the new PS4 jailbreak is sort of hilarious

Published 2024-05-17
The PS4 has been hacked by a 20 year old bug! (yes 2006 was almost 20 years ago)


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All Comments (21)
  • @RadikAlice
    This is more normal than what it took to hack the Wii. Which was a figurative and literal, pair of tweezers
  • People who wrote code like that in 2006 had likely been coding since the 80s, or were heavily influenced by those who had been. I've also been writing code since the 80s, though, so I can tell you that by 2006, single letter variable names were frowned upon, but abbreviations like "buff" were still common place.
  • @lemagreengreen
    You talk about 2006 like it was a long time ago! Oh no...
  • @theondono
    “You can tell this is from ‘07 because of the variable names” The Go team in complete shambles 😂
  • @kiri101
    Dang, now people who bought devices can run their own code on them
  • @btarg1
    I'm a little disappointed we didn't get to watch you jailbreak your own ps4/5 with this
  • @AhnkInside
    Please don't give Me a heart attack and call 2006 "20 years ago." It was only 18 years ago.
    Can't believe the Xbox one ended up being the most impenetrable home console ever created.
  • @unstopabalz
    Wow this entire exploit is like an overview of my reverse engineering course I just took. Everything from creating shellcode, identifying and exploring buffer overflows, creating ropchains, defeating protections like ASLR, and heap exploitation. The only thing that is missing that would make this exploit and entire course overview is fuzzing and creating scripts in binja/ghidra
  • @gFamWeb
    Honestly the most surprising thing to me about this is that they have a low level device object for the notification UI. I would think that would be handled by some higher-level API, but I guess not.
  • @freedustin
    "P comes out of H+1" Man...that is not what 4chan told me.
  • That's some nice work, but I spent most of the time here being flabbergasted that a PS4 has a PPPoE client at all.
  • @crushermach3263
    bug reported: 2006 PS4 release: 2013 PS4 FW 11 release: 2023 FW 11.02 (Dec 2023) may have fixed it? Unsure. This bug was known about 7 years before the PS4 existed and it's still been in there for nearly its entire lifespan. Crazy.
  • @angel_luis
    As note, it was released on 2013, so probably it was coded between 2010-2012, so its not far away from 2006. So it has been jailbroked after 11 years. PS3 was jailbroked after 3-4 years only.
  • @isomeme
    A few of us cared about good naming conventions 20 years ago. A very few of us cared 40 years ago. It's good to have more allies today. My favorite software joke: The two hardest problems in software engineering are naming, concurrency, and off-by-one errors. 🙂
  • @danielsan901998
    This is why memory safe languages like rust are bad for user freedom.
  • @polite3606
    The author of the exploit seems to be TheFlow which has been in the console hacking scene forever (PSP, PSVITA). Thanks for the code breakdown!