The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism (Book Review)

Published 2023-09-22
The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism: How the Evangelical Battle over the End Times Shaped a Nation by Daniel G. Hummel

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All Comments (13)
  • @mikebremer3456
    There is no scripture for a pre tribulation rapture. Matthew 13 wheat and tares, "Let both grow together until the harvest", which is on the last day. You can't have a harvest 7 years before the harvest. If there was...Jesus would have been wrong.
  • @GerardPerry
    I skimmed through a few chaoters after I noticed this in my local public library. Unfortunately, it was hard to take seriously a purpirted scholar who asserts that premillennialism came about after the Reformation.
  • @rudynegrete5658
    The most telling part of the title of this book that confirmed my theological, historical bias - that history is devolving according to the dispensational script not because it is Biblical prophecy per se, but because it is the historical narrative promoted and preferred by secular elites, mystery school adepts, mystery schools i.e. secret societies. "How....end times [prophecy] shaped a nation" but not only a nation but the geo politics of the entire Middle East. Israel Jerusalem is key to understand the staged [synthetic] drama of History as elites promote it. whereas true biblical prophecy is centered on the Gospel of Christ in His accomplishment of redemption - Not land nor Jewish people centered as it is with dispensationalism. I was first introduced to this idea of dispensationalism not fully understanding as an 11 year child watching evening CBS, NBC, ABC news day after day they were giving so much publicity to Hal's Lindsey's book, Late Great Planet Earth, which ii bought for 25 cents at Goodwill in Bakersfield Ca. not understanding, but intrigued with the sensationalism of reading the book of Revelations which I understood absolutely nothing. The promoting of Hal's Lindsey's book was incessant akin to Davinci Code book on newscast years back. Looking back and mature understanding that it was promoting support for Israel's Middle East conflicts as the ulterior motive of being the reason.
  • Genesis 49:17 King James Version 17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. The man credited with founding modern dispensationalism & the pre tribulation rapture heresy is John Nelson Darby. Darby fell from a horse and was seriously injured. During his recovery is when he started to develop his doctrines that ultimately were based on the idea that the church & Israel are separate. In Joshua 19:47 & Judges 18 we read that the tribe of Dan was unhappy with their allotment of land within Israel. So they fell into idolatrous false worship and instead moved north to conquer Laish (Leshem). Laish was a large, quiet, secure, plentiful, lawless (no magistrate) land that was populated by immigrants (Zidonians) who were far from their motherland. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:11 that the things of the OT serve as examples for us today and in the same chapter (verses 1 & 2) he gives the Red Sea crossing as a type of baptism. The OT Danites rejected physical land in Israel. The NT Danites reject their spiritual allotment in Israel by insisting on dividing the church from Israel. The NT Danites have used their doctrines to spiritually conquer a large, quiet, secure, plentiful, lawless land known as America. The Danite doctrines dominate America more than any other nation they are found in. The Danite doctrines actually assist in the lawlessness of America because their temples regularly teach Scripture in a way that produces gobs of false converts thru easy believist sinners prayer onlyism combined with false promises of a secret early escape from tribulation. The inhabitants of America are immigrants who are far from their motherlands like the inhabitants of Laish were in the OT. The OT Danites took Micah's idols and his Levite hireling when they went to conquer Laish. They seduced the Levite hireling by using prestige; why be the priest of one house & one man when you can be the priest of a whole tribe & family? This obviously has several parallels to the modern NT Danites. First, by insisting on having a Levite priest, the Danites of the OT were trying to mingle a part of the law of God with their false religion. The modern Danites do this all the time by claiming the name of Jesus, but then holding doctrines & practices that either can't be found in Scripture or directly clash with Scripture. Secondly, the NT Danites have no shortage of prestige seeking hirelings looking to build their legacies. Why be over one household when you can be over a tribe? Think about that and then ask yourself why so many preachers kids are messed up. Third, why be over one man (our bodies) when you can be over a tribe (everybody else's business). We see this all the time in the NT Danites. They refuse to be a priest and seek atonement for their own sins while simultaneously telling the "tribe" how they can atone for theirs. This leads the NT Danites to get heavily involved in politics & social issues rather than clean up the messes in their own lives & temples. Fourth, just like the OT Danites, the NT Danites feel the need to be spoon fed milk doctrine by a hired self appointed priestly class every Sunday & Wednesday. All this in spite of the Bible telling us over and over again that we have no need for any man to teach us and that we will all know the Lord. And lastly; if we view the Levite's priesthood as a parallel to Christ, there is still one more similarity to the NT Danites. Be a priest over a tribe not 1 man & 1 house...that's how a lot of NT Danites treat Christ. 