10 Signs That Someone is Lying: Jocko Underground 033

Published 2023-01-24

All Comments (21)
  • @hacorn96
    1. Change in speech patterns 2. Use of non-congruent gestures 3. Not saying enough – few to no details 4. Saying too much – excessive detail 5. Unusual rise or fall in vocal tone 6. Direction of eyes – looking away 7. Covering eyes or mouth 8. Excessive fidgeting 9. Finger pointing 10. Lie Detector Test [duh]
  • @justdonut74
    I have a co-worker who,when recognizing BS says "It doesn't pass the 'sniff' test"
  • @sean3473
    the worst is when you're telling the truth but you sound like you're lying.
  • @Red_AIert
    “If you never lie you never have to remember anything.” I wish I knew who said that. It’s so accurate.
  • @bmurphy386
    A lot of it is instinct. I remember being young and I could feel people in their intention. Never ignore your gut.
  • @Oside1760
    I listen to what people tell me but I really pay attention to their actions. Actions always tell the truth.
  • @ryanclark9686
    I use to lie pathologically. I got it down to the little white lies, but when I got out of the army I focused and tried really hard to correct it. I set up little mind traps and trained my self to immediately blurt out the truth. In hindsight I think the lies where a coping mechanism. It’s kinda like the thing that helps you in the short term but hurts you all together. Since then my life is a lot better and I feel better. I took the whole Jordan Peterson thing and ran with it.
  • Lying to someone is one of the most blatantly disrespectful things you can do and I have zero patience for liars. Yesterday I went and looked at an older Toyota Tacoma for sale at a boutique stealership and the general manager started lying to my face right from the start. I got so mad at him I just left without wasting another minute.
  • @felixf4378
    For me the biggest red flag that someone is a liar or con artist is someone who constantly speaks with a friendly smile and wide open eyes. For some reason I've seen that a lot of people don't pick up on this. Specially women.
  • Nothing more frustrating than being falsely accused. And if I withdraw because I'm so appalled, some will say that's a confession.
  • Eye contact or the lack there of can be caused by many factors. Victims of abuse and or people who are extremely shy can struggle with eye contact. Also someone who is experiencing deep sadness will often avoid eye contact for fear of losing emotional control.
  • @petef7819
    A very important key to remember in a deception detection scenario is to be on the lookout for clusters of deceptive behaviors... a single deceptive indicator is not enough to raise a red flag!
  • @jasonl9266
    The truth is , you really don't know if someone is lying until you have contradicting evidence .
  • @jermiez.
    So when I was in a toxic relationship before, my ex-gf was very manipulative and would tell my friends these completely made up stories of arguments we had. They believed her vague stories because she would start crying, this caused me to tell them what really happened with precise detail to try to get them to believe me. So I get that in some situations, a lot of details can be a tell of a liar, but I hope people don’t automatically deem someone a liar if they do give more detail depending on the situation.
  • @CCMorgan
    As a lifetime ocd sufferer, I could absolutely fail every polygraph test and body language test while telling the truth
  • @sirshade222
    Too many people ignore their instincts these days, thinking that they've "outgrown" or evolved beyond them....they end up "thinking" themselves into an early grave more often than not.
  • @asimdeyaf
    I cover my mouth whenever I'm talking to a waiter at a restaurant. Does that mean I'm lying about what I want to order?... yes
  • @Gonganiubi
    Always found that if you think people are plotting some sort of silly shit against you, the best bet is to just go quiet on them. Those that are being truthful will come to you, and those that aren’t will go equally quiet. Either that, or just listen to what people say to you, most people indirectly reveal their motivations against you without even realising it.
  • @13Clutch
    I took a lie detector test and I have never felt like I was lying without really lying more in my life. Ended up passing though😂