Russia-China relations “turning sour” as Putin “embarrasses” Xi | Roger Boyes

Published 2024-06-12

All Comments (21)
  • @tabithan2978
    People forget Russia is a small country population wise (only 144M) compared to China (1.2B) India (1.4B) the EU (450M) and US (330M). This threatening the world is not looking so smart.
  • @captchaos6870
    Friends. Leaders like this don't indulge in friendships.
  • "Limitless friendship" means absolutely nothing when coming out of the mouth of an absolutist tyrant (nevermind two of them).
  • @tabithan2978
    Gee, who could have guessed? Xi and Putin’s limitless friendship has limits. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • @machdaddy6451
    I now doubt if Russia was ever as powerful as we thought.
  • @swisstroll3
    “Limitless” in an agreement between Russia and China means “we were looking for an impressive word.” After all, both China and Russia have complete control over their media. Since both sides can claim that “We didn’t say that” five minutes after they say something, they can say anything.
  • Nope they’re still friends absolutely- they’re aligned against the US
  • @thomasherbig
    Sorry, but western weapons being used by Ukraine to destroy Russian bases on Russian territory is NOT an act of war. It is not a gesture of friendship, to be sure, but weapons deliveries to belligerents have never been considered an act of war. If so, then Switzerland would have been at war with Germany and the allies in WW II at the same time… And Russia is not in a virtual state of war with NATO. That would look VERY different. Very good otherwise
  • @PtolemyJones
    Putin was so deluded about his own strength, he didn't realize that trying to use it would show the world the truth.
  • @BluegillGreg
    Russia's attacks on Ukraine's nuclear power plants demonstrate an irrational lack of concern over nuclear issues. Your arguments are rational. The rationale for starting this war and for attacking nuclear installations may in fact, though, be irrational.
  • @alcraig
    Hard to imagine Siberia still being Russian 10 years from now. "The Emperor has no clothes."
  • In China it is all about face - The Chinese concept of “face” (aka 面子 or miànzi) refers to a cultural understanding of respect, honor and social standing. Russia has just destroyed its reputation amongst their peers, which puts Russia on the lower step, inferior and not worthy of time, effort and resources, except in certain areas where China is deficient - it is a cabal of convenience, and the more Russia tries, the further it is going to fall, and the less China is going to respect, honor and have dealings with them, especially if secondary sanctions are going to hit them hard.
  • @j-dubb614
    Russia and China's "Limitless friendship" reminds me of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Its certainly not the first time a Russian tyrant has allied itself with another foreign dictator.
  • This guy is saying what he wants to believe, which is a classic misunderstanding in the West, because we tend to project. Realistically this man is failing to believably describe a motivation for Beijing to enter into limitless partnership. He also fails to explore the support Moscow has been receiving from Beijing during the years of this war. It is pretty evident that a friendship and support is serving the geopolitical aspirations of Beijing and as such, regardless how the war ends up going, China stands to gain from it, whether in terms of weakened West, or a weakened Russia.
  • @johna5487
    It appears that certain opportunists are eyeing the entire eastern flank of Russia as the Russian military continues to be weakened to the point that they would have no significant infantry to defend itself. The Russians are now unable to defend their own airspace. Who would even come to Russia’s defense? Russia’s actions against Ukraine in the hopes of protecting its own territory supposedly from NATO has actually made its eastern portion of the country so much weaker. So strategically shortsighted!
  • @Terence.1
    China likes that Russian land to their North. Has their eyes on it
  • @kaylidington
    "Friendship" with russia is expensive. Secondary sanctions hitting China's already structurally weak economy, loss of goodwill and standing, and a weak and needy neighbour with nothing to offer in markets or technology. Bad move, and the price is rising.
  • @adelferoz4168
    So you're saying that the use of two nuclear weapons in Japan by the US was a sign of weakness by the Americans. They justify it by saying it helped in ending the war and in Japan's surrender. Putin is probably taking a page from the American experience book and might do the same. The insanity on both sides has to end.
  • @PaddyPatrone
    russia running short of ammunition isnt really true anymore. Seems like they filled that gap.