5 days a week they don't want Him to be a priest over 1 man (themselves) but on Sundays & Wednesdays they're perfectly ok with Him being priest over them & their tribe. The last, yet most interesting connection between the OT Danites & the NT Danites is Jezebel. Jezebel was a Zidonian (1 Kings 16:31) just like the conquered people at Laish. Jezebel dominated Ahab (her husband) and wore the pants in her house. The Jezebel spirit in America's temples exalts herself above the words of her alleged bridegroom (Christ). Feminism (Jezebel spirit) dominates America and her temples; especially the Danite temples. We see this manifested in many ways. Women preachers, effeminate "male" preachers, services built around fun & games. Services built upon music, manipulating emotionally, and when Scripture is read, it's limited to surface level milk doctrine that even an atheist could understand. Or it's some ditty devotional meant to tug at the emotions. In these temples, Jezebel is exalted. Christ is demoted. Jezebel was willing to kill for false religion (1 Kings 19). We see this today in the modern NT Danites. If you ever talk doctrine with these people it usually inevitably devolves into them getting violently angry (See 1 Kings 19 & the Jews in Acts 7) or effeminate anger coupled with emotional manipulation tactics and or cancelling you. And in the future their willingness to kill for false religion will take on a literal meaning when many of them fall away, take the mark, and betray the true brethren after their pre trib rapture hoax inevitably flops (Matthew 13:20-21》Matthew 24:9-10》Daniel 11:30》Matthew 24:48-50》The evil servant expects an early arrival of Jesus). Jezebel was willing to kill for a vineyard that did not belong to her so she could give it to her husband (1 Kings 21). Let's try this again in modern terms. Jezebel (American Evangelicals who hold Danite doctrines) is willing to kill (Zionist politics) for a vineyard (Isaiah 5/Jeremiah 2:21) that is not hers because she thinks she is going to give it to her husband (Jesus is allegedly her husband but we know better). The part that should terrify anyone who has fallen into the modern tribe of Dan is the fact that in Revelation 7, Dan has no inheritance (salvation).
  • @makarov138
    If you cannot come to truly believe and trust that the words of Jesus are true and fulfilled in the first century in these three verses; MT 10:22-23, MT 16:27-28, & MT 24:34; Then you cannot truly believe and trust in Jesus either. But you can think that you trust Him. And that's the irony of it.
  • The dead in Christ rise first...that's a resurrection. There are 4 witnesses, including Paul, who confirm that there is only 2 total resurrections and 1 resurrection of the righteous. And John tells us that this one resurrection of the righteous includes tribulation martyrs, which means nobody in Christ is raising up before the tribulation. Without a 3rd resurrection being made up & forced into the Text, pre trib is totally unworkable and collapses. Do not be deceived by anyone about this. Daniel 12:2 King James Version 2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. Daniel says only 2 total. John 5:28-29 King James Version 28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, 29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. Jesus says only 2 total. Acts 24:15 King James Version 15 And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. Paul tells a gentile Roman governor there's only 2 total and only 1 of the just and he does so AFTER he wrote Thessalonians & Corinthians. Which means there is no secret 3rd resurrection as part of the "mystery" that he was given to take to the gentiles. Unless of course you're prepared to espouse the idea that Paul "forgot" to mention that 3rd resurrection here in Acts 24, and subsequently blew a golden witnessing opportunity while speaking to this gentile Roman governor?? Revelation 20:4-6 King James Version 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. John confirms only 2 total and only 1 for the righteous and it includes tribulation martyrs, which means nobody in Christ is raising up before the tribulation. You cannot come to a pre trib rapture without violating the commands in Revelation 22:18-19. Pre trib ADDS a non existent 3rd resurrection to the Text while simultaneously TAKING AWAY Matthew 24, Mark 13, & 19 chapters of Revelation from the church. Revelation 22:18-19 King James Version 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
  • @johnneufeld6019
    You have to tear down the bible if you want tear down dispensationalism😂