EXO | 엑소 - Promise | 약속 (EXO 2014) [FMV]

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With love for EXO and EXO-L.

Song: EXO - Promise.
Program: Sony Vegas Pro 11.

cr. SM Entertainment.

Hope you enjoy it.

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コメント (21)
  • Remember what Suho said: “Even if there is one person in the hall, we will still perform for his sake.” And EXO L answered: “Even if the whole world is against EXO, we will be on the side where our leader’s voice is heard.”
  • I was not there when exo debuted ... I was not there when exo got its first prize ... I was not there when Luhan, Kris, Tao left ... I was not there when they wrote Promise ... I was not there when Ko Ko Bop came out, and Lay had to leave exo for a while ... I was not there when D.O and Xiumin went to do their military service ... I was not there when exo released their latest Comeback, Obsession ... I have not been to any concert ... I was not there to support them, I made this promise late, but I will support them no matter what It is late now, days that have passed may not happen again ... But we will never forget them, even when we are very old, we will think of them, who made us happy for a while, so it's our turn to do our part and keep them in your hearts 12 are in our hearts 9 will come back someday 5 are visible Even if you're new here, you have to support them no matter, you shouldn't blame these guys, you were sad and disappointed when three 3 members left, it was a problem with SM, not exo They didn't keep their promise, but give them a second chance It is not exo who must apologize, but SM Promise me, you exo-l, that you will never forget them Exo is unique, like all the other groups Let's promise that one day we will come together to remember our good times .... We Are One One Are We (Edit 1) OMG thank u guy for all this likes :) (Edit 2) Wow- a lot of you are the same as me 0-0 AND- SBBDKXNAJS Baekhyun Bambi comeback is so WONDERFUUUL (Edit 3) I MISSED D.O AND XIUMIN SO MUCH, AND, LAY😭 Also keep listening to Don't fight the feeling :D I'm glad that Lay is back and can't wait for the day that Suho will come back from his enlistement (Edit4) YA'LL STREAM ROSE FROM KYUNGSOO😭 OMG I LOVE HIS ALBUM SO MUCH>>> Also I just wanted to say that rn I'm like a big baby waiting every month for Baekhyun to post on his YT channel, yeah- I love him so much I can't wait for all the members to come back safe, Suho, Chen, Baekhyun and Chanyeol ⁱˡʸ♡︎
  • Everytime I feel depressed, sad, down, unwanted, unloved, I comeback here to remind myself, That even if the whole world give up on me, I still have EXO beside me.
  • Как больно осознавать что уже так много времени прошло
  • 7 years had passed 8 in our eyes 9 in our mind 12 in our hearts We are One We are EXO 💖
  • I know I'm not the only who come back to this after the news today. I hope that they can be forever together, no matter where they are.
  • no matter what everyone says I'll always treat this as an official music video!!
  • I've been exo-l for 7 years now and I'm not going anywhere.
  • 2014:Hearbroken 2015:Hearbroken 2016:Heartbroken 2017:Heartbroken 2018:Heartbroken 2019:Heartbroken 2020:Still Heartbroken P.S. Heart is still broken at the news of Suho's military enlistment And I don't think I'll move on
  • @eugene6910
    Dear EXO, 10 years has passed. We have gone through a lot, we made so many memories and you guys worked hard to this point.. created our own history, breaking own records. You guys were my youth, you guys were my savior when no one was there for me. Thanks to you guys, even though I was alone, I didn't feel lonely. I can't describe how grateful I am, you guys never fail to impress me at all time. Never fail to comfort and amazed us with your music. And you guys remain the same, always down to earth, making good music, always show the best appearances in front of us. And please know, just like how you guys trusted us, we will trust you too till the end. I'm a proud EXO-L for life. I don't say this often.. I love you guys, I will continue support you guys. You guys are my forever favorite's, my number one, always have special spot in my heart. Thank you EXO.
  • @friskadnmhrn
    aku nangis denger berita klo sebagian dri kalian udh punya perusahaan sendiri dan bakalan ngurus aktivitas kalian di perusahaan sendiri2, tp sebagian dari kalian akan tetap di SM, aku khawatir klo kalian g bisa comeback lagi, aktivitas grup juga dikit, aku g bisa bayangin klo itu semua terjadi 😭, tp kalian janji kan g bkln ninggalin kita, kalian akan ttp we are one kan? kalian jg janji klo taun depan akan ada comeback ya kan!?
  • @munxox
    Year 2022 Exo are on their last year with SM. They've all grown from young bubbly cute boys to grownup mature men and are now a world famous group with billions of fans. Each of the members are now superstars on their own. ts finally their last stage and all the fans are terribly sad but yet happy, that the once cute fetuses have grown up into handsome men and are now finishing with all their success. Casually the stage goes, the fans scream their lungs out, suddenly the three other boys, the boys who left us in the middle with their memories, come out from behind the stage, the old fans scream harder and are totally suprised, the younger fans ask them 'who are they?' the old fans cry out and reply 'They're our exo, our old babies who left but still stayed in our hearts forever...' edit: OMGDHD THIS BLEW UP TO 1.2K LIKES THANK YOU I DIDNT EXPECT THIS edit(2): im coming back to this after 3 years and it has almost 4k likes now❤️ thank you so much ❤️✨💖
