S3E8 Australia's Future with Tony Abbott - A bad budget for Australia

Published 2024-05-15
Former Prime Minister and Distinguished Fellow of the IPA, Tony Abbott, and the IPA's Deputy Executive Director discuss the the 2024 federal budget, and the decision of the federal government to vote in favour of Palestine's bid for full membership of the United Nations which goes against our key allies in the US and UK.

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All Comments (21)
  • @barraabus
    Is difficult to understand how Australians just accept whatever is thrown at them.
  • @jenzag7621
    They've come here, with a chip on their shoulder, which will never go away.If they won't accept our way of life, they should leave and return to the life they've supposedly run away from.
  • @dekzzx
    This inane presupposition that Israel is this wonderful state we should all bow down for and never whisper a single criticism of is sounding more ridiculous each day.
  • @evil17
    Albo has just come straight from BS’ing the budget to secretly rush through another new vehicle tax that will add a minimum extra $25,000 onto a new Landcruiser without acknowledging any debates to the contrary or due diligence on how these new rushed taxes will effect the average family, so much for trying to help battling Aussies, all they can do is spend and tax. In the last 2 years everything is higher, taxes, inflation, rent, property, cost of living, immigration, fuel & energy, while the roads, hospital & services have declined. The climate change narrative is convoluted without any real data to give it credence to keeping everyone poor and struggling forever while the billionaires get more billions for a net zero target that is not achievable without at least considering nuclear energy in the mix. Some climate data & reports show that the planet is actually getting colder in the last hundred years, so which is wrong? CO2 doesn’t hurt life it increases it, so all the taxpayer money being spent on expensive, green, unreliable, unsustainable energy & grid systems is just wasted money when we could & should be getting hooked into clean, cheap, reliable, energy dense nuclear power that can power big industry’s for a hundred years with minimal fuel and maintenance requirements once installed & using existing grid structure. The EV utopia is just another pipe dream we can not visualise because we dont have the necessary energy or infrastructure to support it in Australia among its many other problems, it will fail if implemented and also keep us very broke. Hydrogen is another ideological technology that needs proper intellectual assessment before going forward as it has a relatively low density power by unit & is extremely explosive, hydrogen certainly should never be considered for any road transport use. Wasting more billions keeping his woke, racist, voice agenda’s alive & more land giveaways regardless of a resounding NO vote by referendum. Why are we giving so much aid to overseas when we are struggling ourselves. Albo gave PNG $60 million for a new sports stadium, but we cant even afford to build one for when the games come to Brisbane. I get sick of hearing how much our govt wastes taxpayer money, every day there is a new multimillion or multibillion dollar splurge or handout or give away, I think could be put to much better use while average Aussie are in a struggling or homeless situation created by useless woke Albo & our Labor govt. A $9.3 billion budget surplus counts for under 1% of the national debt currently north of $1.3 trillion dollars. His newly selected Woke mate for a Governor General refers to Australia Day as Invasion Day, the last person who should ever be given such a position. Albo and his pathetic team of Labor are on track to wreck everything good about Australia if we don’t boot them out soon.
  • @Andrew-mv2qb
    There must be an inquiry, to shine a light on, who/what entities is funding/coordinating these Muslim promoting extremist rally’s/protest/encampment sewing division ???
  • The Voice referendum delivered for Government politics and the nation in general a resounding message that the voters donot want apartheid in Australia. I find it amazing Peter Dutton in the budget reply started by criticising the referendum which tells me politicians in general while indulging in the result of the Voice referendum forget the significance of the democratic mechanism that delivered that result. The fact is citizen referendums can be the saviour for Australia if used responsibly. The Tyranny of the minorities with their disproportionate influence with policy would be laid to rest by way of ultimate accountability to the voters 24/7. It works you just need to ask the Swiss.
  • @FairladyS130
    Yes but none of our PM's have ever suggested a referendum on having a Bill of Rights or similar. The Australian people can be subject to any treatment, including loss of expression, and there is nothing to protect us. Even our better PM's failed.
  • If Dutton can get in the lodge at the next election, he needs to get Tony straight into his cabinet. F@#k what the chattering elites and rabid media says about him!!
  • As an Immigrant, i feel that we are invited to this country as a workforce rather than integrating us to mainstream club of power and money who set the rule for the country .
  • @casey2806
    To what extent is Australia learning anything from Audrey Tang and Taiwan to "Reboot Democracy"?
  • @shangyien
    Coming from the ex- Prime Minister whose first budget beared no resemblance at all to his election promises.
  • I’m 76 and working as a casual caregiver.I have reached an income level which reduced my aged pension by $295 !! No wonder retired people don’t get back into the workforce !
  • @kirtap2601
    People who support the employment of only 75% of the workforce by the private sector, should be happy to payer high taxes. We have a plethora of ever increasing indirect taxes, which is highly inflationary.
  • @jeffrose3845
    I find it hypocritical that Tony Abbot should believe that he has the credibility to criticise the current Government’s budget when the budget of his own failure of a government had every element ridiculed and dismissed at the time. Joe Hockey’s budget was a disaster of the first order, with barely any element remaining in place to be of any economic benefit. What a joke! 🤪