How To use Triazicide to kill ticks and protect from Lyme Disease.

Published 2020-04-13

All Comments (21)
  • @Harley24986
    Now THIS is the most helpful video I've seen on this. Thank you!
  • @tessshapir
    Your video is a life saver as a new home owner coming from florida up to a few acres in new york. I've just recently been recovering from lymes disease, thank you so much! off to the store to try this method immediately.
  • @beckyclark955
    Tuning in from Downeast Maine.. First year I have had tick trouble but from your video I understand how I have allowed it to happen. Need to slog through the tick infested cleanup but so happy to know what I need to do to fend off trouble in the future. Thank you very much! Extremely helpful! Many thanks Becky
  • Great content. Just happened upon it with your axe vs maul video. As a fellow NH guy...i respect you and your videos. The ticks are brutal this year!
  • Thanks for the vid, I was just diagnosed with Lyme. Caught it early. I’m looking on how to control the ticks in my yard to protect my two daughters. Thanks for the video.
  • @MRBLACK947
    JoAT you're editing has become so on point. I love it. That being said, I don't think I could live in New Hampshire lol. There is something creepy about ticks.
  • @Legionz414
    I just treated my backyard with 2 20lbs bags of granules. Not that big of a yard for 2 ticks in 1 week on my dog was enough for me to do something about it. But I wasn't sure how much water I was suppose to use. I applied enough to cover the lawn but felt it wasn't enough? Like a quick rain shower that passed by wet. I will be applying the bottle and spray the perimeter and trees and brushes next. Thanks for the vid!
  • I have ticks coming from behind my fence where there is tall grass (the HOA is suppose to maintain that but they don’t) and they are coming through my back landscape which is mulched. I had 3 on me yesterday from weeding that landscape bed, so they do cross mulch.
  • @LifeAsBobby
    Thank you I need to get them out of my backyard ASAP
  • @natvit566
    Thank you so much for sharing this information. For some unknown reason they dont sell Triazicide here in Canada, only in USA
  • @russellmooney619
    Fort Sill, Oklahoma. 2003. While in basic training, a tick absolutely dropped on the back of my neck from a tree. Thing was massive and I'll never forget it. That most certainly is not a "myth".
  • @dianabenobo
    A friend of mine once asserted that the ticks in his canopy covered yard near the St. Marks Wildlife Refuge would drop out of the trees. I was doubtful about that thinking that they might prefer lower accomodations, but then I went to a backyard dinner party on the lawn and was seated beneath a huge Live Oak canopy. I had just finished eating when something told me to look up. In that instant I saw an illuminated dot from 25' above, smaller than a leaf, doing a zigzag spiral in the late afternoon sunlight ... It was a big tick that landed in the hair on top of my head. So, they do climb and dive if the trail in the perpetual motion of their daily walk leads them there.
  • @gghb1249
    I have a new house with no grass yet and I have ticks on my garage and house siding mid day in direct sun. This is an odd tick season.
  • @patriot-hz1dy
    Hello from Georgia, I've been using the same product the past couple of years in our new property this product is affordable enough where I can get pretty decent coverage in our 2-acre lot, but i only use it around perimeter. After watching your informative video I'm going to have to do a lot of work to work around the perimeter to clean up all the pine straw and leaves!! I have also incorporated another affordable product using Diatomaceous tacious Earth and using my blower to blow some of that further around our property where deer like to walkthrough not sure if you had any experience using that? Thanks again for sharing
  • @JoshF151Tech
    I'm gonna give this stuff a try I bought the two Bags on Amazon for only $13.00 Dollars we have a major problem Year after Year with Moles we've tried everything from Traps to Poison to Sonic Spikes to Juicy Fruit Gum and we still see lots of Mole Hills. We used Milky Spore Grub Control in the past and that worked for getting rid of the Moles but Milky Spore is around $50.00 Dollars a Bag and I'm not really one to spend a lot on Lawn Care so I hope this stuff works just as good as Milky Spore did.