  • It hurt's so much to think that hundreds and hundreds people that claimed themselves as 'EXOL' just left them. they left them in their darkest days. they left cause they found some new group. and there's nothing wrong with stanning two groups or more. but being an multifandom and abandoning them is different thing. Just forgetting about them, it's a whole different thing. the 'EXOLS' who promised to stay with them forever, broke their own promise in a blink. but EXO never did. they kept their promise to protect us, they sacrificed so much for us. they just suffer in silence. but just imagine, seeing fans leave one by one. must have hurted them so much. our leader is afraid that he is getting forgotten. Can't we atleast try to not make him feel that way? let's support them as much as we can. You may not being an to go to an concert of them now, but we can show that we are here by voting and streaming their MV'S. I know views aren't important but we love their music, their voice. then just think like we are just listening to what we love and the one we love could be happy just by you listening to it. but I can't just understand, how could someone just wake up one day and decide to not love them anymore? just forget how they made them feel, how EXO was always there for us. even my bestie left the fandom. Oh God, how much I miss those days when we used fangirl over Chanyoel's rap in Promise. how much I miss those days when we would laugh remembering Baekhyun's rap in EXO'S SHOWTIME. how much I miss those days when we just were two girls mad over EXO, the boy who made us love ourself. it's all in the past now, she is an ARMY nd I'm an EXO-L. I hype her about BTS nd she hypes me about EXO. but we both know, she doesn't love EXO anymore. and it's okay. EXOLS let's keep supporting our boys till the end! WE ARE ONE!!
  • exo is that group that I can stay with them for a long long time. it may be hard sometimes, but its always worth if its exo. exo is that group that would not make me think about popularity, think about how good they are, to think about the ranking, think abaout their attitude, think about how the exo treat their fan exol. exo was that great. others would say exo is not big as the other grp but for me the grp exo it self worth everything in this world. they have been a very succesfull as a group, solo, and actor themselves. stanning them with quality, bcs quality last forever. their vocal was very good. each member have different type voices that makes the group very great. for me, others grp was great but if its exo their vocal was beyond great. and for the ranking, by the time I was stanning them, I would never have thought about their ranking. such as who is the vocal raking, rap ranking, visual ranking, stage presenence raking, I swear to you I was never thought about that bcs exo member was already perfect for who they are . one day when I start listen to new group, a lot of ranking video suddenly came out from my YouTube feed, then I was like ooo okay okay and I have been watching the ranking video from others grp, then I think after 2 months I was like, omg did exo have ranking to? hahahah it was really funny because for me exo is great in everything for each member . so why need ranking for them? haha, and after watching the ranking of exo I never watch ranking video anymore bcs it was no need for ranking each member when all member was already great itself. n for the attitude what else can I say? they really have good attitude towards others. their kindness and how they treats others always touch my heart. but the way they treat their fan exol always got me . xiumin who always have been a big bro for us, lay who always remind us that he love exol far or not, suho who always keep us together, chen who always show how kindness can make people happy, baekhyun who always playful with love with us, chanyeol who always remember exol to where he go, do who always care for us even when he is not showing it, kai who always make us cheerful and never give up working so hard for us and lastly sehun who always love us with loyalty and always be there for his hyung and exol. I love exo so much, so I hope people who always say exo is not that great grp, then u better shut urself bcs only true people can see how great they are. stop hurting exo bcs they never deserve that. and last , my massage for the member is, pls don't always think about what people say, always be urself and have a good life. it was enough for us, pls don't work to hard especially to lay hyunggg. I know u are the ceo now and it makes me proud of u. but u need rest too. I really hate if one of u think ur hard work is not enough for exol, ur taking too much time to meet exol, u think u need to be more better, but u are very wrong.. its okay if u need time to visit us country by country, its okay if u need time to prepare, so pls, we exol are willing to wait even it takes forever bcs waiting is hard but if u hurt it wil make exol feel more hurt and sad too. remember that waiting for exo is enjoyable too . I always love u exo ya.. pls last long for a long long time too okay!
  • 7 years after I'm back crying to this song the fact that I don't stan exo anymore but they still have a special place in heart ♥ , they give me the most magical moments in my life
  • Is there is anybody people here cause Chen's announcement about his Marriage plan..? Please let him happy guys, let Exo be happy guys. Pleasee We are one. We are Exo-L, please Let them be happy on their own life.. Let's do our best for becoming a fan.. They do their best for us, so we also like that. We have to do the same things rights??? We love you so much 우리 오빠❤️❤️
  • it's time to listen to this song and cheering our Exo and believe them Let's Love ❤
  • EXOL cerminan dari EXO. Masih nggak nyangka EXO dan EXOL sekuat ini, kehilangan beberapa member sekaligus, salah satu member yg masih aktif di negaranya (karena dia memang orang yg berharga di negaranya), dicurangi acara penghargaan, fitnah haters, dll tpi kita semua mampu bertahan bahkan kita bisa membuktikan bahwa EXO benar² KING OF KPOP. Thank youu. Mari kita bertemu dalam satu ruangan di sebuah konser bahagia yg penuh kenangan suatu saat nanti.