God's Not Dead - ralphthemoviemaker

Published 2014-08-06
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Josh Wheaton (Shane Harper), a Christian college student, enrolls in a philosophy class taught by Professor Jeffrey Radisson (Kevin Sorbo), an atheist, who demands that his students sign a declaration that "God is dead" to get a passing grade. Josh is the only student in the class who refuses to sign and is then required by Radisson to debate the topic with him, with the class members deciding who wins.
Radisson's girlfriend, Mina (Cory Oliver) is a Christian whom he often belittles in front of his fellow atheist colleagues. Her brother Mark (Dean Cain) is a successful businessman and atheist who refuses to see their mother, who suffers from dementia. Mark breaks up with his girlfriend, Amy (Trisha LaFache), a left-wing blogger, when she is diagnosed with cancer. A girl named Ayisha (Hadeel Sittu), whose family (especially her father) are strongly devout Muslims, is secretly Christian; when her father discovers this, he throws her out.
Radisson gives Josh 20 minutes at the end of the first three lecture sessions to argue that God exists. In the first two debates, Radisson has counter arguments for all of Josh's points. Josh's girlfriend Kara (Cassidy Gifford) breaks up with him, fearing that standing up to Radisson will jeopardize their academic future. Ultimately, it comes down to the third and final debate between Radisson and Josh, who again both make compelling points. Josh then halts his line of debate to pose a question to Radisson: "Why do you hate God?" After Josh repeats the question twice more, Radisson explodes in rage, confirming he hates God for his mother's death that left him alone despite his prayers. Josh then casually asks Radisson how he can hate someone that doesn't exist. In the end, Martin (Paul Kwo), a foreign exchange student whose father had encouraged him not to convert to Christianity, stands up and says "God's not dead." Almost the entire class follows Martin's lead, causing Radisson to leave the room in defeat.
After the final debate, Josh invites the newly born-again Martin to attend the Newsboys concert that is in town. Radisson reads a letter from his late mother, and is moved to reconcile with Mina. Amy confronts the Newsboys in their dressing room, only to admit that she wants to get to know God. While on his way to find her, Radisson is struck by a car and fatally injured. Reverend Dave (David A. R. White) finds him and guides him in becoming a born-again Christian as he takes his last breath. Mark taunts his mother, who turns the tables on him and tells him that the devil has helped him to succeed, to keep him from turning to God. Before the final song, the Newsboys play a video clip of Willie Robertson congratulating the 'young man' who successfully defended God against his professor. The Newsboys then play their song "God's Not Dead", dedicating it to the same person Robertson commended.

All Comments (21)
  • @June28July
    The atheist wasn't even actually an atheist. He was an angry Christian.
  • This movie is just an insult to people who aren’t christian moms that browse facebook and share minion memes
  • @chickencurry420
    The one atheist in the whole movie said he hates God because he took his son, meaning he believes that God took his son. He believes in God which means he's not an atheist, by definition. So he's the one atheist in the whole movie. He's such an "accurate" atheist. Even though he's not even an atheist at all
  • Christans in this movie: hey harass this one atheist until he believes in god even when they are on the edge of death. This movie is a horrible representation of both christians and atheists.
  • @CitizenDuarte
    "What happened here tonight is a cause for celebration" Someone just got hit and killed by a car. How the fuck is this time for celebration?
  • @elisereamer2462
    If everyone except the one Atheist is a Christian, and the Atheist got hit by a car, then that means a Christian did a hit and run. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • @dailygeek1334
    Atheist: *dies brutally in a car accident* Christians: 💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺
  • @nachosNipples
    If i texted my friends just the phrase, "God's not dead", i think they'd call immediately with concern.
  • @heyitsnikki5078
    Once I saw this movie and I said I didn't like it, and then a girl told me "then you don't believe in God" :/
  • Younger sibling sees older sibling doing something "bad", but doesn't decide to use it as blackmail? Yeah, movies unrealistic and terrible.
  • @heathermasonfan
    I like how the "athiest" professor literally believes in God the whole time, he's just angry at God. This movie is so idiotic
  • @stalecheeeto
    man: literally murdered in a hit and run accident some guy: what happened tonight, is a cause for celebration
  • @vee7845
    The perfect metaphor for how poorly researched this movie is is how the film makers had Aishia wear a headscarf but gave her short sleeves, which is a violation of the hijab. It's so transparent that they did not care enough about the cultures they're representing to invest any time looking at even the most basic parts of them.
  • @3ternals0ul25
    ...The Room had a much better cancer subplot. And it was dropped and forgotten after the first sentence.
  • @lasagna312
    I'm an atheist and I can say that I don't hate God, I simply don't believe he exists. I didn't become an atheist because some traumatic event happened in my life, I became atheist because I started to think more critically about the Bible and realized that there was a lot of stuff in it that didn't fit in with my perception of the world. That's it. I'm not some spiteful person that is going to try to deconvert every Christian/Muslim/whatever. I don't care what people believe, just as long as they are good people.
  • @Lubo163
    We watched this in religious ed and i was the only one laughing for the entire thing and the girl beside me was giving me death stares
  • @EpicCoolGuy21
    “I have cancer.” “This couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” Best dialogue in cinematic history.
  • @DrShaym
    This movie doesn't tell people how to feel. It tells its intended target audience what they already feel in order to reaffirm their prejudices without challenging them at all. It's Preaching to the Choir: The Movie.
  • @mosuthra4563
    This is why the only christian films I'll ever watch are the veggietales films