. 3. Yoga: This physical, mental, and spiritual practice originated in ancient India. 4. Chess: The game of chess is believed to have originated in India in the 6th century AD. 5. Algebra: Indian mathematicians made significant contributions to the development of algebra. 6. The decimal system: India was one of the first countries to use a decimal system for numbers. 7. Plastic surgery: Ancient Indian physicians developed techniques for reconstructive surgery. 8. Ink: India was one of the first countries to develop ink, made from a mixture of soot and other ingredients. 9. Cotton fabric: India was one of the first countries to cultivate cotton and produce cotton fabric. 10. The game of Snakes and Ladders (also known as Moksha Patam): This board game originated in ancient India. These are just a few examples of the many contributions India has made to science, technology, and culture.
  • @Aniirie
    WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT There is no way USA regrets making the atomic bomb Oh, if he really does, I think this must be the start of character development
  • @Xxi._145
    Canada and USA's relationship is so wholesome!! Edit:I think y'all are misunderstanding when I said "relationship",it just means friendship or in this case brotherhood,God dangit...
  • @hjonk1351
    Australia also has a few good inventions like Vegemite, cochlear implants, passmakers, sunscreen, ultrasounds and penicillin just to name a few. Also an australian man helped to develop the wifi so technically australia made it to
  • We 🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱 basically invented capitalism
  • India: - Sure, go talk, none of your digital inventions would be possible without "0"
  • @AlexIndigo
    Why Canada haven’t mentioned pressure suits for fighter pilots?
  • I just realized at 1:51 UK uses grenade to destroy Netherlands but then at 2:02 Netherlands is still there, not injured at all looking at the ground
  • Portugal: We invented ATM, cannons, galleons, sailing mechanisms and strategies, laissez-faire capitalism, maritime world trade, tempura, ukulele and more. Prove me wrong if you can
  • We need a country compare of how many times a country appeared on PWA’s channel!😂