2+ Hours Of Facts About Biblical History | Living In The Time Of Jesus

Published 2022-12-02
When we think of Ancient Israel, perhaps the first thing that comes up is the stories from religious texts. However, what was it actually like to live there? How did ordinary people survive during the time of Jesus?

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All Comments (21)
  • @odyssey
    It's like Netflix for History: the world's finest documentary streaming service -- use the code 'Odyssey' to get 50% off your History Hit subscription! bit.ly/3AQ8pPJ
  • What makes me feel happy about watching this program besides learning so much; no one has denied Jesus. No one argued that He never existed. No one said there is no proof He was born, lived and died in these lands where he walked, worked, taught, loved and died for Us❤
  • Oh my goodness! So surprised to see my old professor Dr. Strange - he passed away in 2018 - I was part of the last class of students he ever taught. What an amazing man!
  • @27steve
    We are still in Biblical times
  • @venaz12009
    God bless those babies who are feeling abandoned, who are being hurt right now, these little onee need you today. Comfort them under your wings. My heart breaks knowing theyre experiencing hell on earth, not understanding why. I dont understand how, or why! Put your Armor on all of them. Give them hope they will be rescued by your angels. Rise up your people, awaken them. This must be STOPPED
  • I'm Jewish, and I live in the Israel town of Beit Shemesh. I absolutely love living here on my ancestral land, surrounded by my people's history. You can feel the holiness in every tree and rock. Chanukah Sameach everybody!
  • @tracesee681
    I love Israel.. I lived there a few years ago. It was surreal visiting the places of the Bible…. Walking the streets of Old Town Jerusalem…. I would highly recommend visiting Israel… very safe. You can visit the Red Sea which is breathtaking, The Dead Sea, Masada, Jerusalem, The Mediterranean Sea, the Sea of Galilee, and the River Jordan… all within about 5 hours… there is also Tel Megiddo, (Fields of Armageddon)…. And Jordan and Petra is easily visited from Eilat…. Lest we not forget Caesarea, Haifa and Tabgha… where he fed the masses…
  • Okay, this might be weird, but I wonder things like how did they brush their teeth? What did they use for soap and shampoo? What did they do when they needed dental work? How did they make their clothes? Did they wear a different outfit every day?how many changes of clothes did they own? How did they cook? What were the female daily duties verses the male? Did they work all day long or did they have more free time than us? What did the normal folk eat daily? Seems bread was a hot item back then. Was it hard for them to get food at times? Because some of the people were following Jesus around just to get fed again. I’m not even kidding when I say I’ve wondered things like this and more many times. Idk why. Sometimes it’s because of something I read in the Bible other times I just have curious moments, I guess. Loved hearing the stories of what it was like living back then. These are some of the things I wonder about. Thanks for sharing them. 😊
  • @MP-cf8lw
    This was more of an eyeopener than I thought it would be. Nice there was some humor mixed in too. All of it is so educational. Thank you so much for sharing!!!
  • @sunkissed1974
    I use frankincense oil to help with pain and inflammation from arthritis and I wear the oil mixed with myrrh. It is amazing.
  • Death rates were very high in early childhood and during pregnancy/childbirth. If you survived that, you had a good chance to make it to old age. People didn't just suddenly drop dead at age 30. That is an average, and that average is low because of all the deaths at a young age.
  • @gaylelee1999
    Fabulous presentation. This makes everything so much more real in a concrete way. Thank you for sharing these pearls of information and inspiration
  • @Invectus1
    This is an outstanding documentary I've ever seen in my life. I love the way he presented and interviewed people with expertise and experience.
  • It's as much Bible times now as it was at any other point of time in the past. Some would say even moreso. Even so, LORD JESUS, come quickly, bring peace to Israel, Amen and Amen
  • Just don't lose sight of Jesus and His healing power, who by His mercy, He shared with us. Some of the healers are legit, some others use other, not recommendable power sources. We must learn to discern the spirits. Praise the Lord!
  • @trickydee
    8:05 Jesus his father, his brothers were chipping those stones... incredible! What a family
  • "Give us this day our daily bread" is not about it at all. At least not from the perspective of Christ's teachings. This phrase refers to our spiritual life, and hence the meaning of it is that we ought to read and study the Word of God daily, not just merely eat food, even if the food (bread) was the main meal for the people at the time. Jesus uses the example of bread because it was the main meal, and most crucial for people. This way Jesus points us to studying the Word on a daily basis as the Main and most important factor to know our Lord God and His expectations, directions, etc, from us. At least this is how I see it. It is however a very interesting presentation and thank you for making it happen, and putting it here on YouTube for us all to view it.
  • My first BA was in Religious Studies and Elementary Education, which I loved and found useful in many ways. I think I’m just an oddball, who loves watching documentaries like this more than a movie — a “nothing burger.” I wonder with which university this professor is affiliated. What an interesting life he has, such an amazing life’s work too — and — something that can count for eternity, which is the most important part. When I get to heaven: one of the things that I would really love would be for Jesus to show me all over the Holy Land. I’ve often wondered what it was like when He called the disciples and how they went about Christ’s ministry and daily life.
  • Thanks for sharing these material , I do appreciate it, that was a lot of work to do and you made it!
  • This is where I wish I had majored in Religious Studies rather than Criminal Justice. This is such and interesting documentary. I feel as though I am learning more about history than I did in my history classes in high school or college.